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Friday, February 22nd


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Who's on slop? I know from reading front page and live feeds that Adam is (so I assume Sheila also)...so who else is on slop? just curious....thanks.

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i think natalie is playing i am a religious whore role

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must be in her boobs

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Poor thing, Someone should explain to her that the idea is to read and learn from the bible. Carrying it around doesn't matter a bit if you haven't read any of it.

Reminds me of HS. This dip stick carried around big thick literary classics. He hadn't read them, Just toted them around for appearances.

All he got out of them was thicker biceps maybe.

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Nat's reading it right now.

btw...any earthquakes in SoCal happening? ;)

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I know that Amanda is not an overly popular HG, however, she isn't as bad as a lot of the other HG. Amanda typically doesn't sit around and say horrible things about the other HG (with the exception of Alex during fingergate).

Chelsia just said she hoped the POV would entail getting out of a noose. Then Josh said .... that then that B**ch could die just like her dad. Then, Chelsia comes up with the idea that they should hide Alex's cross that is made out of the scrap metal from the Twin Towers.

I'm sorry but these people have no room to talk about Amanda when they are far worse than she is on any given day.

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Chelsia just said she hoped the POV would entail getting out of a noose. Then Josh said .... that then that B**ch could die just like her dad. Then, Chelsia comes up with the idea that they should hide Alex's cross that is made out of the scrap metal from the Twin Towers.

As I said in another thread there was something about her I didn't like and was not sure why. Thank you for posting and now I know why...Chelsia is an evil biatch! So is Joshuahhhha.

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She's probably hiding it in the one place we haven't seen yet.

Yeah, right next to her self-respect...

Amanda didn't gossip, she just flat out lied.

How did Matt and Alex find out about James' movies?

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Chelsia just said she hoped the POV would entail getting out of a noose. Then Josh said .... that then that B**ch could die just like her dad. Then, Chelsia comes up with the idea that they should hide Alex's cross that is made out of the scrap metal from the Twin Towers.

:marie: I picked Chelsia as my fave early on with the right to change my mind, I quickly changed my mind, I can't believe how I could have ever liked her, she has gotten worse every day......B!T*H!!! She's making her family proud too!

If those a$$-hole$ touch Alex's cross....BB should kick them out! I'd consider it theft of personal property!


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