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Hgs That Know Each Other


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from what i hear in spoilers not sure if true but all hg knows somebody there

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Lol not so much in the evil sense... but the sticking together because they know eachother sense. trying to get other people to conform with them instead of with their "soulmates" and waiting till they start evicting individually until they put their soulmates on the block (otherwise they go home with them)

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I'm sure they look back on previous years and see what worked and didn't work, which HG's had a bigger following and proceed with more of the same.

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couldnt agree more

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The U.S. population is about 300 million. Isn't that enough people from which the producers can choose hg's? Is it really necesary to select peole who are friends - enemies - former lovers - relatives - etc.?

For once, can't we just have a group of complete strangers?

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I think that they have mixed a little BB4 (X-Factor), BB6 (Pairs) and the Dating Game and came up with their new concept for this year. I think that some are going to have someone they have dated in the past in the house. I also think that while they may not be together now ... they weren't really a part either, just in a limbo type state. Along comes BB to pair them .... with some one else as their "soul mate".

You have to admit, it will add tension and jealousy to the house immediately. We know that Ryan and Jen know each other and have at least dated because there are pictures of both of them together on each other's myspace pages. I think that there is at least one other "couple" in the house that is kind of together, but not solidly together as well and that they will be paired with someone they don't know.

However, we know that they can't be paired together for the entire show or it would be over very quickly .... there are only 8 couples. You would think that they have to uncouple them at some point ... but this is BB we are talking about, so who knows what they have planned.

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i am still leanning to everyone knows somebody

wouldnt be fair to give a few hg that added advantage + a soulmate partner

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It is entirely possible that everyone knows someone. However, Alex's best friend has posted on another BB board for years and he has stated that he is 95 percent sure that Alex doesn't know anyone in the house. He and Alex have been friends since college, but that doesn't mean that it is someome that John doesn't realize that Alex knows. However, John is close with Alex's family as well.

From everything that we have heard ... Alex doesn't know anyone in the house. I am leading more towards BB4 when only a few of the HG had an ex in the house ... not all of them. BB6 where everyone had a "partner" and a little bit of the Dating Game thrown into the mix.

We only have a little over 24 hours before all questions are answered.

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glad i dont live on west coast

they have the added 3 hours wait :lol:

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