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Friday, August 24 Live Feed Discussion


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Nominations -- Eric got his AP assignment last night and it sounded like the vote was for Amber. Him and Jess had their latenight talk and it was pretty much decided that the noms would be Amber and Zach.

Sounds like the luxury competition was guys vs girls with the girls winning and getting a shopping spree.

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i dont like the AP.. and i dont want Eric to win as AP! he is a rotten cocky weasel and i hope he is not in the final 2.

i dont much care for any of them to be final 2.. but him.... sAng_irked.gif he just irks me the wrong way.

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Fizzle - I share your feelings about Weasel Eric.

But I'm wondering . . . you said he irks you "the wrong way". What would it take to irk you the right way?

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what irks me the right way?

hmmmm :animated_scratchchin: after a moment of thought.... i got it.


she is a snotty brat. BUT i can tolerate her.... she irks me the right way. makes sense? i dont know.. maybe if she was AP and she was jerkin america along like eric has been i would feel different about her... but as of right now... she irks me the right way.

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Zach is giving what I think is the best advice for nominations and Eric is somewhat irked (love that word). He is telling her to get one of the D's out this week.

I'm not sure that Jess will take it, but I hope so. She should stop listening to Eric. Eric is dead weight on her team because he keeps throwing HoH and POV. So what that they have an agreement with the Donatos, he turned on his other alliance. She doesn't know about AP so she has to go on what she knows.

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Zack is making a great move and he makes such good sense If dick or dani goes home that would be an excellent move on the part of jess If amber is up with dick then dick comes down dani can go the question is this the right time to make the move

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It's certainly the best advice for Zach. He's hoping that the 2 strongest pairs will go after each other. If Dick or Dani go home this week, than the one left would definately come after Eric and Jess the following week. Jameka still can't play HoH. Zach would just be able to slide a couple more weeks with D&D and Eric/Jess battling it out with each other leaving himself, Amber, and Jameka left standing.

If the big 4 stick to their plan and take each other to the final 4, there is very little that can stop them. Once it gets to the final 4, they continue their plan and whoever wins... wins.

It is a very tricky game when it gets to the final 4 and really doesn't matter who is still in the game. It all comes down to whoever wins PoV that week and HoH the following week.

People worry too much about jury votes at this point in the game and lose sight that they have to get to the final 2 for it to even matter. If you don't get final 2, it doesn't matter who the hell is on the jury.

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I actually think it would benefit Jess. She gets rid of one of the two other people who have previously won HoH and POV outright. Next week there is only the one strong person going for HoH, preferable Dick. Maybe it is too early to consider votes but it wouldn't hurt that if whoever sends Dick or Daniele to sequester and lasts to the final two would have Dustin's and Jen's votes. If Jess doesn't nominate either Amber or Jameka she wouldn't alienate them for a vote later on.

I believe she should follow Zach's plan because their are more pluses than minuses for her game. I want her to play for herself and not for Eric and the new alliance.

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Who is Michael Vic?

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The NFL quarterback who was running a dog fighting compound. He did some really awful things to those animals. I think he lost something like a 30 million dollar contract, not to talk about future earning potential. What a sadistic azz.

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