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Friday, August 24 Live Feed Discussion


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OK First off Dick and Eric talked outside... Dick said we will take you two to the F4, if you will agree to do the same, which implied that they would "save" Dick...

After that Dick, Eric, and Daniele have all talked to Jessica about that agreement, and she said to all three of them that she thought that was the best thing to do and that she was on board...

So the fact is she herself did agree to go along with the plan and told all three of the others involved that she was going to do so... That means that she can't tell Daniele she never had an agreement with her, because she does...

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Thanks for the clarification, Yana. I was hoping that wasn't the case, but if it is I guess Jess will do what she has to to honor the agreement (no one would want an angry Dick in Sequester influencing the voters! :animated_shocking: )

I guess it all depends on the final HOH!

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Oh I never said that any of them wouldn't break the agreement... I was only trying to clearify what and how the agreement was... I am sure Daniele would break it in a heartbeat...

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Is it only me, or does anyone else see Eric/Jess and D/D boxing themselves in? The game will come to an end and they will HAVE to turn on each other eventually. I personally would keep Amber, not because I like her, but because

she does not (that I have seen) have a logical idea in her head. She follows the crowd (or agrees with whatever anyone says and then runs and blabs it to whoever will listen within 30 seconds). Jameka too. I would get

rid of the "game thinkers" and keep the floaters.

I honestly don't have a favorite to win this year, but if you look at E/J and D/D, you have two "game thinkers" (Eric

and Dick), and you have two good physical competitors.(J/D).

I would keep the bubble heads in for awhile and get out the ones who truly could win this.

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Thank you, Yana, for pointing it out. I just hope Eric & Jess are aware that Danielle "promise" is like a kiss from the Godfather.

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I think it's funny that Dick does believe the arrangement is 100% and unbreakable, when he is more than likely going to be the first target. For the AP factor, Eric is a reluctant believer and I see him constantly reminding Jess of the agreement this week. That girl wants Danielle out so bad she can taste it.

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Jess could put Dani up as a cover for their alliance. They haven't admitted to everyone else that they are in it to the final four so if she uses either Donato as a replacement nom she covers her butt with the others. The only sticky point will come if she has to break a tie.

Personally I hope she does nominate one of them if the POV is used. Keeping them together is just plain dumb game wise.

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I have read several posts in this thread alone that say it would be better for Jess to put up one or both of D/D for her own best interest. HOW, unless you are a D/D hater can you justify that?

Why would you give up a 99% guarantee in the final four??? Do you honestly think D/D would turn on them before the final four and give up there only two allies? You are joking if you think so...having those two on board is there only chance at making the final two together and they know that

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It is a dilemma.

On the one hand, Jess would be wise to get out Danielle, because Danielle wins everything! She is a super strong competitor and has a great chance of winning the last hoh.

On the other hand, you have to think of the jury house and Dani or Dick's influence in sequester.

I don't know...it would have been soooo much smarter to break up the D and D alliance earlier in the game...before sequester. *sigh*

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Arrgh! I went on vacation really happy, D/D were on the block thinking at least one of them would go home. I come back to find both still here and now the others are in bed with them!

This AP thing is really destroying the game. There are too many idiots voting online. Strategically you would never want a blood tie in the game. Don't these people see that or are they all as intellectually oppressed as Amber.

Really needed to vent! :furious3:

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Dick wouldn't turn on them, but Daniele would

I think you're right. Last week when Daniele was HOH, she suggested to Dick pretty early on that she wanted to put up the two of them. Dick was adamant that they didn't. He said he gave his word, and did NOT want to go back on it.

If the four of them keep their agreement, they could secure themselves in the final four. I hope none of them turn, it would be a nice change of pace in the house, seeing four players keep an alliance the length of time they promised to keep it. At this point, I don't know who I want to win, but it would be cool to see them stick together.

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D & D

Just keep an eye on D & D strategy now they have to cause drama between themselves...in that they will show that they do not have a healthy bonded relationship...this way the other HG's will think they are not apt to cover each other's back....but not to be fooled viewers.......We all should know by now that they are cunning & sly..they know each other VERY well and DO NOT even have to talk to each other to play the game together......If Jessica & Eric do not strike & enable them now...they won't have the chance...I'm wondering WHY America did not ask Eric to nominate Dick or Dani....Must want them to win & not us...America! What a foolish choice. I thought the whole idea for America to have a position in the house was to WIN!!!!! Anyone out there who can help me out with this theory???

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Oh Lord not again... The whole reason for AP is for us to have a voice in the house, not win... If they thought for one second that Eric was going to win they would have offered him a million if he won instead of $ 10,000.00 for every task completed... If it were for America to win we would get money... I haven't heard anything about us getting not one cent... We are going to win anything... If they thought Eric might win, then the stupid little tasks such as giving his woobie to someone wouldn't be happening... It was never meant for us to win anything... IMO...

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Good post Reecy, been my thoughts about D/D all day. And I too was under the assumption that if Eric won America wins too!! Maybe America doesn't get any monies, but we'd have the satisfaction of feeling like maybe he did it because of us!! :animated_bouncy:

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I wish Dick would tell Eric that Dani wanted to put jess or Eric up last week.

I think it would be gr8 if she was in sequester with the all mightier than thou queen & Jen.

You know Jen is going to tell Dustin everything about Jess & Eric, concerning his eviction.

I do agree that Dick is WAY over the top. However, Dani ONLY talked to him when she needed him (POV) & whe she would win HOH.

I was hoping Dick would have won HOH. I'm sure Dani wouldn't be frigid! I am so over her whiney little ass! :crybaby:

I also think that would have been better for Jess, so she would not be the 1 to put up Amber & Zach/Jameka (with the hopes that Amber would leave)

I think he would have wanted to keep Zach this week.

Speaking of Zach.. he is the #1 kiss ass! Whoever has HOH, that's where he is. Made a delivery to her HOH door last night. PLEASE Spare me!!!!

As for Jameka... she pretty much stayed away from everyone last week! Crying & praying all week. Oh, she also talked about Er to Jess & also the prior week, I think she was talking bad about Er & Jess! Suddenly, she forgot all about that!

Now, she is back to parking her ass in the HOH bed... telling Jess to put up D &D!

Eric & Dick seem to be the only one's that want to keep the deal to F4. I know Amber was AC. However that would have changed if D or D was AC.

Another funny scenerio would be if D & D were up & if Dick won POV. I would hope that he would NOT save Dani!

I don't think the arguments are an act because they fight with noone around & I think Dick was crying this week. He really does want to mend their relationship but BB house is not the place for it (even waamber told her that in the HOH when Dani was whining about Dick)

I was rooting for her in the beginning. Now... I want her to leave! I think Jess has a gr8 chance of winning!

On another note.... I hope everyone is having a HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! :hurray:

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