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Goodbye Messages For Eric...


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Ok, am I the only person that wants to see the goodbye messages that they taped should Eric have been evicted last night??? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I wanted Eric evicted... but I'd love to see the rants they recorded to him.

I know, I'm twisted... I know I'm not alone. 'Fess up.


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ED: You're a rat, a weasel. I can't believe I let you last this long. You got what you deserved

Danielle: Hey, I kinda liked you but my dad made be do it.

Jessica: Eric, I already miss you, I love you and I can't wait till Im out and we can start a family together and I can fake pregnancies.

Amber: bah aaahhhh sniff sniff sniff, eric I... I... waaaaaaaa, sniff sniff, wahhhhh, expletive expletive...(then prays), I love my sniff sniff, waaaaahh, sniff, dooooogggg

Jameka: Don't feel bad Eric, God has a pre ordained winner and you were just here to server your purpose and you did a great job at it.

Dustin: So call me after?

Kail: They love me...They really love me

Zach: Uh, well I figured I should have voted with my alliance, so I did. I think you're a cool guy though, uh, ya.

Jen: Ah, well I liked you because you made me feel good and thought my pictures looked good. I liked wrestling you too, um, haha, umm, ha, ya

There you go, I went ahead and wrote out what they would have said.

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those would be fun to see! Anyone else notice that Jen always starts her messages off with "Hi, it's Jen" lol like the HG she is talking to doesn't know it's her? :animated_rotfl:

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Guest jordansmom
those would be fun to see! Anyone else notice that Jen always starts her messages off with "Hi, it's Jen" lol like the HG she is talking to doesn't know it's her?

Or can't see her. That always makes laugh. BTY very funny Chill I could hear Zachs' voice lol

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