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Veto-week 4

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Oh boy, did I say dining room? LOL, I meant living room, yeah, with the tv already there. Goodness, if it's taking this long to set up, how long is it going to be to play? At least when it's over with, they'll be on another OD LD, and hopefully we'll be able to see someone with the necklace on.

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ok this should get good now and with any luck both jen and kail will still be in the game this week and zack will go home

but some one is digging a hole for themselves, either Jameka with her "promise" some one is going to be mad about it, or Dustin for his "greed" people hate greed or Dick for his "control" he seems to feel that he needs to control everyone by be litteling them like Jameka to not use the veto or Dustin for being so greedy

haha let the drama begin

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Gah, Dustin is my favorite, but that is extremely selfish of him. He could have atleast tried harder for the Veto instead of trying to win a trip and money.

Honestly, if I stop liking Dustin, Jameka will probably be the only house guest I will continue to like this season.

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so jameka wins pov 6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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