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Sunday's Show Discussion


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It's official Kail and Jen are on the block. Another eppy of producers editing the show to make Ick looks like a kind, sensitive guy. :rolleyes: Glad us live feeders know the truth!!!

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I loved how when Jameka was being tortured with the slop, Jen was saying how she doesn't feel bad for her because she doesn't know how to...and that while this was being said, she was checking out her reflection in her spoon. Is she ever thinking of someone else?

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In spite of his recent rants, I do believe that his tears were real and his concern was and is real. In spite of him and his daughters troubles they seem to be reaching out every now and then, I like Dick, I just think he is stupid to go on and on, and if he continues with out a time of rest where he calms down and becomes a likeable guy, he is gonna vote himself right out of the game.

I Thought Jens total lack of concern or caring for her fellow housguests on slop was typical for her so far, and have not changed my mind that she is an egotistical, self-centered hussy,lol. I think she kissed herself in that spoon after she looked at herself in it. Good Grief!!!

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I cannot stand Jen or Kail. and I was serious when I said I thought she kissd herself in the spoon, Jen is a piece of work, and not entertaining for me at all,lol

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In spite of his recent rants, I do believe that his tears were real and his concern was and is real. In spite of him and his daughters troubles they seem to be reaching out every now and then, I like Dick, I just think he is stupid to go on and on, and if he continues with out a time of rest where he calms down and becomes a likeable guy, he is gonna vote himself right out of the game.

I agree I think the tears and concern for Dani are real and I also agree hes just giving hinself a oneway ticket out of BB house.

He seems so high and mighty this week...waking people up and telling them how to feel(Amber)

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There's a difference between having high self-esteem and having high self-worship like she does. Being confident with yourself and being obsessed with yourself are two entirely different things, and imo, she falls in the latter category.

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Eric said something interesting on the feeds tonight, and I agree completely. (I don't feel this is a big spoiler, but if you don't want to know anything on the feeds, don't read on!!!!)

Anyway, Eric said that people don't want to be on a roller coast of emotions all of the time. It's like Dick can be happy and nice one minute, and yelling and mean the next. It's constant with him. So, to me, I can see how he means his loving feelings, but also the mean ones. They are all true feelings. But he doesn't need to inflict them on everyone else. So, that's my opinion.

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If you think looking and then kissing yourself in a spoon shows confidence more power to ya, and Dick makes backhanded and put down comments to everyone, even forward comments, I don't think it's just to woman, I do not believe ED is a woman hater or an abuser,EXCEPT, I do think he not as sure of himself as he tries to act like and that is why he goes on and on, relentlessly flappin his jaws. Personally I don't think Jen has bains enough to be "SMART" or a STRONG woman type, she is just blank, to me, it is only my opinion. One opinion in the hundreds we have here at good ol Morty"s

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Kalhuua - Did you just say Dick was waking people up and telling them how to feel Amber??!!

I gotta go back up 3 or 4 posts and re-read that.

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tis true, no one is perfect, the only thing nice I can say about Jen for me is that she is a pretty girl, I just wish ther was miore to back it up. Old guy you are fuunnnyyy!!!!!! That last comment made me lol

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Let's see, Ginger . . . (pause while I think about this)

Your question was "What does that mean - How to feel Amber?" Maybe because Amber cries a lot, it means "how to feel sad". There could be other meanings, though. I'll have to ponder on this and get back to you. . . .

But wait . . . why would Dick wake people and tell them how to feel sad? . . .

I'll be back in touch.

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I loved how when Jameka was being tortured with the slop, Jen was saying how she doesn't feel bad for her because she doesn't know how to...and that while this was being said, she was checking out her reflection in her spoon. Is she ever thinking of someone else?

Breathe, that was hilarious! I haven't like the girl at all until tonight. For some reason, that just made me laugh hysterically and I actually felt ... warmth or something inside me for her. I don't know what it was because like her, I hadn't felt that before where she's concerned. But ya, she's quite funny!

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Jameka was funny to me last night when she was asking all the crazy questions, like how long after you get married would you stay in the honymoon suit, Jameksa questions were hilarious, and led me to think she really is a down to earth girl, not a girl with her nose in the bible 24/7

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Please someone correct me if I am wrong. Didn't the conversations with the guys "naming their 5" that they would sleep with, didn't this happen last week before Dick won hoh? I thought that I read that a long time ago. Maybe the days are so boring they are just blending all together. There was also something else in tonights episode that made me think it was old from last week.

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