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What's Your Gut Prediction For This Season?

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eric ap wont last long

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joe and dick wont last. neither can shut up.

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I think Jameka could go really far, and possibly Jessica, as no one seems to dislike them at this point! Jameka is really flying under the radar and reminds me of Jun. She asks questions and listens...and listens...and listens.

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My prediction for the season? Drunken crying about how "this game turns you into an ugly person", someone will barf from a food contest, whining and backstabbing about others, LIES, and our petty (yet true) judgements about the players.

Do I have any takers?

I didn't mention the nudity, nose picking, and poor use of manipulation through cooking or flirting.

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Good points Murph!

Don't forget Nicole's use of body massages in BB2...! She spent alot of time with Hard Body Hardy. (Hmmmm... that may have not been all strategy after all).


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I predict lots of sex, drugs, and rock n roll

Okay, maybe not the drugs and rock n roll, but a lot of hooking up, lots of alcohol, lots of smoking.

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:animated_rotfl: Last night when I was transcribing, at one point Joe was going on and on about how funny he thought Dick was. I was typing fast and realized I had just typed "Joe is buttering up dick." I erased it. I told Jem about the close call, and she said I should have left it in my transcription!!!! :cheshire:
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Cat - When I grow up I want to be that Cheshire Cat icon you have.

The bouncy one.

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well like I posted in the previous thread! Based on the priemere alone I would have to say this season is going to be awesome!! I thought Jameka would be one of the first few to go now who knows maybe not! O yea I forgot to mention this in my other one thing that I did not like is Kail saying if one of my kids told me they choose a gay lifestyle I would be devastated just makes me sick when I hear parents say that!! Well i picked Amber to go all the way and so far I see no reason not to stick too it!

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