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Who / What tipped off Erika?


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Erika was campaigning for Janelle's vote, informing her all the reasons that she shouldn't trust Will and how Will was playing her the whole game. During and after this conversation with Janelle, she realized that what she was using for examples of how Janelle was being played by Will, Mike was doing the same if not more to her. Mike and Will also both told Janelle that they were both taking each other to the final. With this realization and then at the completion of their conversation Janelle informed Erika that Mike mentioned and made fun of how he has Erika under his control for the whole game, is what is what basically set Erika off.

It didn't help that Mike keep implying that Erika should be happy that she is finishing 4th before Janelle actually voted to evict her.

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Guest StarBaby

Erika is really good at listening at doors, etc, so she might have overheard something. Also, I think that the way Booger has been acting the last couple of days tipped her off too. He was becoming more distant and downright not nice (more of his true personality coming out) to Erika, and she isn't totally clueless, I think the pieces just started falling into place. Once the two of them started comparing notes, especially about the "banana bread" and the "big picture", it was all over.

OH, and one last thought -- if Will does manage to change Janelle's mind again by tonight, he freaking deserves the money because at this point I think it might just take a miracle. Start walking on water, Willie!

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No one really tipped her off, she just got pissed off. :angry: She said she was packing and went outside to get laundry and overheard the boys talking about their finale (victory) party and decided that she had to talk to Jan. She said she had to tell Jan all the things she has heard Will say about her and how he talks about loving his gf so much. Once the two girls started talking they began to compare stories. You can actually see the video clip at BB7Dish.com of the convo between Ericka and Jan in the WR and I have just copied the update from their early morning convo for more details. Poor Janie!!

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I think Erika started to doubt chilltown after Janelle won the last veto. When Janelle went into the DR and the guys started telling Erika what they just told Janelle she asked them did you guys just tell Janelle the same thing and they both choked on the answer and stared at her. Then Will changed the subject.

Then when she was listening to Will and Janelle in the SR when Janelle was mad at him for something he was explaining what he said and Erika was listening until Mike came and accidentally on purpose broke it up.

So if Janelle does this and is successful getting to final 2 with either Erika or Mike she will have to thank Erika for telling her everything.

Tonight's live eviction (hopefully of Will) is going to be great.

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Yeah.....I would say Boogie blew it my not continuing to "Showmance" Erika. She realized what was going on and let Janelle know it that they were both being played. We thought last Thursday night show was good......HA....Talk about not knowing what hit them if Janelle votes out Will :lol:

Just remember the person who votes out Will.......Will probably get brownie points with the jury!!

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There was definitely a straw that broke Erika's back:

In a BY conversation last night, Janelle told her that Booger had mentioned something about Erika's moving to Atlanta and that he would tell Erika anything to get her to do what he wanted. You could physically see Erika's outrage.

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I wonder also. As it would certainly make for better television if they would have told Erika Mike was playing her.

Is it me or does anyone ever ponder why HG dont have conversations out in the open? Something like they use to do in the House meetings in season 2. I would love to see a 4 person conversation between Will, Janie, Mike and Erika. They could lay it out on the table....now that would be great TV.

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I truly believed that eventually, one of the women were going to figure it out as long as they were able to get time away from the men. They needed to clear their heads but couldn't because the guys were always right there telling them what they should do. But, as the days went by and CT kept pitting the women against each other, it looked bad for them. I didn't think either one would have woken up. I think we should all thank Boogie for being such an A$$, it's because of him Erika had the time to really figure it out.

Once again, fingers-crossed hoping Janelle does the right thing.


Actually what happened was Erika told Janelle she was being played and vice-a-versa. Each one thought the other one was the one being played, and not them. They got the information from each other.

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I didn't see all this happen and have relied on the message boards here so is this revelation in Erika for sure real? The reason I ask is because it seemed to have come after Mike was openly campaigning with her for Will to go so Mike would have a better shot at final 2 and the votes.

Erika isn't doing Mike's dirty work right? This is real from her correct?

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Guest StarBaby

I don't know Cindy. I think it started off as Erika doing anything she could to save her own butt. But as the girls talked more and more, I think it go personal, and Erika is truly hurt and MAD as you know what! If she is playing Janelle and working with Boogie, she is gonna be one unpopular gal when she leaves that house! I am starting to really think the girl alliance is for real. SHe had a different tone about her last night -- less groveling and more stating the facts, and convincing Janelle that she has been played. I guess we will know for sure soon enough!

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With all the information the girls shared last night I really think the Jani/Erika alliance is for real. They both were played the same way by the guys and both had the same promises made. ie: banana bread and the big picture. Both told they were in the Chill Town alliance.

The gig is up.

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Great thanks. I hope you guys are right. That would be awesome to watch Will walk out tonight and see Mike's face. I actually think Mike will think it's good so he has a better shot at the jury. Mike is also good at comps so if it's Erika Janelle and Mike it's anybody's guess who gets HOH.

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