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Thursday's LIVE Eviction Show - 8/31


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I'm going nuts. I can't wait for Thursdays show, it's going to kick serious butt (err "two" butts). Two live evictions within one hour. Only 19.78 hours to go. Danielle will leave obviously but I'm looking forward to see how the rest plays out.

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It's delayed until Friday at 1am or something like that where I live.

I had a bizarro thought. What if instead of an HOH competition, they let whoever doesn't get voted out this week automatically become HOH, nominate immediately, then have the POV and the vote out. Who do you think CG would put up and do you think there is a chance in hell that Danielle won't get voted out and if she didn't, who would she put up?

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I'm really looking forward to the show tonight too! I have a family pizza night/book fair at sons school at 6:00pm. But I will definately leave in time to catch the show.

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It wasn't me, same here. I live in Syracuse NY and because of a Buffallo Bills PRESEASON game, it won't be on until 2am. I have never, in my 32 years of life, heard of ANY live weekly show being pre-empted by ANYTHING unless it was a national emergency or presidential address. This piece of crap network has gone TOO far. This is the biggest episode of the year and I will miss it because of this bs and the fact that I can't be up until 3am.

...and hey, I am a massive Buffalo Bills fan, have been since the days of Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas. But Preseason football pre-empting the biggest live episode of the year of BB? Piss off CBS.

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WHEW!!!!! you guys had me worried, so i had to go look up and make sure BB was not pre-empted in my area! and its not. the stupid browns dropped CBS and went to NBC, so i'm golden! WHOO HOO
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I am going to miss it tonight as well. I will tape it though. I am taking my boys to the fair tonight. I mean, they just wouldn't be able to understand me cancelling the trip to the county fair in lieu of staying home to watch BB. I could totally do without the fair, but I gotta be a mommy for today.......(dang)...lol

If my VCR doesn't tape it....I'm gonna SCREAM!

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whewwww just checked to see if bb was on its regular time and it is by me. guess nbc has football on tonight.. yeah me! i get really pissy when cbs doesnt show bb at its regular time!!!

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The Cowboys are on for their Pre-season game but luckily the NBC sister station is showing BB at the reg. time!!!

I am in a tizzy over here too.. I am thinking today will be itneresting in the house anyhow.. I mean, everyone is going to have to pack right??? So they will KNOW something is up..

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I am in a tizzy over here too.. I am thinking today will be itneresting in the house anyhow.. I mean, everyone is going to have to pack right??? So they will KNOW something is up..

That's why I'm thinking that it will be the 2 nominees evicted.

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SON OF A B*TCH!!! I seriously need TiVo or two more tv's. I've got my Gamecocks openning NCAA season, Falcons final pre-season (hey, I'll take watching Vick anytime), Braves v Giants (our last chance to NOT SUCK) and The Perfect Storm!!!

Why do the Gods of TV hate me?? :angry:

I am pre-apologizing for any comment s and questions that may come Friday!!

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