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Neil Patrick Harris


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I think I'm almost as excited as Will because I am a huge fan on NPH... Will said NPH asked him about the whole shaving his body hair thing and will responded with "i dont have that whole burt reynolds thing going on" (dont know what that meant) and NPH got on the trampoline and did some flips... he sounds like a really cool guy!!

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Will said on live feeds that he asked for Doogie to come to the show because

  1. He was a HUGE fan of Doogie Houser as a kid
  2. He thought it would happen because NPH is a star on another CBS show and since it would be great for cross-marketing that CBS would jump @ the chance to oblige him
  3. That it would be a good way to see how the ratings of this season's BB are going because NPH's publicist would never let him appear on a ratings turkey
George was going nuts - he kept repeating how excited his wife was going to be that he met him and got his picture taken with him. (as a former Angelino, I say Ho, hum - big frikken deal!).
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