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Did Janelle Ever Really Stand A Chance?


Did Janelle Ever Really Stand A Chance?  

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  1. 1. Did Janelle Ever Really Stand A Chance?

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Did Janelle Ever Really Stand A Chance?

Considering how nice Janelle was, how beloved her and season 6 were last season and the start of this one, did Janelle ever really stand a chance? They were all, including James, plotting against her before the game started and because she is such a strong competitor, 3/6 HOHs, they knew it, did she ever stand a chance of winning or were the odds against her too hard with too many gunning for her from the start?

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These polls are dumb.

All of these 'how do you feel about this issue' polls, are dumb because they have nothing to do with the actual issue .. and everything to do with the real question.

Do you like BB6 and the sov, or don't you.

Because that's how everyone votes on the issue regardless of what the question is.

And it's really dumb, to have a, you're with us or against us poll.

But that's what these polls are.

And yes, you're right -- wah, wah about janie's pity party or chances.

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Problem is, that just about everyone who will end up in the jury looks like they'll be voting against her. Marcellas won't vote for her. Erika and Danielle wouldn't either. George probably won't now, and neither would James. Howie might, but that's just one vote. Even if Will & Boogie voted for her, she wouldn't have enough votes, and i have a feeling if she's up there, she'll be there with someone from chilltown.

I honestly don't see how she could win, unless she's up there against Will and everyone feels he shouldn't win it.

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cvas, you described it well. They hate her, pure hatred, why? Because she won too much? LOL. She never stood a chance because other then Sov3 (James doesn't count because he had a deal with Danielle before the show started) no one would have her back. Marcellas played it but had no plans to follow through and everyone now is just setting her up to fall. Boogie will probably use his coup' just to screw her over even though he should save it in case he goes on the block. The hatred for her because she is beautiful and wins alot and was popular is too vast for her to ever stand a chance of winning.

As for the others, respond to the poll or don't, but this flaming really makes you look bad. Nebby even responded to the poll (I peeked at your post as I was curious) but the other two just felt like attacking, lol.

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I still love Janelle. But lest you think I am just a Janie fan let me say that I also love Will this year, he is manipulating every single person in that house. He is the best player by far. Danielle is also playing hard, I just dont like her much. I dont think Janelle ever really had a chance. Everyone was gunning for Season 6ers from day 1, and for Janie in particular. She has been the number one target. Shes only made it this far by a combo of luck and skill, and I dont see her making it to the end. Even if she did, she wont have the votes. I feel bad for her at this point........they are ALL (except howie) talking about her behind her back, calling her names, backstabbing, etc... I really dont get that. Isnt there enough hate and bitterness to go around, lol, why focus it all on Janelle?

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I think she was very capable of walking away with the prize. She is smart and physically able to win the challenges. What has changed for me is that Jani - the attractive winner - has lost the fun in her. She is making wrong choices (we all know CT should be out); questioning her alliances (question Howie? Howie has as far as I know been for Jani always); and mean. She's become mean. Yes, I know the others have too...but this is about Jani. The charm of Jani has worn off and the Golden Girl is only plated as we see the tarnish eeks through.

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I was a died in the wool Janie fan but this year as with some of the others who've posted here, that's fading.

There are certain aspects of the game where she excels, but as stated above, she doesn't have the social skills. I really think she is too wrapped up in her "Janie Doll" image to look at things rationally. If she had made freinds with the girls in the house (I don't think she can or wants to befriend other females), she could have gone a lot farther than she will now. So no, she never had a chance, and its no one's fault but her own.

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Will went into the house with the biggest target of any of them on his back. he was a past winner so they all whined he didn't "deserve" :rolleyes: to win plus everyone knew what a liar he was from BB2. Yet, oh my, Will is still there playing strong. So yes Janelle had a chance. She blew it but she had a chance. They all had a chance.

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Will was not the target. Janelle was period!!!! The very first thing Jase said was he wanted Janelle out, so did Danielle, Erika, Diane, Alison, Will & Boogie. You people crack me up, anything to justify your dislike for Janelle. Not only did she have those people totally against her from the get go, there was also James. Will & Boogie have never, from day one been in jeopardy of being evicted. Everyone, including the floaters wanted BB6 gone.

Janie has dodged bullet after bullet, give the girl some credit. Now W & B are saying if she's not gone next week, they want the final 4 to be them and Jani & Dani, seems she's earned their respect. I would like to see any one of you withstand that kind of pressure and not have it change you and make you a little bitter. The way people put her down on these boards reminds me of the nerdherd. Get over yourselves she is a great player and only attacks when she's been attacked.

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You're right laydeebee, she has been on the defense since day one. Danielle made the first attempt at her when she tried to get Jase to disagree on the noms so they would both go up. It's so obvious they have all tried to get her out one by one. Even Nakomis said it. Why don't people see this?

The fact that Janelle is still in the game is a miracle and a testament to her skills at competitions. Each week they hate her more and more just like the herd because they can't get her out. But I think she's on thin ice now and the coup d'etat will do her in this week. Mike will put her up in a heartbeat.

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Wait, are we talking about Janelle ever standing a chance at making it far in the game or Janelle ever standing a chance of winning? Because she's made it pretty far and she could still win if she went to final 2 against perhaps Howie, Chicken George, or even Boogie or Erika.

Or are we talking about Janelle ever standing a chance of making allies and having the heat taken off of her for even a moment? Yeah I agree with everybody else who's said the size of the target on her back is due as much to her lack of networking skills as her circumstances and reputation preceeding her. If you look at the other tactics Danielle, Will and James have employed to deflect attention away from themselves - kissing butt with flattery/validation, promising safety, letting others hang themselves, showing disinterest, befriending their enemies' allies, initiating us/them fights between others using fear/jealousy, etc - Janelle uses very few of these tactics and only goes for the HOH/POV power. And even when it wasn't her who had the HOH power but James she still made her influence felt in the game by insisting Jase go instead of Erika or Marcellas or whoever. Danielle stepped up last week and got kneecapped by the producers; Erika stepped up this week and got kneecapped by the producers . . . I think it's human nature to feel resentment towards somebody when your constantly at their mercy . . .

PS If you compare Big Brother All-Stars to Survivor All-Stars, Will should have been first out the door. The fact that he has never been a target is testament to the greater power that comes from networking as opposed to striving for the actual but high-profile power that comes from winning comps.

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Janelle's been a target since week 1, when Danielle and Alison tried to get her out. Just like she was a target from day 1 last year, when Ashlea went up. Last year she made final 3. And this year she's halfway through already, and she's making idiots out of everybody that tries to get her out. Last week they were saying "she can't play for veto this week, we've got her for sure now!". This week they're saying, "she can't play for HOH this week, we've got her for sure now!" The frustration mounts for these people every week. And with each week her odds get better because there are less people in the house.

And if she gets to the final two, she'll probably win. Because she'll probably be there with one of the Chilltown members., Will or Boogie. Danielle said last night, "if she keeps winning, how can you NOT give her the money?" She'll have Marcellus vote because he won't ever vote for Chilltown. She'll have Howie's vote. And she has a 90% chance of getting George's vote. In order for Chilltown to get to the finals they're going to have to screw James over, when it's all over, she may even have James' vote. The only person that would be petty enough to vote for Chilltown in the finals, even though they've won nothing this year and have played everybody against each other, might be Erika.

The funny thing is, if Janelle and Danielle could get past this little rivalry thing they've got going and work together, they'd be final two easy. I just think that underneath it all, they really enjoy trying to compete with each other .

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Well it goes both ways, Janelle seems pretty confident she's going to be able to get Danielle out next week - all part of the game I guess . . .

I don't get the sense that Janelle sees networking as a legitimate form of gameplay . . . partly because she says stuff like 'Erika, I despise your form of gameplay' and she has no awareness whatsoever that Danielle could possibly be aligned with Chilltown - people don't seem to respect what they don't even even know exists. And yeah Danielle does seem to be indulging her ego by trying to prevail over Janelle. So yeah, I agree Tarman that this is a huge problem if they don't get together someway somehow . . . Chilltown is going to win. Come on ladies! Ugh!

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I don't think Janelle knows how to get along with females on a social level. Her job does not really allow anything than peripheral conversations with them. I can understand this to some extent. In the earlier days of engineering, I was lucky to ever see a female in one of my classes or in the courses I taught. It was the way the job was. This allowed me to be around guys all the time, as friends and cohorts. It has taken me a long time, due to quitting the job and having kids, to have girl friends again.

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What I don't agree with you, so now I must get over myself. What did I strike a nerve? You're the only one entitled to an opinion (and a bad one at that)? Seems to me the only one that needs to get over themselves is you. Please do not address me again, I will not waste my time on a dumblonde. That's the difference between you and Janelle she's a smart blonde with personality for days, something it seems that you lack. B)

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Laydee do you even read your own posts??? You told everyone who disagreed with you to get over themselves so I just gave you a taste of your own medicine. As for the a$$hat post you made above directly attacking me...do it again & I will tell you exactly what I think of you & it won't be sugar coated.

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Why would she not be a target? She is one of the best at competitions. She is A target though. Not the biggest from the get go. Will was, yet, he managed to make it to sequester. Now she should be the biggest target. 2 and a half HoH's. The first one, for me, was just luck on both HoH's part.

The thing with Janelle is, she wins HoH's but then she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't think for herself and then other people have the ability to manipulate her to the point where she is nominating someone that she has a deal with, that being Marcellas.

Winning HoH's and veto's is enough to put a target on your back. But to win them and then shoot yourself in the foot with the poor behind the HoH makes the target visible to a guy with no contacts on, who was swimming in a pool full of chlorine and was tired.


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