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Did Janelle Ever Really Stand A Chance?


Did Janelle Ever Really Stand A Chance?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. Did Janelle Ever Really Stand A Chance?

    • Yes
    • No

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I hope that Janelle can win the money because she is smart and dosent stab people in the back. When she says that they are a team and she protects them to the end she keeps her word not like James. And I agree with a few people that every1 except Howie can be trusted, he is a nice guy and is funni, BUT HE HAS TO WIN SOMETHING! Like we heard from another person Janelle has a chance with all the veto comps and I believe in her (HOH and VETO).. GO JANELLE GO!

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No Janie doesn't stand a chance. Who is going to vote for her. No one except Howie will vote for her. If Howie and Janie are the last 2, they'll give the money to Howie before anyone will give money to Janie. She will not win, unless the person that she is up against pisses off the rest of the house guests.

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I just think her choice in alliances is what has hindered her game. Now she is relying on the three most incompetent HOH players in the house to pull it out for next week. Howie sucks and the other two (CT) suck as bad and are also stabbing her in the back. Well James is just James, her instinct all year was he's not trustworthy yet she has put trust in him to an extent. Her alliance with Marci needs no explanations. Unless she wins veto next week I'd be suprised if she makes past Thursday 8/24, much less making the final two. It's not impossible she can make the final two, but with her alliance it's highly improbable. In the event that the impossible becomes possible I think the other players would have enough respect for her and the game to give her the money since it really would take an enormous task for her to make it there.

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Janelle's had a rough ride, more than a lot of other players but she's also been lucky too - all the HOH comps have been SO close this year . . . like if Jase hadn't accidentally taken Alison out when he meant to take out Janelle in week 1, or if Nakomis had beaten Kaysar in the sudden-death tie-breaker in week 2, or if Danielle had beaten James in the sudden-death tie-breaker in week 3, or if Marcellas hadn't thrown HOH in week 4, (week 5 pov I won't rehash :) ), or if HOH hadn't been redone in week 6 . . . I actually think Janelle's done really well for herself in the game.

BoneJones maybe it's more accurate to say that since it's all-stars, really anybody in the house could have gone or could go at any time - like I think everybody's been nominated at least once except Howie (?) Like there don't seem to be any safe spots in the house, so I think Janelle's had a better run than a bunch of people - namely Alison, Nakomis, Jase, Diane, and Kaysar ;)

And if anybody's tempted to say that the reason people have been evicted so far was because of x and x and x that they did or didn't do, I guess the same could be said of Janelle if she ultimately gets evicted . . . like those who agree in this poll that Janelle never had a fighting chance, are you saying people like Nakomis or Alison actually had a fighting chance but they blew it? I don't know . . . just rambling he he . . . guess I'm saying the people who went in with targets on their backs for having good gameplay in the past also had the gameplay to combat the target - like it's a push (net result - no advantage or disadvantage ?)

Eh, I don't know . . .

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If she would have had an alliance in the house like everybody else.......

Strategic- No

Playing in Comps - Yes

I will give her points on loyalty!!

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