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Marcellas "Marci" - Evicted Week 6


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Ahhhh a fresh new start... doesn't it just warm the cockles of your heart! ;) (Time to archive gang... houseguests threads were starting to bog down the site.)

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This is so nice having a new thread. I hate those threads that are 10 pages or more long.

Marcellas sucks big time! He is such a 2/faced evil a$$hole.

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Marcellas is playing the perfect game...the game of who can put the biggest target on his back and get out the front door next. Way to go, Marcellas, we're pulling for you!

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Can you all believe they're bringing back all these former houseguests to diss their former friends . . . first Shannon calling Will an egomaniac and then Amy calling Janelle a tranny and Marcellas a sell-out to blonde bombshells everywhere? Ooooh, harsh . . . :huh:

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I don't think Shannon and Will are on bad terms. They've both said it's unfortunate that they haven't spoken in a few years. Will and Boogie make fun of all their old season 2 housemates but still usually conclude them by saying they're great.

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Marcellas has the farthest to fall in terms of celebrity, he thinks he is anyway. He called himself America's gay black sweetheart and the brains behind bb6. He is so completely full of himself when he gets out and has no housecalls job and no one can stand him maybe then it will sink in.

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I find Will and Boogie and their complaining far more annoying than anything else Marci has done. Yes he is a diva and always has been. I go back and forth on caring and not caring, but I don't think he's done anything worse than others still in the house. His tirade against Janelle came from frustration of not getting the strategy of the Sov and feeling targeted by both Sov and CT.

I am kinda pissed at Will and Boogie for heavily suggesting that Marci was the one who put some of the players on slop for a week. I hope BB announces fully who did what and won what, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that bit of fairness from the producers.

And if he got some good prizes from the POV comp, good for him. At least he won something before he goes.

(Having shown my support for Marcellas, I shall now duck)

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The tides have turned. There is a big old target on Marcellas' head. The entire house is waiting to talk to Danielle about getting Marcellas out this week (so they won't have to be bothered with him in sequester) and Chicken George next week. They will offer her safety from nomination next week if she obliges. The problem with that is that I know Danielle told Marci he was safe from nomination AND the backdoor, so she would go against her word if she did it. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Game on!

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Yeah but who cares if she breaks her word with Marci. Hes not really aligned with any1, and the entire house doesnt wanna see him going to sequester. I dont trust will and boogie though, i could see them petitioning marci and then flipping their votes to get rid of james.

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it would be pretty fun to watch marcellas on housecalls the friday after he is evicted, only to have bunky monopolize the hour with anecdotes about how evil Will was in BB2, and not let marcellas get a word in edgewise

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I can't wait to see marci have a cow whenever he gets put up and/or evicted. if he goes on a ballistic verbal attack on someone, i hope that person slaps him...although that would probably make him murder the person wit his bare hands. that's why i call him a wild cat with rabies chasing its tail in the 'what animal is each hg' thread . :lol:

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lol, bigbrosister, Marcellas is absolutely a drama filled eccentric. I'd be shocked if Danielle put up Marcellas this week, though, so we may have to wait...and your imagery is excellent! A wild rabid cat having a cow! :lol:

This show has gotten so good!

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If sitting around in a robe is playing the game, then Marci has it all going on...other than that, he's been a pretty worthless player and really has damaged his out of house (calls) cred. The real stars of this season are Janelle, Will and Danielle.

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Doesn't anyone else think Marcellas is really going overboard with his comments about Janelle? They were supposedly friends before this as was Jase. Funny that both of them are at odds with him now.

Marcellas is going to take a huge hit professionally from this. You watch. Not that we really care but I'm sure he does. Even Gretchen wouldn't defend him the other day.

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