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Did BB talk Marci into giving up the Slop Pass?


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I agree -- the pass has come into play before & adds extra incentive to a comp. I am a little surprised the pass can be given away, but it's all part of the game. I wouldn't give that puppy away without a few strings attached! If it makes anyone feel better, poor CG is going into something like a sugar coma right now. He's shaking like a leaf, wrapped up in a blanket & looks pretty sick. I'm thinking greasy pizza wasn't the best choice for a 1st meal.


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i like the guy but he did say 60 days.

you cant be with me with everything :lol

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To be fair to BB, the question was "How many days would you be willing to go on slop. It wasn't stated during the comp that the winner would actually have to go that many days.

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stop with the fine print lawyer talk

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I also distinctly remember that when Janie won the PBJ pass last year she was allowed to use it, trade it, make a deal with it, whatever. Same was said before tonites comp regarding the slop pass.

Regardless, Marcellas looked like the scumbag he is. He didnt give that pass to CG because of the hg pressure, he went and put it away. They all knew they were getting pizza, and CG there forelornly eating salsa/ketchup soup brought out empathy in EVERYONE but Marci. It was only after he was called in to DR that he decided to give CG the pass. I am sure that it was hinted at how heroic it would look to give CG the pass. Marcellas is so full of himself,,,, thinking of that "moment of stardom" it would give him to hand over the pass was the only thing that could motivate him to actually do it. There is not a bone in Marci's body that is not totally selfish and self-centered. It was not his "niceness" that motivated him, that is for sure.

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Boy I bet BB is saying back in season 3 we should of suggested that Macy use the veto on himself. I can't say that Macy is self centered if he can't even save himself with veto. :lol::lol::huh:

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heck, last year janelle won that pass and after that there was only one food comp. so that pass really didnt matter much.

a pass is a pass. it doesnt matter if the user of the pass lost that weeks food comp (and then used the pass) or if someone was on slop for 60 days. you get a pass for a week.. YOU EAT! its all fair.

the sad thing is, CG will have a week of food only to go back to the slop with no chance (unless there is another pass somewhere) of eating. but that is what he agreed to. :)

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Marci waited until everybody could see what he did. It was all a PR stunt by him. I read on the updates that he said "make sure the cameras get this". :angry::angry: He did not do this out of the kindness of his heart. I predict that Marci's team looses the food comp this week and Marci has to eat slop all week :lol::lol:

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I've always thought it was fair that George be on slop for the remainder of his time in the house because that is what he agreed to. I wasn't one of the "oh, come on! Let the man eat!" people at all. BUT, this is different. This is a luxury that could have gone to anyone in the house. George was given it fair & square. Everyone knew there was going to be a pass just like there was last year, and in future BB shows, they'll know the same thing. It doesn't really affect anyone but George & his tummy.

Besides, there are obviously exceptions to the slop rule. If there was an "eat yucky things" competition, should Geroge not get to compete because he can only eat slop? Of course he can compete. So if he can do that, he can get reap the rewards too! (But I guess if bugs, rotten rish or whatever they get is considered a condiment, this point is moot. :huh: )

I don't think Marcy would have given it to him if they 1) hadn't already made a big deal about giving it to George regardless of who got it, and 2) wasn't calling into the DR. I hope George's gratitude and kindness made him feel guilty for that. But perhaps Marcy was just having a diva moment (as we all do, don't we?) and would have/did give it to George on his own merit.

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This game is about twist and turns. George should be allowed to use the pass even though he agreed to 60 days. This is just the same as James winning the right to change and eviction vote or the the new Coup twist which basically vetos the HOH.

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Dani also said last nite that if Marci did not give up the slop pass, she would have put Marci up on the block.

I really think BB talked him into it, since after the HOH comp, he was yelling at Dani saying that he didn't make a deal to give up the slop pass.

Right after that he was called into the DR, and then he magically had a change of heart. He did ask for the cameras to be on him while he gave the pass to George.

It was not a selfless act.

I think George should not be allowed to take it, but at the same time I feel sorry for him. I want the poor man to eat. I'm loving CG.

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Was CG on the block that week anddidn't he take himself off and thats why Jase wsa put up?

I might be wrong but if Kaysar would have won it wouldn't he have left CG on cause James wanted him out.

If i'm way off i am sorry.

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I think it would of been fair if George won the pass himself, however, since there was only one egg left and he knew the pass was in it, George should of fallen. Marci shouldn't of given him the pass for that reason alone.

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I think it is very fair that george got to use the slop pass. and i agree with 12man he said willing. I also hope marc loses every food comp til he goes home! he was being such a jerk about it! it would have been way smarter for him to make a deal with george for the pass.i give you the pass and you vote how i want next week or if i'm on the block you can't vote for me of if i'm up and you win the veto you use it on me something like that.

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I think it's perfectly fair that Chicken George was given the free-from-slop pass. Marcellas one it, and he could do whatever he want. It's as simple as that. If CG could have gotten the free-from-slop pass, then NOBODY should have. You're not going to use it if you have food for the week, so you're going to save it until you have slop. "Well they lost the challange so they got slop and they shouldn't be able to get out of it." -- It's the same thing.

Additionally, I don't like Marcellas. At first, I didn't have a problem with him. But the more and more I see/hear about him, the more and more I don't like him. If you don't like Janelle, fine. But don't be all "LIEK OMG I LUV YOU I WANT TO BE YOUR BEST FRND LIEK OMG!" to Janelle, then turn around and be all "She's disgusting" behind her back. And I'm sorry -- but not giving the pass to CG would have been cruel... you can't stand eating slop one week so you're going to make another man eat it for sixty. Cruel. I'm glad he gave into the pressure and gave it to him.

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