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Did BB talk Marci into giving up the Slop Pass?


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Guest jordansmom

He refused it?? Ok i understand why he tried to hang up there without dropping but if Mar offered i don't know why he would refuse it. Thats not smart.

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Earlier after Dani won, Marci screamed that he didn't make that deal and he was not giving up his slop pass.

Then Marci was called into the DR. Then he made a big to-do about giving Georgie the slop pass.

Poor Georgie...he didn't want to take it.

Do you think BB strong armed Marci?? Do you think Marci has redeemed himself after tonite's episode? I personally don't, because I don't think he really wanted to give it up.

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no i think marci decided since everyone else would he better so he didnt look like the bad guy

no i think marci decided since everyone else would he better so he didnt look like the bad guy

no i think marci decided since everyone else would he better so he didnt look like the bad guy

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Bless his heart! How hard must that have been to try & not accept a free week of food. I actually teared up. I know there's no room for a soft-heart in this game, but the guy's so freakin' nice I don't think I could put him on the block ...at least not till the very end. That was a great moment -- way to go Marci!!


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no jordansmom, george did take it....but he refused it at first

in that 'oh no you shouldnt have' kind of way

he's eating pizza now

will did an impression of george's stomach saying 'WTF is going on?"

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i like george but 60 days should be 60 days. jase got out because he said he would go 60 days. i dont think its fair that he is able to break his 60 day slop contract. bring back jase because george didnt win veto if he is eating

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i like george but 60 days should be 60 days. jase got out because he said he would go 60 days. i dont think its fair that he is able to break his 60 day slop contract. bring back jase because george didnt win veto if he is eating

i hate the fact he gets to eat. in future bb people will know it is good to bluff and go for a big number since bb wont let them suffer for that long. it derfeat the purpose if he gets of slop.

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i am thinking about future bb. if you let george slide by in future editions hg knows they can say large days like george did and know that bb wont make em go that long.

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doesnt matter. he won veto by saying he eat slop 60 days straight. jase got evicted because of this bs. bb producers gave him a raw deal if george doesnt do the 60 straight he wrote down to win the veto comp. i like george but bb bending the rules as they go is crap.

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i agree uvp...its not fair that jase got evicted when george won the veto by putting 60 days. Big brother felt sorry for him and let him eat. They are pushing him further in the game its not fair. I'm glad their happy they got a good player like jase out and george is in

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Also, George won that veto because he said 60 days and Kaysar said 15. George could have said 16 days and still have won the veto. So being off the slop for 7 days still puts George on the slop diet for 53 days which is still 38 days above and beyond what he needed to win. I don't see why 7 days out of the 60 is really going to make that much difference. I mean, he's still eating A LOT of slop.

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stop making excuses for bb bending the rules. this is one example of what keeps bb from going to the next level. he said 60 days not 15 or whatever he should have to live by it. dont give me that crap of it is seven days. if kaysar was on the block last week and couldnt compete in veto comp yall would be screaming bloody murder that it isnt fair bb did that. george made his bad he should sleep in it. bb i dont get why in the last food comp they said george even if you win food you cant eat if the next week they allow him to eat. this stupid no slop for the week was put in for george only no one else. bb twist are lame and this the reason why. when they have a good thing going they end up spoiling it to please fans.

george eating food is like kaysar getting you can get play in veto card last week

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