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Will/Boogie (Chilltown)


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Howcome we don't see people from the chilltown side of things strategizing? I have only ever seen (mostly) the BB6 group. I don't think I even know for sure who is with chilltown. Until now maybe Nakomis seems to be tighter with them than I realized. Erika too.

Anyone see them really lay out what they are planning or are they just going day to day?

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I think chilltown is growing in strength because they are smart enough to know when they aren't in power that there is no point in overstrategizing & overplotting everything because there is really nothing they can do. Chilltown seems to strategize in small groups also unlike the SOV who all 4 get together constantly. Plus the more you sit around & powwow like the SOV the bigger the target on your back gets.

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I have seen many times Mike strategizing with Jase but he always does in in the pool so you can't hear him. If they have strategized so much where is it? Is it because the feeds don't show us everything?

I do watch the feeds and I rarely see the chilltown people sitting around strategizing.

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If the noms stay the same how do you think people will vote?










5 to 4 for Diane to go??? Maybe?

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As far as votes go:

Marcellas was lobbying with the Chill Town guys to keep Diane, and it was originally the SOV's (aka the Councilmen) idea to take out Nakomis, so I'm not sure he'll be pleased with a flip to now vote out Diane...so no guaranteed vote there.

On the other hand, it will be very interesting to see how Erika votes, especially if the votes are split between Chill Town and the SOV. After her sitting with Chill Town in the hot tub and laughing at Jase's mean comments, I want her floater status (the "mole" as Jase calls her) to be uncovered. I want the SOV to recognize they cannot count on her.

Either way, I hope Nakomis goes. Diane is so much more entertaining to watch. She's definitely not such a monotone droner. Plus I can't wait for another Jase and Diane stand-off.

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Erika is definately a "mole". But-----who is she a mole for? She works both ends of the house, but thus far she's voted with the Sov's, and she seems to be closer to Kaysar than anyone else in the house. She's also terrible at her moleing job, because whereas she gets a lot of information from both groups, she never seems to share it with anyone. Could it be that Erika is in it only for Erika? And if that's the case, is she not doing a masterful job? I think she's the only houseguest that hasn't popped up in anybody's radar yet. She's as low on everyone's list of who to go after as she can possibly get.

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Excellent points, Tarman...I was certainly pulling for Erika a few days ago. Now, after watching her so cozy in bed next to Boogie and laughing with Will about Nakomis' potential deal with J/J, I'm not so sure she hasn't been seduced by the charm of the dark side. Time will tell if she votes with or against the SOV and her vote is uncovered.

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I think chilltown is growing in strength because they are smart enough to know when they aren't in power that there is no point in overstrategizing & overplotting everything because there is really nothing they can do.

Anyone from the first five seasons who thinks the path to victory is by alligning with the Season 6 folks would be making a HUGE mistake. Even if they got to the end, they still wouldn't have the numbers to overcome the SOV4 and they'd be voted off, just like Terry on Survivor Exile was in the final three. Chilltown is the only way for non-Sea6ers to go.

Besides, most of the Allstars from previous seasons are smarter than the Sov4. Not only are they older and more educated, but they also watched these four fail miserably to the fiendsheep last season. I remember last year on this board most were lamenting the preponderance of eye candy and lack of intelligence/strategy on the part of the HGs. America loved the Sov 6 because they were underdogs in a house full of morons.

As much as I can't stand Ali, she did have a point on Housecalls when she ridiculed Janie for being a career cocktail waitress going up against people like Dr. Will. Case in point: if the Sov4 were playing a smart game, they would have kept their glee about Kaysar winning HOH on the down low and Howie wouldn't have run thru the house asking if people wanted to see HIS HOH room.

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Great post surfgranny. I totally agree with you, especially about the houseguests from the early seasons being older and more educated. Of course, the younger players don't really take any of that into account and feel like they're invincible. We'll see how this plays out.

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As much as I can't stand Ali, she did have a point on Housecalls when she ridiculed Janie for being a career cocktail waitress going up against people like Dr. Will.

So the point here is Janelle is too stupid to take on brilliant Will because she is a waitress and he is a doctor?

He pops pimples for a living

Janelle delivers drinks to people with big bucks

Who's the smart one here? I think Janelle. ;)

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lol yall crazy :lol:

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Right and I was talking about who is smarter no matter what they do for a living

pretty arrogant to say someone is not smart because they are a waitress....talk about stereotyping

I have many friends of all different careers and not everyone that is intelligent wants to be a doctor some of them like doing the jobs they do even if it's not an ivy league one

It's just really close minded to make that statement. I'm probably older and wiser than you maybe.

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