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Did anyone hear why howie is so PO'd at Nak?


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PBandJ, on what planet is Nakomis being bossy and rude? Are we even watching the same feeds? Sober? Seriously, not to be mean here, but Howie was out and out loopy with his commentary about her and what she's said or done with regards to him. It's really indefensible, even for those of us that have enjoyed the 'fun-loving' Howie. He's toned it down today some, and I hope he keeps it that way, but he does deserve the flaming he's getting for that bit of paranoid freak-out abusiveness.

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Thank you to the two of you for your not-so-courteous remarks and accusational tone toward me and my post, even to the point of putting words in my mouth. In my opinion, that was an actual, unnecessary flaming toward me. I have to say that I wrote that post over and over--and over--so as not to ruffle anyone's feathers who had a different opinion than mine.

I do not know if I will be back on the board, just to let everyone else know, with whom I made acquaintances in the chat area. You certain people I met in the chat area rock! If I am not back on the board, I wish you certain chatters a nice summer and a good time watching and enjoying the Big Brother show.

In order to deter anyone else from taking offense to my post regarding the Howie/Nakomis issue because my opinion was different from theirs, I am letting you know that I have been trying to be as perfect a member here as I can, for I am new here at this site and thought that this board seemed to show promise of clean, enjoyable comments about the HGs of the Big Brother show. If that is not the intent of this board, then please let me know.

I have to say, however, that my aforesaid post, where I gave my opinion, stands on its own. That was it. At least mine was courteous.

Therefore, in answer to someone's question: No, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, certainly not on a message board! My post is just my opinion on the topic. Nowhere in there did it say, nor even hint, that I was trying to do any convincing of anything. If I were to do any convincing, I wouldn't do it on a television show message board, nor even about a television show, ha-ha!

It would not be me to try to make anyone else like the same HGs as I, even if my favorites lost miserably. I don't do those kinds of modes of operation regarding television shows, nor do I cheat in cards. My post did not even involve which HG I liked better, between Howie and Nakomis. :D

I arrived at my opinion for my own reasons and peculiar insights; notice I said "peculiar." That does not mean "know-it-all," for that would not be me.

My post was written deliberately in a nice and tactful manner, having been rewritten by myself over and over--and over--before sending the post through, so as not to sound argumentative with those who have the opposite take on the issue in the House as I did.

Remember, also, that I said I was commenting on that "particular" incident on the show. I was not addressing the two HGs in general, nor how they act in general, nor did I indicate that I didn't like Nakomis, because that wouldn't be true. I always find myself ending up never on one whole alliance's side versus another alliance, because my favorites always end up being some from one alliance and some from another. That makes it difficult to choose, at times. :)

Anyway, to anyone who wishes to find fault with an opinion I may post about any topic, in the event I ever do come back to the board, I would appreciate it if you would at least address me courteously, just as I always try to address the board courteously. Just as I respect anyone's opinion about the BB show, I expect the same in return. Thanks.

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Wow - PB&JGAl . . . if I'm one of the two who remarks you found 'not-so-courteous' and tone you found 'accusational' and disrespectful of your opinion I'm sorry you feel that way. To be perfectly honest, I think any opinion that is by the authors' own admission 'peculiar' is bound to be met with doubt unless it's known to people beforehand that the poster is looking for validation. That certainly wasn't my intent to make you feel disrespected. In the future I will be sure to avoid making the same type of response if you do decide to post here again.

I hope you still feel comfortable expressing your opinion here - it's always more fun when everybody feels welcome! :)

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Actually, I'm one of the ones, and yes, I wasn't terribly courteous (nor was I terribly rude though), but the fact is, you were defending Howie for something that is indefensible and saying that his abusiveness was deserved by Nakomis. If that opinion doesn't deserve a bit of flaming, I don't know what does - quite frankly I find the opinion a bit outlandish and absurd considering how layed back Nakomis has been, and on the edge Howie has been. The conversations weren't on the show though, so I'm not sure how you are only talking about one incident. He's been ragging about Nakomis on and off over the past 24 hours (moreso last night) and it hasn't been televised yet. Could you clarify what you mean by that one incident?

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Hey PB&Jgal, I am not sure if you misread the repsonses to your post or what the deal was, but no one was rude, or flaming towards you. Since you said that you were new to the boards, you need to know that 99.9% of the people here on Mortys are the nicest people you would want to share internet bandwidth with. But, if you are gonna post your opinion, expect that at least a 3rd of the responders are gonna disagree with you. Also realize that most people read something, react and respond. They aren't calling you a bad person or attacking you personally, they just disagree with something you have said and are posting their opinion in response. You shouldn't be afraid to ruffle peoples feathers here, but you also have to accept the fact that people are gonna disagree with you and at times they are gonna even say mean things to you, but the next day, they may be in 100% agreement with something you say.

Most people on here don't hold grudges and just like in the BB house, opinions change day to day.

But seriously, no one on here flamed you or made you look bad. They disagreed with you and called you out on what they disagreed with, but that's it. It was not a personal attack.

Just have a sense of humor and don;t take everything said against your post so serioussly. You have the right to your opinion, but so does everyone else. I have personally been on Morty's for the past 4 seasons and trust me, I have gotten into some HEATED all out flaming discussions regarding some of my posts, and have gotten my feelings hurt, and then I sleep on it and come back and it really is ok. If you are so thin skinned that you can't handle someone coming back at you, then no BB board will be a happy place for you. But if you can take the good and the bad and shrug it off, you will find that it just gets more fun.

Hope you stick around, but if not, good luck on finding a place that fits you. We all need our place. :)


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you said a mouthful with that one:

opinions change day to day

It's still very early in the game.

As far as Howie, I think Howie is just being Howie, and though I don't have to watch him on the feeds since I never get them, I read all the updates and playbyplays, and I'm really not that annoyed with him.

I think, mainly, because by the time he went off on Busto last year, I was ready to see someone go off on one of the sheep and she was as deserving as any of them, in my opinion. Let me put it this way. I'm actually a very loving caring person in my life to the people in my life, but I also don't back down in a conflict. I'm just smart enough to 'choose my battles'. So in my view, April needed a tongue lashing, and April should have been mature enough to know that Howie's attack was pretty impotent, because he didn't know April's husband (or her dogs) and his bluster was just 'useless words' anyway. That's what impotent people do.

I think, had I been April, I would have laughed it off though I'm sure it would have pissed me off toward Howie, but really: April CRIED. :rolleyes: Sorry but that just made me laugh.

Howie's whacky verbal abuse came in handy when it was necessary, cuz by that point I wanted to slap the friendsheep around, (and probly woulda had I been unfortunate enough to be a BB contestant). What can I say I was raised in a family of 7 and I was one of the smallest (and there were three younger). So Howie's mouthing off helped to diffuse my anger, and made him popular in this house.

I also think Howie is very immature and easily intimidated by both men and women, that's why he makes it all about the boobs. The fact is men are wired to notice boobs. Please, I've been married 24 years and my husband still gets spellbound whenever I take off my shirt. They're just wired that way, but most mature men try to cover it up in public.

I want to see the video of Nak telling Boogie not to imitate Monica. From my reading of the feeds I had the very distinct impression that Howie was there at the time, but now I'm not certain, because I saw the video of Boogie telling Howie he wasn't going to mock Monica anymore because Nakomis didn't want him to.

Most importantly to me, what was Nakomis' purpose in 'telling' (not asking?) him not to do that? Couldn't he avoid doing it around her, rather than not doing it at all. I mean, come on, it was pretty damn funny when I watched it.

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what is the big deal? i havent seen him rant and rave to nakomis.. he has beed ranting and raving to his alliance. when and if the day comes that he does it TO nakomis, then i would understand if people would have a problem with it.... but right now, he is venting to friends. just like a lot of people do right here about houseguest.

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I like Howie, I always have. I thought he kind of got a raw deal last season. I think the boobie-talk and rant about Nikomas (did she actually change her name or is this more of the lame high school Goth schtick?), was more Howie playing the role he thinks America wants to see when they voted him back in. It isn't Howie's style to sit quietly and wait for the fireworks (ala Diane and Erika). Hurricane Howie has to light the fireworks. One thing you can say about Howie, is he isn't a UTR player.

I also see his targeting of Nikomas and April, for that matter, as choosing someone who has the brains but could easily give into emotion. If he can push a smart player into doing something stupid, he still has the numbers to run with it. I thought he would have targeted Diane, seeming as how she's demonstrated she is capable of making stupid decisions based on emotion. I also thought he would target Booger because he's just a toadie...and for Howie, there's only room enough for one coattail rider :D.

As far as my opinion of Nikomas goes, I think it's better for everyone that Howie not go after her face to face. She is a strong enough player to make the game guys vs. girls. Which, I'm kind of surprised she hasn't already.

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It's best not to take Howie's rants too seriously. Janelle and Kaysar have both told him to cool it. I also don't think he got back any vibes from them that they agree with him. Last year was different they all hated April and she back stabbed them so they didn't care.

He won't get away with the same thing with Nakomis unless she does something the same like break a promise. Then he might try it but again I doubt the people in this house would allow that to happen. I believe Jase or James would come to her defense and tell Howie to back off.

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what is the big deal? i havent seen him rant and rave to nakomis.. he has beed ranting and raving to his alliance.

Much like the FS last season huh?

Nikomas (did she actually change her name or is this more of the lame high school Goth schtick?)

This coming from someone defending a grown ass man who calls himself Huricane Howie :lol:;)

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Much like the FS last season huh? ~ Neb

well, the FS did it everday of their season... so i guess i would have to wait for the season to end before i could say yes or no. ;)

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No offense but I bet you each and EVERY single person in this thread has said extremely rude things behind someone's back before even if it wasn't truly warranted. It's human nature. Now if you're "perfect" then maybe you have not and I've made a mistake. Simple fact is sometimes I think people here, not all but many, hold these contestants to higher standards than everyone else just becuase they're on a live feed. Stop acting so shocked. People say and do things ten times worse in every day life...hell, most of you do.

Now if Howie was doing this and then acting all indignant that anyone else would, that's hypocrisy and THAT is something I'd have issue with. However just ranting about someone? Human nature, something we have ALL done and being on a live feed doesn't change things.

Oh and Neb, people got mad at the FS because they did it ALL the time and acted all innocent and indignant if someone said something bad about them. IT wasn't the bashing, it was the glass house they all lived in.

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I think what he said about Nakomis were extreme granted he didn't even hear it from her mouth first-hand. But, like what the above poster mentioned, it's human nature. We all do it. I just hope he keeps ranting about Nakomis to only Janelle and Kaysar. It'd be a shame if Howie lets this hatred get to him and his gameplay. Totally unnecessary.

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Oh and Neb, people got mad at the FS because they did it ALL the time and acted all innocent and indignant if someone said something bad about them. IT wasn't the bashing, it was the glass house they all lived in

I knew that excuse would come up..Different rules for different fools i see :lol: It's not the fact that he is ranting it is the fact that he came onto the show to look for someone to treat like shit! A NEW BUSTO!!!

He said it himself

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My opinion is...that I can't believe half the things that come out of Howie's mouth. I wouldn't at all consider myself a "feminist", I work with mostly guys, and I don't have a problem with most anything that people say. I just keep shaking my head thinking..man why are the women letting him talk about their boobies...constantly..how hot they are and how much he wants to bang them..yeah I know it isn't serious, he's just being him, but it seems so incredibly juvenile and harassing to me...in a workplace he would never get to say this to anyone, he'd be slapped with a lawsuit...and this in my opinion is a work environment entertainment based or not.

How old is he anyway...13 cause that's how old he appears to be.....

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Xtgirl, I can almost guarantee you that if he were an ugly slob those woman would not let him get away with. Since he's attractive though and has some muscles, he can get away with it more. Also, keep in mind SOME women, not all, not most, enjoy that type of attention even if it is crass. I'd bet that most of the women on this show crave attention or else they probably wouldn't be on the show.

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