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Complain to CBS about FOTH!


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**Mods, please do not delete this thread!**

I don't know of any way to organize a petition to CBS to stop cutting the live feeds every 5 minutes, but we have GOT to do something! This is a waste of our time and money.

Yes, I understand FCC regulations and copyright laws. I understand they can't show the feeds if the houseguests are singing. But this is my 3rd year with the live feeds and I've never seen it to bad! I can't even listen to an entire conversation.

Please, everyone stand together and scroll to the bottom of the CBS.com website. Click on the Feedback button and complain. Complain often! Feel free to complain each and every time it goes to fire, if you want. Lets save our feeds this summer.

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Well doing nothing definitely won't help. Maybe this won't have a lot of impact, but maybe it will. And I'm not just giving up on it. We had years of live feeds without it being this bad before, so I know they don't need to be THIS strict with the censorship.

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I haven't had much chance to watch the feeds today, but I watched all of last night (Fri) and it wasn't bad. Actually seemed about usual if not better. If they did cut to fire it was only for a second.

Has it been worse today?


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The feeds have been so bad today that I am on the verge of using the F word when I contact CBS. (fire of course :lol: )

I don't ever remember it being this bad & if it lasts all season I will be requesting a refund :angry:

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I think this is my 4th time to get the live feeds and I agree that it seems to be worse this year than in past years. It is annoying for certain but I don't know that there is anything that will be done about it.

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Its been a bit better over the last hour than it was earlier this evening. But I've noticed the past 10 minutes have been REALLY bad again. Every time I complain using the Feedback section at CBS.com, I cut/paste the following message:

I am paying $40 to watch Big Brother live feeds, 24/7. Yes, I understand FCC regulations and copyright laws. I understand they can't show the feeds if the houseguests are singing. But this is my 3rd year with the live feeds and I've never seen it so bad! I can't even listen to an entire conversation.

**** Please have the producers remind the houseguests what they are not allowed to talk about (people who didn't sign releases, names of busineses, last names) like they did in past seasons so the feeds will stop being interrupted. This is a very simple fix to the problem.****


Flame Screen Saver7/8/06

10:04 PM

I just change the date and time in every email. But I've started making a mental note, and in the past 10 MINUTES, I've sent this email at:

9:55 pm

9:58 PM

10:00 PM

10:04 PM

And its been like this all evening.

Yes, they CAN do something about it. They can remind the houseguests what not to talk about. How many times have you heard, "Howie, Please stop singing!' I also remember last season they would call them into the DR and remind them not to talk about people who had not signed a release, names of personal businesses, last names. etc. The producers did fine last year reminding the houseguests of that and the FOTH was hardly a problem at all. If we did get them, it was only every once in awhile for a minute or two.

If we keep bombarding them with complaints, maybe the producers will say something to the houseguests and the problem will be solved. It is THAT simple.

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I do miss the bubbling of the fish tank.

It would lull me into a doze when it was on for long periods and then when the voices wwould start up again I would snap awake. When the music is on for an extended period, I have to mute cuz I just can't take it over and over.

I wish, when they knew it was going to be off for long periods, they showed clips or at least images from all the other seasons. Would at least give ya something to watch during the long down times.


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The problem is not CBS..it's those Allstars...most especially Will....He is insisting that things remain as they were during his original season...Planes were allowed overhead..they could discuss their pay, they could discuss thier ideas for the producers...All these things are no longer allowed.

I take that back...lol...It's both the producers and the Allstars fault. The allstars are also name dropping more than any other season...Whats up with that???


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Rubthorn- then they need to start nagging Will and the others to stop the name dropping and comments like that, because they're going to lose viewers. People are annoyed enough as it is with how boring this season is so far. The constant cutting of the feeds is going to hurt them bad.

All they need to do is remind the houseguests to shut the hell up. :lol:

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about all that could be done about it is the fact that they claim it's a 24/7 live feed, and aren't delivering 24 hours a day, but we go through this every year and it's never going to change

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Ziggy- I've never gone through this before, and I had the feed the last 2 years. We'd MAYBE get fish once or twice an hour for a minute or so. Thats understandable, and I had no issue with that. (And of course during competitions which is also fine.)

20 times an hour is not fine, nor is it normal.

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It is the first week of 3 months gang...

This thread happens every year...

It does settle to a level of insanity...

Death, taxes, and the damn theme song... Get over it... ;)

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Have we always been stuck with the theme song??? I remember a bubbling water sound that accompanied the fishies (or am I just blocking the theme song out from years past :lol: )

Nope Camper the more I think about it the more I am sure we got a bubbling water sound with the fishies.

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everytime salary is mentioned we get FIRE. That is 100% CBS not lawyers...Dumblonde

I don't see why they cut to fire everytime they talk about salary!! If the HG's are willing to tell how much they make then why should CBS care?? If they are talking about how much CBS is paying them...thats a stupid reason to cut to fire too because we'll know when they leave the house anyway because they always talk about it in interviews and websites! :)

Dumblonde....YES...we always had that bubbling sound with the fishtank! :P

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Cherokee - "Dumblonde....YES...we always had that bubbling sound with the fishtank!"

Cluck. Cluck, Cluck... (Chicken coop- BB1)

Then FOH...

Then the Fish tank with bubbles... :P

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Cluck. Cluck, Cluck!...Camper

What ya trying to say Camper?? Birds of a feather?? <_<

Why don't you find some old feeds from BB6 and see for yourself that the fishtank made a bubbling sound instead of being a smarty!!

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