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I am so sick of the friggin fire/smoke/music

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Okay BB, we've paid for the feeds, now let us friggen watch them. If I wanted to hear the theme music over and over I'd dl it. If I wanted to see pretend fire/bubbles/ whatever the hell that is, I'd buy a lava lamp. As it stands, I just want to see the Hgs, as dull as they've been lately. Grrr!!!

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Guest StarBaby

I hate the fire and HC theme so much now that I'd be happy to see the fish back. Or maybe we could have tarantula cam. Anything would be better than this.

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Today has been a bad fire day. I haven't been watching straight but every time I get on dang fiiiyah. If they gotta stick us with fire could we at least have silent fire or a roaring fireplace sound? I am so sick of the song :blink:

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OK all day off and I have tried to watch the feeds. The fire/smoke/music keeps coming on. So I will go do something and the feeds are back on. I sit down for 5 minutes and it is off again. I can't just sit at my computer and wait all day for the feeds.

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Guest StarBaby

Pssssssst!! Someone started a thread nearly identical to this one just 15 minutes ago! Just FYI.

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Anyone know how to get a petition going to CBS? I can't take this music and fire for the entire BB season. Isn't there some kind of Red Flag Alert? Never thought I would want those stupid fish back as bad as I do right now. What is goin on in there tonight that keeps getting us FIRE? GRRRRRRR :angry:

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well I am so sorry if I duped someone else. We must have been posting at the same time. Everytime I have ever started a thread in BB I have gotten chewed out. When I started posting the other one was not there. I must have had my message window open too long.

Again Sorry to the Morty's police.

** really crabby today

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hehe, and we're only in the first week. I can honestly say that i will be hating the big brother theme song soon.

Makes you appreciate what you hated last year - The fish!

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I was just thinking of posting a topic just like this! OMG the fire has got to go! I wish they wouldn't cut out soooooo much this season. It's not worth paying for. If it continues this way, I will most definitely cancel my feeds. Adding to that, I only watch the feeds between 7pm and 11:30pm. Is it too much to ask for no fire during those times? I find it hard to believe that the HG are singing or talking about "something" that CBS would have to get rights/permission/other things otherwise to show.

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Guest StarBaby

I wasn't chewing Marty, just pointing it out. It's always a good idea to take a quick look before starting a new thread, IMO. Just keeps the clutter to a minimum. Sorry if I offended.

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Do you think we are on a time delay? Do you think they cut out things they don't want us to hear via a time delay? How can they really know what is going to come out of a HG mouth or even a HG action to put fire on so much. UNLESS...someone is trigger happy....

Erika is teaching Pilates to Will, Mike and Alison. See...this is why I voted her back in. I get free Pilates instructions! Hahaha!

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every time they mention anything about their lives instant flames.....uugggghhhhh I wanna flame the producers for doing this!!!!!!! HELLO What else are these people in the house going to discuss?!? The conversation is boring enough already they dont have anything else to talk about the HGs have said that multiple times that they have run out of things to say to each other it hasnt even been a week yet! Sorry for the rant just getting really aggravated that this season is going to suck!!

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Yeah I really think it's the damn song irritating us more than anything. Am I dreaming or didn't we get bubbling water sounds with the fishies? I prob wouldn't be whining so much if it wasn't for that damn repeating 15 sec clip of the damn song :blink: UGH UGH the song the song please go away song <_<

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ya know.. if they would just read these boards like they say they do, they would get some good ideas. but noooo, instead they give us something more boring that FISH!

idea #1 show the houseguests audition tapes

idea #2 show previous clips of the houseguest - preferable funny clips

idea #3 show clips of before the houseguest came into the house (they did this on bb australia last year)

idea #4 show clips of "behind Big Brother" (first they will have to make clips of Behind Big Brother)

and if all else fails idea #5 show us the inside of the fridge

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If we could just have silence or some soothing sound with the fire I would be A-OK. I mean that damn song makes me want to mute my sound but if I do that I won't know when the feeds come back up :huh:

In the past I always liked the BB song because hearing it meant we were back for another season. They are driving me to hating it now :P

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