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Kaysar, Janelle, Howie, James

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It seems like Janelle, James and Howie are distancing themselves somewhat from Kaysar because they are worried that he will discuss their strategy with "others".

And I am sick already of Howie and Will and their pissing match. They should just sleep with each other and get it over with.

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I was just commenting to someone about how low key Kaysar is playing the game. Sometimes I forget he is even in the house.

Unfortunately, All the BB6'ers have huge targets on their back no matter what they do. Almost everyone in the house has said that they are the ones that need to go. Mike Boogie is especially thretened and jealous by their popularity. I expect to see a few if not all of the BB6'ers gone before the halfway point unless they can continue winning HoH every week.


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It's very interesting what's going on. Kaysar has stayed away from Janelle and Howie all day and hung out mostly with Erika. Not sure what his strategy is right now. But Janelle Howie and James seem like they don't feel they can trust him. Not sure if this is an act to throw people off or what. Any else notice this?

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I simply think that Kaysar is trying to lay low for as long as possible. He has a determination about him this time, he there to win. The person I'm worried about is james, he never was part of their alliance (well they threw him out) and doesn's seem to be a sterdy alliance member. I see him as the same snake as bb6

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james my boy hopes he ditch sov and join up with another alliance that will get him further in the game

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I have to agree with you on that cindyannie.

Vannatc - I know! I can't believe it either! I just wouldn't be able to watch them often enough to make it worthwhile. Besides, like I said, I have the Morty's gang to keep me updated! ;)

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Ok, this is my take....Kaysar is either out herding (no pun intended for the "nerdherds") recruits for the sov's safety..such as Erika or - this is so funny- as Janie and James stated "He can't keep his mouth shut so we can't tell him anything". Wow, some people do learn. Don't get me wrong, I like Kaysar, but like others I think he blew his shot the 2nd time around and he's BORING so far! Janie and Howie 'LET'S GET IT ON!" They are workin the game. And James, well what can I say, he's JAMES and he bows down to NO ONE!

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Last night Kaysar did finally get some alone time with Janelle and it does seem like they are using a strategy. They are trying not to be too close and too tight. Kaysar has told Janelle to cool the oh Howie stuff because it will always look like they are a lock. He told her they all must approach others and get them onside. So they have something cooking just not sure what. Kaysar seems leery of James though.

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Kaysar is playing very well (so far)... although it's not an original strategy.

He's trying to do what Danielle/Jason did. Kaysar has a slight spin on it but, it's basically the same. He knows that the Sov. 4 have huge targets on their backs. He's purposefully trying to distance himself not only for himself but, for the group... the more they hang as "one" the bigger they're targets.

Secondly, Kaysar is (and wants Janelle) going out and making their individual relationships so, that they can get together (sparringly) to compare notes and plan their strategy/next move. Hmmm seen that before. :)

Every convo I saw/read yesterday have Janelle as their first target of the Sov's, even Boogie changed from Kaysar to Janelle. So, he's doing something right.

I think it depends on who gets the next two weeks HOH(s) will determine how the rest of the game is played out... and I hope it gets better cause I'm bored with it already. They are all sooo worried about who was already aligned with who (before entering house) that they're all tip-toeing around each other's words and non-committed to any alliance. (Exception being the Sov's and Will/Boogie: and Diane but, I don't think any of them know about the Will/Boogie/Diane alliance yet.)

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Well, I didn't know about the Will/Boogie/Diane alliance either...when did this happen?...but,unfortunately, Kaysar probably learned from his mistakes that he made the last two times around and will stick around for awhile...I hope that alliance(JJHK) splits up though...
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Anyone see this on the feed when Janelle, howie and James were in the HOH room. James said "Howie we're getting rid of Kaysar right?" and Howie confirmed it and then the feed cut off, of course... :angry: . When it came back on I couldn't catch whether they were joking or what??? <_<

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i cant believe you thought they were serious

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Actually, I think they might have been serious. Not for today, certainly, but I think they WERE sounding each other out as to who would be first among them if it came to that.

Nor do I think Kaysar would be that upset to go first. He just doesn't seem to have the gusto this time ... said so himself.

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I just don't think you guys get it that they are NOT going to turn on each other. They are together until the end then it is all for one.

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In a perfect world they will not turn on each other. But if the wrong combination ends up in the HOH room, one of them will have to go up on the block -- with that ultimate chance of being knocked out. Letting go of a SOV could be a great bargaining chip with the non-SOVS.

You just can't forget that.

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uvpnolimits: Like I said in my previous post, My feed cutout! so I didn't get to see any laughing, snickering or anything!! I had no clue if they were serious or not and that's why I wanted to ask if anyone else saw what happened!!


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