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Entertainment or Brains


Entertainment or Brains  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. What is more important to you? someone who is good at Strategy? Or someone who entertains you?

    • Strategy
    • Entertainment
    • Can I have both?

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for me Strategy. it seems like most entertainers in this game are not what i consider funny. howie wasnt funny. marvin was funny

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I really like to see the strategy play out, even if I don't care for the player. Case in point Alison and Maggie. And I also like to be entertained by the fun interactions between players... like Amy and Marcellas, who we know weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

So I need both qualities to be present to keep me interested all summer long.

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I thought I just wanted strategists (who also happen to be entertaining) like Danielle and James, but then how would that explain my choice of voting for Kaysar? :huh::lol: Also how would that explain me not ever wanting to see Maggie (too controlled) or Lisa (too under the radar) or Drew (yawn!) ever again?

Think maybe what I'm looking for more are game-movers - people who have a presence even if they're completely destructive or inept at gameplay . . . gimme some Kaysar (from outcast to 'King' to out and then in and then out again), some Marcellas (look at his presence on the boards! :o ), some crazy 'ole Alison (needs no explanation :P ) and then I think the house'll have it all :)

PS Since I don't buy the live feeds, maybe the entertainment factor isn't as relevant - Howie an even Cowboy seem to have quite a following on some boards just based on their entertainment value alone, eh?

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I love to see the strategy at work but I still want that drama! Last year was great because of the fights between Janelle and the sheep. What can I say? I like to watch discord.

Bring on the strategists and the drama queens! I've been waiting too long. :)

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I need a combination of both.

I want to see the game played well, but I am also paying for entertainment.

When the HG talk nothing but strategy and alliances 24/7, that gets so old and we need a clown to break up the thickness. BB was very stingy with the alcohol last year...(althought there were a few great moments!)

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I don't want pure strategy, because what fun would a bunch of serious people be to watch on the feeds?

Not saying all of the good strategizers are boring, but still, you need those people to be stupid and bring lots of entertainment and stir things up on the feeds!

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I don't want pure strategy, because what fun would a bunch of serious people be to watch on the feeds?

Not saying all of the good strategizers are boring, but still, you need those people to be stupid and bring lots of entertainment and stir things up on the feeds!

Its knda hard I like both although I voted for the stragey thing.. but both would to me come in play :)

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i like both but for me entertainment comes first. i love people like howie and jase and janelle in the house but then i really like it when a good strategy comes through because thats so dramatic and entertaining like when that plan that kaysar came up to have both eric and maggie up on the block instead of eric and james. it was so exciting watching that veto chess game that week with that war music going on in the background and you see eric's face just go stone cold. haha man im going off topic. i just can't wait for the season to start!!! lol

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i gotta have both, Would be too stupid without brains, would be boring with out entertainment. This looks to be a very interesting year. Tho i would rather have fresh new people than All stars, all depends tho on who might be coming back.

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I would have to say Both! If I wanted pure brains I would watch Jepordy, and I wanted pure entertainment I would watch The Simpsons (it doesn't take a lot of thought to watch that show). Now to have both of those put together, that is Classic Big Brother and nobody does it better.

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