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Interview With Danielle Reyes


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yay nebartist! Danielle is my favorite reality persona ever.......

ahem, Danielle......assuming that Marcellas ever speaks to you: when he does, does he always manage to get in at least a hidden snide comment about how you 'betrayed' him?

eta: oh, and nebartist....when is the interview?

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Guest Shockalot

Danielle, most fans seem convinced that you would have won the First Place Prize instead of Lisa Donahue- if only they had not allowed Jurors to view the diary room interviews.

Following this controversy, Big Brother put an end to previewing DR sessions before voting.

A Lisa Donahue fansite has made the argument that she would have still won a majority of the jurors even if this had been a sequestered jury.


I guess my question is just asking for your own take on this.. do you believe you would have won BB3 if only Jurors were not allowed to see the DR tapes?

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Hi Danielle...

First I want to say...Way to go for telling Gerry Lancaster to wash his nasty hands after going to the bathroom! That rocked!

I know that you tried to get on Survivor several times before getting on BB3. Have you thought about applying for Survivor anymore or are you content with just being on BB3?

Didn't you actually get fired from your job after BB3 was over?

How are your kids doing?

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Danielle you were, by far, the best player ever and I was in mourning for weeks when the fools didn't pick you as the winner. This time knock Marcelles down and out ASAP! My question is this: What chance to you think you have to win now that everyone knows what a sophisticated player you are and do you think you will be going into BB7 with a big target on your back?


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OH DANI!!!! DANI!!!! Please play again!!! U WERE THE BEST!!!!!! OK now my question Danielle I loved watching your strategic moves so much in BB3. Do you think you would ever participate in another reality show because your fans really miss seeing you play?


PS It was clear that year that the producers didnt want you to win that year because of the viewing of the tapes DANI U WERE ROB!!!!!!! We need to see more players like you on t.v.

Thank you Neb for giving me a chance to say my peace!

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dear daniele you were one of the most skilled big brother player i know you had to be mad when your fellow hg award lisa the money even thou you clearly were the better player.

my question is

have any of those losers said to you that if you probably was a strong black woman they would vote for you?

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Your season was the first season I actually watched. I was so ticked off when Lisa won the money, but congratulations on 50k, not a bad prize.

If you were to go into the house, do you think you would have a chance at winning since everyone knows how great of a player you are or do you think you will be immediately targetted?

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Hiya Danielle, you are one of my favoriite BB cast members. You were so robbed not winning the money.

My question is , if you could do it all again , would you? And my second question is, Who was the damn mime?? :huh:

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Danielle I have a few questons.

Danielle if you have watched the other season's then what do you think of the winner's?

Maggie BB6, Drew BB5, Jun BB4, also want to know what you think of Lisa BB3, and Will BB2[bB 1 doesn't count in my eyes]. Also Danielle who are the houseguest's you still talk to? Danielle I also wonder if you wish that you could of gotten Jason to evict Lisa instead of Amy, since you would of totally beaten Amy in the final.

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Danielle... you are in my eyes the best player to play Big Brother. PLEASE PLEASE come back for All Stars... but if you aren't involved in All Stars, which other BB players do you think have a shot at winning?

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Hiya Danielle, you are one of my favoriite BB cast members. You were so robbed not winning the money.

My question is , if you could do it all again , would you? And my second question is, Who was the damn mime?? :huh:

Ok.. oops now that I think about it ..was the season with the Mime with Jun and Allison? If so please ignore that question.

Danielle, is Jason really as sweet and innocent as he came across on Bb , and if so ..can I have his phone number.. ?? ;)

Danielle, I noticed that you were at the BB 6 after party and that after-wards you hung out with Sovient 6 alot, do you still keep in touch with them? And who was your favorite from BB 6?

Danielle, How has BB changed your life?

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I'd like to know who Danielle would like to see in BB All Stars from BB3, and from all other seasons.

And this is not a question just a coment after reading all the questions above, Am i the only person who was rooting for Lisa to win?

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I'd like to know who Danielle would like to see in BB All Stars from BB3, and from all other seasons.

And this is not a question just a coment after reading all the questions above, Am i the only person who was rooting for Lisa to win?

Mrs. Popcorn,

No I'm sure that you were not to only one rooting for Lisa to win. There may have been 2 or 3 others. :rolleyes:

Probably all the housemates who voted for Lisa at the time now realize what a horrible mistake they made. I'm sure Lisa is a great person but most of us can't even remember her. Sometimes the runner up is actually the winner!

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