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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello to everyone!!! I'm not exactly a new member. I've just been away for an extended amount of time due to someone stealing my computer. But I have a new one now and will be around Morty's again. YEAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

I've missed everyone and am looking forward to all the posts. I have been trying to catch up with all the news. About half way through it all. I have a lot of reading to catch up on. I've been trying to figure out who all has changed their nicknames and who is still here!

Anyway....Good to "see" you again. Especially, Jinx, Queen Will and Nawlinsgal. I'm so glad you all survived Katrina! That goes to anyone else from Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas as well!!

Hugs to you all...........Be seeing you all around the board.

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LOL Watcher. As observant as I remember!!! It's good to be back.

Thanks for the wonderful welcome! :P

Hello Catwishes. How have you been? Well I hope!

Thank you for the welcome too. Does anyone use the chat rooms here? If so...

Which room?? I tried them but they were all empty.

Let me know...OK? :)

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Welcome Back Cherokee! Yes people use the chatrooms, usually more so at night. If you look at the bottom of your screen it will tell you how many users are in there. Sometimes that info. isn't accurate so it helps if you just pop in anyway to see.

Oh and I may have a new nickname ;)

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Welcome Back Cherokee! Yes people use the chatrooms, usually more so at night. If you look at the bottom of your screen it will tell you how many users are in there. Sometimes that info. isn't accurate so it helps if you just pop in anyway to see.

Oh and I may have a new nickname ;)

Thanks for the welcome back CM...I've been in chat a few times but I guess I go at the wrong times.

I never see anyone listed at the bottom of the screen either so its a time thingy!! LOL

OK....about this new nickname you "might" have...LOL :ninja: Are you incognito??? lol

I haven't seen Jedi..Chatterbox..Cappy..Cooper..Moody or Dimples on the boards. Not even Gaytor.To name a few.

Have they all moved on to other forums?? I thought they might be around till forever!

Thanks everyone for being so nice!! Peace out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! I am so glad to be a new member here at Morty's!! I'm a huge fan of classic sitcoms, and I love "Classic TV Trivia"! Your website is very informative, and I always know where I can go, to get updates, on my favorite classic TV shows, and favorite classic actors/actresses!

It's always great to welcome new members to Morty's. Come on in and have a seat.

Here's a thread where you can introduce yourself. Tell us a little about yourself, if you feel comfortable. If not, just post here that you have arrived.

On behalf of a everyone here, I hope you have a long and happy stay here at Morty's.



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Welcome tvsitcom

Welcome back Scuba, its been awhile

Welcome muffy

Happy posting and see you in chat.

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