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Victor "9-lives" Arroyo - (Evict: Day 23, Back: Day 37, Evict/Back: Day 72 - 12th Evicted - Day 90 - 7th Jury member)


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On August 26, 2016 at 11:21 PM, Keepittogether said:

This is such lame play by Nicole.  Unless she is thinking Victor and Paul will get rid of Corey at the end and take her to final three at the end.  Michelle will probably go out this week unless Paul pulls himself off and Nicole back doors James, (which would be a really crappy thing to do since he could have voted Corey out and Corey probably wouldn't have been the one to come back.  Unless Natalie or James wins HOH next week, there game is probably over, strictly based on numbers.  Man, Paul is a weasel.  He got Nicole to flip on James in like 24 hours.

I literally posted this in the general discussion thread 20 or so mins ago:


"You know, the more I ponder this, I think that Gnat should tell Nicole EXACTLY what Paul said to her/Meech and James about what Corey told him.  She alluded to it in the KT 2 or 3 days ago, but didn't tell her what he said, only that it was vile.


I HOPE that Nicole is still with James and that she is just putting on a front to draw James and Vic into her trap... Look, she got Paul to go up as a "Pawn" (he he he) I just hope he or Vic do not win the Veto and Meech gets pulled down and Nic puts Vic up as replacement.  Talk about being "boned"... more like "gullible".  I sure hope that is what she is banking on happening.  But if Paul or Vic do win the veto, then Nic and C are safe in the eyes of Vic & Paul.  I think she is being very shrewd about her HOH, this may be her last one."

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On August 26, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Marty said:


It's what Corey wants so he can be back with his bros.


Paul, Victor and Corey will be F3.


Her game to toss away I guess. 






As for Vic, for someone that says they don't like lying he sure was good at doing so to James & Nat. 


He needs to cut loose from Paul. It's his anchor. I feel like Paul is his evil woobie too. 




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1 hour ago, Moonpetal said:


Her game to toss away I guess. 






As for Vic, for someone that says they don't like lying he sure was good at doing so to James & Nat. 


He needs to cut loose from Paul. It's his anchor. I feel like Paul is his evil woobie too. 




I concur with that analysis about Paul.  That being said, yes Vic has lied at the behest of Paul.

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Victor's background reel at start of season made me puke. But his comp performances and dual house returns make him an undeniably good candidate for winning it all. I haven't been watching feeds, but considering his background reel's references to mysoginy he doesn't seem to treat the women of the house disrespectfully. His DR sessions are pretty normal/human. He also seems to be cleaning up the house quite a bit. Perhaps under the machismo shell hides a man with at least some character? He's even been relatively likable which was a huge surprise to me!

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Hmmm where is the beating a dead horse emoji? :animated_rotfl::cookie:


I think he's actually very likable.  It seems like he came in thinking what everybody wanted to see was one thing and he was putting on a show. I feel like the past few weeks he's actually been who he is.

They want someone that's played the game & they like big moves. Heck getting Paulie out & keeping him out was enough to secure votes against anyone left in the house. 

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I love this group because we all seem to think logically and seem to appreciate the game of BB as we have followed it for years.


If you go on BB Facebook groups or the Twitter Big Brother they are going nuts for Victor. They have like a cult like following for him calling him a beast. (forgetting that he has more then one chance to be the beast) 


Anyhoo there are petitions going and movements going to have people vote Victor as America's Favorite Player. Kinda creepy 


Personally I am taking a little feed break from BB until the HOH comp on Thursday. I can't stomach seeing Paul and Vic live and lay in the HOH bed. 


Hoping we have a change in power on Thursday. :popcorn:



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I think he is a comp beast and has worked hard on his social game. I do really like him way more than at first. Hated him but out of the possible people to return he was my hopeful each time. Especially the second time. 


As as for being Americas fave... Hmmm I'm not really sure who is clear fave. Love James but I need to see that he's not so sprung off Nat that he will do what's best for him. 

Not exactly a shinning cast this season. 

Maybe Frank, he got screwed. 

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5 hours ago, Marty said:

I love this group because we all seem to think logically and seem to appreciate the game of BB as we have followed it for years.


If you go on BB Facebook groups or the Twitter Big Brother they are going nuts for Victor. They have like a cult like following for him calling him a beast. (forgetting that he has more then one chance to be the beast) 


Anyhoo there are petitions going and movements going to have people vote Victor as America's Favorite Player. Kinda creepy 


Personally I am taking a little feed break from BB until the HOH comp on Thursday. I can't stomach seeing Paul and Vic live and lay in the HOH bed. 


Hoping we have a change in power on Thursday. :popcorn:



I fast forward through the bb after dark because of Paul. 

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I have seen a real change in how people perceive the game with social media helping


The newer younger generation of Big Brother through Twitter and other social media have really taken over the narrative of how the game should be enjoyed. As an older fan since day one I love the game of chess involved in Big Brother.


They have fan clubs and petitions started already wanting to call Victor the winner of America's Favorite Player. To this newer younger the winner is all about who wins the most comps. They call Victor the comp beast and nobody deserved the game more then him. I come from appreciation of players like Derrick and Dan that use their brains and position themselves in the game. This younger generation of Big Brother watchers call those winners pansies. 


I do think James would have had a good chance at the game if Victor had not won the second buy back. He was in a final alliance with Nicole and Corey and Paul would have been alone. That is how the game works sometimes and I see James and Natalie leaving in the coming 2 weeks with grace. James should never have given that HOH to Nicole. His worst mistake. 


If they want to start a new show called COMP BEAST then that would be a good game for many of the new generation.


Paul using the C word and least 8 times that I heard is disgusting. This young generation saying these women deserve to be called that. They say it is just a word. So disillusioned. 


The next digital season of Big Brother advertises that American will have a bigger hand in the game. That is not a game I want to watch. I will give this new season a chance but if Big Brother doesn't go back to old school I may not last much longer. CBS is giving this new younger (some just  macho guys) what they want with giving Victor another chance and making his comeback an endurance physical comp. 


I am probably done with the feeds this season. 




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I know a lot of people don't like the buy back thing, but I sort of do.  It truly plays into the "Expect the Unexpected" aspect more than any other twist.  When Victor was in the jury house he worked out and was ready for comps, as opposed to those who kicked back and relaxed.  I guess at this point I'd have to say he's my favorite to win.  He definitely hasn't been a slacker or floater.  

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35 minutes ago, Roli said:

I know a lot of people don't like the buy back thing, but I sort of do.  It truly plays into the "Expect the Unexpected" aspect more than any other twist.  When Victor was in the jury house he worked out and was ready for comps, as opposed to those who kicked back and relaxed.  I guess at this point I'd have to say he's my favorite to win.  He definitely hasn't been a slacker or floater.  


They should start a new reality show called Competition Beast. 


Big Brother is so much more to me then being a beast. JMO 

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Yes, big brother is way more than the comps....but the comps are there.  The winner of the comps at the end is very much in control.  Now he had to win so many comps because unfortunately, his early social game was not working.  Then he worked his way back in and shook up the house with his HOH.  That made him a target again and things fell against him.  As luck would have it, he managed to fight his way back in again.  And I think he deserved it more than the other jury members.  I believe that if any other person would have won, they would be gone that same week.  Victor was the only one to have a chance...and here he is probably making it to final four.  Even if his alliance doesn't get HOH next week to get rid of who ever doesn't go home this week....chances are very very good that the person left standing, if they are the HOH, will go after Paul and Nicole, if they get veto, put corey up and send Paul or Nicole home.


That is the logic in my head at this point...and only my opinion on things.  But I truly feel Victor has earned everything he has gotten so far.

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2 hours ago, Marty said:

I do think James would have had a good chance at the game if Victor had not won the second buy back. He was in a final alliance with Nicole and Corey and Paul would have been alone. That is how the game works sometimes and I see James and Natalie leaving in the coming 2 weeks with grace. James should never have given that HOH to Nicole. His worst mistake. 



The next digital season of Big Brother advertises that American will have a bigger hand in the game. That is not a game I want to watch. I will give this new season a chance but if Big Brother doesn't go back to old school I may not last much longer. CBS is giving this new younger (some just  macho guys) what they want with giving Victor another chance and making his comeback an endurance physical comp. 


I am probably done with the feeds this season. 





I think, James would have been a shoo-in for the F4 if there was no buy-back. I also think he almost had to give Nicole the HOH to show his loyalty. Unfortunately, he still trusted Nicole, even though a number of folks had already said she was a rat. In my opinion, even if Nic makes it to the F2, she may have already done too much damage to win.


I do not have a problem with comp beast per se, as long as they are using their power wisely. Even though I do not like the buy-back late in the game, I have to give Vic some credit for making it count when he did come back. He and Paul deserve credit for convincing Nicorey to flip on James. In my opinion, that move definitely makes them the odds on favorite to win the game now. Good chance, they will go head to head for the win. But make no mistake, in my opinion, Vic does not deserve to be in the top two. He can be the AFP, but anything else is tainted. 

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IMO I feel that of the remaining houseguests Victor is the only one that is playing BB and not looking for a summer hook-up or a summer vacation.  Paul is also there to play the game but with Victor winning his way back twice he's there to win and not sit and eat or sleep most of the day away.  The  other houseguests really have no straight gameplay.  People can say that the VicPaul team flip-flops but so do Nicory & JamNat.  James needs to break loose from Natalie and stop doing her bidding and Corey needs to break away from Nicole and stop that cuddling. 

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7 minutes ago, MiMiLily said:

IMO I feel that of the remaining houseguests Victor is the only one that is playing BB and not looking for a summer hook-up or a summer vacation.  Paul is also there to play the game but with Victor winning his way back twice he's there to win and not sit and eat or sleep most of the day away.  The  other houseguests really have no straight gameplay.  People can say that the VicPaul team flip-flops but so do Nicory & JamNat.  James needs to break loose from Natalie and stop doing her bidding and Corey needs to break away from Nicole and stop that cuddling. 


Game wise, I think Paul has played the best game overall. If it wasn't for Paul, I don't think Vic could last two weeks on his own. His social game is no better now than it was in the beginning, other than he does a better job of following Paul's lead and directions.


I have seen people imply or say that James is doing Nat's bidding. I don't remember any situations where he's done her bidding. Could someone please point out some specific examples of this? 

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Just my opinion but I think that Victor is set by the Producers to win. No-one has ever been put in the house 3 times in a single season. He was voted out and they got him back in - okay... it's happened before. Then he's voted out again and he's back in again. It's a set up and I am willing to bet he takes all the money at the end.

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