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John "Johnny Mac" McGuire (Week 12) - Nominated, PoV winner, Saved himself


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He told Austin and Liz last night he would throw the POV to them and hope they keep him.

He also told them "by the way I told Vanessa a lot of lies about you both"

Please vote out this idiot

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He told Austin and Liz last night he would throw the POV to them and hope they keep him.

He also told them "by the way I told Vanessa a lot of lies about you both"

Please vote out this idiot


Maybe the realization has hit him that he won't win so he just wants it over, OR maybe his hatred of Vanessa is so strong that he just wants to be sure that she doesn't get to F2. 

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I think he was lying to Steve because he knew that Steve would run back and tell Vanessa everything he said.  He does not trust Vanessa.  But he needed her and Steve in order to continue in the game.  If they could have taken out Austwins, he would have had a shot at F3.   But I am glad he is on the block. Hopefully, he will go to jury.  He deserves it!  I will never forgive him for wanting to take out Meg.

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I think he was lying to Steve because he knew that Steve would run back and tell Vanessa everything he said.  He does not trust Vanessa.  But he needed her and Steve in order to continue in the game.  If they could have taken out Austwins, he would have had a shot at F3.   But I am glad he is on the block. Hopefully, he will go to jury.  He deserves it!  I will never forgive him for wanting to take out Meg.


Thank you Linda. That was very well said.

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I like him because he is weird and annoying. He is unorthodox as can be and yet is in great position to win this game. Like it or not, his strategy has always been to advance week by week, be a good person, and keep everybody guessing about him. Bizzare strategy, but if he gets to final two he has the jury.

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I'm just glad he threw a monkey wrench into Vanipulator's master plan!! But how are the votes going to go? It seems likely Van will have to cast a tie breaker, no? Unless JMac votes for Austwins, seem unlikely to me, but I guess either way he's gotta win next Veto to stick around...

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Jmac telling Austin he wants to vote out Steve to mess up Vanessa. He told Austin he wants to work with him.


Not sure if he is doing more crazy talk


Vanessa is planning on getting either Liz or Austin out this week. Think it is Austin

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apparently Julia told JMac not to trust Vanessa on her way out.  Then when she put him on the block he lost faith in her.  

I don't think JMac ever had faith in Vanessa or ever trusted her.  He needed her to stay in the game.  He finally realized that he needed some kind of team, besides Steve, after he made it back in.  He tried to work with Austwins, but they kept running back telling Vanessa everything.   He had no choice but to work with Vanessa.  But I assure you at the first opportunity to get rid of Vanessa, he will gleefully vote her a$$ out!!! 

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Jmac referred to Van as "the devil you know" when he returned to the game. In his weird gameplay, I think he believes he has already written the end of the story, in that he thinks the jury votes are his. He just is trying to find anyway to get to the end and Van was the best way to get there. He still does not care for her and I agree he would flip on her on any chance to send her home.probably would get her vote too.

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Jmac on the final 2

Jury asks. Johnny tell us what big moves you made in the game?

Johnny says. Well I volunteered often to be a pawn a lot and ummmm.

Jury asks. Johnny what was your strategy?

Jmac says - I dunno maybe to hope someone takes me to the end.

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Jmac on the final 2

Jury asks. Johnny tell us what big moves you made in the game?

Johnny says. Well I volunteered often to be a pawn a lot and ummmm.

Jury asks. Johnny what was your strategy?

Jmac says - I dunno maybe to hope someone takes me to the end.

you hit the nail on the head. I think he would be speechless if they asked him to explain why he should win over the other person.

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He is just a NERD.   Most people only think of tech weenies as the classic nerds, but they come from all areas interest.  I spent a year in the company of a group of doctors and nurses.  There are as many social screw balls in medicine as there are in tech.  I know nerds, cuz I are one.  lol  (Geeks bite heads off live chickens, nerds divert their cluminess into being really, really good at something.)

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