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Audrey Middleton (Week 1)


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My husband and I both are intrigued by Audrey so far (and Da'Vonne) because they both seem to be strategic players. And on live feeds it looks like they have both aligned with the power in the house. It will be interesting to watch as the weeks continue.

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I was prepared to like Audrey, but she rubbed me the wrong way, I don't like her as a PERSON. She said James was a roley poley. And then on the live feeds she said she is going to be a princess, and have everyone wait on her. No, just not someone I would like in real life.

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I was prepared to like Audrey, but she rubbed me the wrong way, I don't like her as a PERSON. She said James was a roley poley. And then on the live feeds she said she is going to be a princess, and have everyone wait on her. No, just not someone I would like in real life.



OMG she called someone a roley poley? How silly have we as Big Brother fans become if we dislike someone for a little name calling and cattiness. Have we become so PC that everyone has to be nice and sweet? 


So far I like her. She is playing the game. 

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Guest 6Borders

She is downright Looney Tunes.  Her conversation with Clay this morning was bizarre, harping over and over

about the knife he was putting in hers and Shelly's backs.  She just would not let up and I don't think it

was game play!  The poor guy could not wait to get away from her. 


Hopefully her paranoia will provide some good drama because it was painful to listen to her and quite frankly

more than a little disturbing!

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OK she is playing way too hard and not smart. She is going to have a big target on her back. She has told too many people that she will share information with them and nobody else and they are comparing notes.


They also were having a discussion about her needing to go but they agreed they don't want to be "that person" that evicts the transgender girl. 

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OK she is playing way too hard and not smart. She is going to have a big target on her back. She has told too many people that she will share information with them and nobody else and they are comparing notes.


They also were having a discussion about her needing to go but they agreed they don't want to be "that person" that evicts the transgender girl. 


agree Marty.  Her name is being thrown out by everyone as the source of all rumors because she is causing such drama.   This gal could be a strong player but she is playing too many sides

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But... just watching the feeds I am finding in private conversations she has a final with a bunch of people. She is in a few alliances. It seems James wants Jace to go home and it seems like that is how it is going down. Audrey is pretending like she is with everyone.


She just had a few mini house meetings. 

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Guest 6Borders

It isn't just because she called him a roley poley, its her attitude as a whole, she just seems like a mean person, and not in a game play way. She is reminding me of Amanda from season 15, and I couldn't stand her.

Agreed!  She seems to have a lot of issues with both men & women, and she's extremely paranoid!

She's tossing everyone under the infamous BB Bus way too soon in the game!


It pretty much sucks when someone has to be kept not because they played the game well but'

because nobody wants to get in the way of the personal agenda!

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Ok I don't like her. I thought she would be fun but I notice she has sucked any fun out of the whole house. They are all just running around telling stories on each other. Audrey is the biggest pot stirrer and goes from person to person with gossip. 


She is a female Andy 

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Yeah, after watching the feeds more, don't like her game play. I'm finding her constant game talk and paranoia exhausting. It seems the second after she stops talking to one person she's off to the next one.

My guess is she's evicted before week 4. Unless production helps out of course.

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That's exactly what I was thinking. She just goes from one group to another talking a lot of crap. She is obviously trying to pull Austin and Jace down but no one seems to be safe from her agenda. I do think a lot of them are seeing what she is

doing. She seems to be really playing Da'Vonne, telling her that she has her back and then trying to get other people to mess with her head.

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I too was disappointed when she started running around telling tales to HGs. Not a good start.


She looks like Raquel Welch, who played the first transgender in 1969's "Myra Breckenridge"...her costar was Mae West.....


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Guest 6Borders

She is Grodner's "failed Amanda" replacement, and the CBS ticket to their next upcoming series about a transgender (I bet Vegas odds), but for now she is causing (probably scripted) drama for the newbee BB fans (and maybe something for the rest of us who have been here since BB1)!!  It's worth $5.99 a month over reruns!!

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Audrey is blasting Vanessa about leaking information to Austin. 


Now she is dragging Austin in the room. 


Audrey is being a major bully. 

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She is relentless. She just goes in and sucks the life out of everyone she talks to. She uses that cold, emotionless voice and her face matches it. I think her comparing herself to Dexter might be way too close to home.

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I think Audrey is convinced that if she bullies everyone and questions any conversations she has with anyone else then they will be afraid to talk to anyone. 

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I don't understand why Vanessa is being so meek and groveling to Audrey's inquisition? I would think a woman who could face down a bunch of guys in a high stakes poker game could match this woman stone face to stone face. Vanessa needs to harden up or Audrey will chew her up and send her crying out the door.

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OK she is playing way too hard and not smart. She is going to have a big target on her back. She has told too many people that she will share information with them and nobody else and they are comparing notes.

They also were having a discussion about her needing to go but they agreed they don't want to be "that person" that evicts the transgender girl.

Right on the mark Marty.

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