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Everything posted by Slowpoke

  1. They probably had a little more time because the HOH comp only lasted one round. Come to think of it the POV went pretty fast too.
  2. Nah... you're all wrong. They probably booed her because of how irritating she was. Self-serving, cackeling, coat-tail riding.... etc
  3. Stevea11 : " I'll bet she's wondering WTF did I do to deserve that kind of responce from the audenice????????? " Oh... I think she knows ! Morty's posters were commenting a few days ago about the audience being instructed NOT to Boo. Guess they just couldn't help themselves
  4. First think I thought of was SAVED BY THE BELL
  5. 9:20 am BBT 4 cams show 4 dark rooms with lumpy covers Cam 1 shows lumps stirring for just a moment
  6. While her and Nicole were packing and deciding what to wear on the show tonite... Victoria said she wished she could have brought ALL of her hair. (ALL ???) If she had any more extensions she wouldn't be able to get thru the door
  7. On the show tonite.... Did anyone else notice that Frankie checked the BAG after the POV players were picked... JUST to make sure his name was really in there. He actually looked a little disappointed that it was actually in there. I think he wanted to cry FOUL ! ! hmmm ya think he might have suspected he might be put up as replacement when someone came down off the block ? (he'll find out how close he actually came to being slapped up there later)
  8. Caption for Morty's pic of Caleb: LORD... please let me win so I'll be able to buy a whole shirt
  9. I have a funny feeling that Caleb is going to be sorry he put up Victoria as a Replacement... and not Frankie.
  10. Victoria being the one to get Spankie out would be great... except, Derrick would be the one that would (and should) get the credit for accomplishing it. Oh... and Back-Dooring him would be the best scenario. (literally and figuratively)
  11. 6Borders : " his friends, family and strangers don't have to hear about it for the next 5 years! " 5 years ??? How about for the next 50 ??? He'll be sitting in his rocker, pot-bellied, grey... and his nose shriveled up like a pickle.. telling anyone within earshot... "Did I ever tell ya about the time I single-handedly won Big Brother 16 ?"
  12. I'll repeat... " the HGs that weren't included in the BIG ALLIANCE were picked off one by one no matter what kind of a game they played. "
  13. srMarshall32 : " It's just so boring to watch anymore because there are basically NO surprises on live eviction night. " Yep... after HOH Comp and maybe a day or 2 of decisions... the rest of the week is just sleeping, eating, playing games, complaining and speculations about what comp is next. BORING edit:... almost echoed Borders post (typed at same time)
  14. Sleeping patterns and endearing qualities aside... the HGs that weren't included in the BIG ALLIANCE were picked off one by one no matter what kind of a game they played. Each week was plotted and played to that end because they had the 'numbers' to do so. Donny was fortunate enough to be able to win comps to remain in the game as long as he did despite his personality. Do I think he could have won the big prize... NO. But, the guy played as well as he could. Props to him
  15. Oh, I don't know... One of the best BB 16 moments was when Caleb (with a dumbfounded look on his face) said... " I ATE THE PICKLE ! "
  16. She's had a FREE ride on Derrick's coat-tails.... just like Frankie's had on Ariana's...
  17. 6Borders : " (uh, he was on the block 7 times and got himself off when he needed to..I would say Donny had something to do with getting as far as he did) " Case closed !
  18. Since this season ... " is what it is " ... they'll probably wait and tailor the "PRIZE" depending on who scored the best or the worst. I think everyone's lost interest... including the HGs.
  19. Ha... Christine, Cody and Frankie in HOH room (I think Derrick might be snoozing in the bed) chatting. Christine mentions that she hopes Tim ( is that her hubby's name?) gets lots of followers. She said he was hoping he would. OH MY .... just wait til she finds out what kind of 'followers' he's gotten
  20. Seems like your damned if you do... and damned if you don't. ( talk - that is )



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