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Everything posted by Slowpoke

  1. I wonder how many times she has to RE-DO the lines they're feeding her in the DR ?
  2. I caught part of that on the live feeds (not much)... but I did catch where Derrick was explaining to Victoria what to do and how to act. It was fairly simple... and Victoria was nodding her head and smiling while he explained. The whole time I'm thinking that the plan is tooo complicated for Vicky... it's hard for her to chew gum and walk at the same time. It would be a shame if Derrick gets his butt kicked out the door because she screws this up. (WHAT WAS he thinking ??)
  3. If there was a reality show where contestants had to prove how big their EGOS were.... Frankie would win for sure.
  4. IMHO $500,000 is enough for this kind of show. True, it's a big block of time out of their year (especially those who make it to the Jury House)... but, if it interferes with their stable jobs they shouldn't apply. ( ( haa... those that actually apply ) ) Beside the Comps - they've got it pretty easy.
  5. Seems like it's running a little faster here. Not normal... but faster.
  6. Marty... NOPE... me too. Thought maybe it was my computer. I haven't had problems with it for awhile... but, it's been known to act up. Thanks for posting that you're having the same problem. (lol.. I've been playing Mahjong during the 'waits')
  7. 6Borders.... wash your mouth out. (or rinse off your keyboard)
  8. I actually think riding coat-tails (on purpose) is a strategy. I don't think for 1 minute that it is OR was Victoria's or Cowboy's strategy... they just bumbled along and happened to be with HGs who took advantage of their personalities (or lack of ). I agree it's wasted space for fans who REALLY want to play the game.
  9. Thanks all for this BIG batch of MeMes today. The feeds are just awful since Thursday's show.... and on top of it my Raven's had a really bad showing for their season opener this afternoon
  10. Michael Ellis (cowboy) didn't win any comps his whole season. He DID win the the 2nd part of the 3 part Comp final, and ended up going to the F2 with Drew coming in 2nd. The only thing he got credit for was winning Food and Luxury Comps Here's his Win / Lose chart http://bigbrother.wikia.com/wiki/Michael_Ellis So, it's possible to get to the end by just being there... and lucky enough to hang around the right HGs just sayin'
  11. Wicked : " Need competitors not lumps of brainless flesh " Those brainless lumps of flesh are put into use during the game as back-up votes for the 'players'. One can't survive without the other most times. Just like you needs worms to aerate the soil so things can grow better.
  12. SuckitUp: " and disappears forever in the bowels of NYC. " .... until CBS poops him out on Amazing Race or some other Reality show
  13. Cody is VERY concerned about being booed when he steps out the door. I think he knows deep down that Christine got booed because of all the touchy / feely with him... no matter how the other HGs try to give other explanations to make him feel better. He mentioned on the Feeds last nite... that if he gets booed... it's going to be like a punch in the gut to his father (he actually said something a little more graphic). Cody's last days in the House will be overshadowed with the dread of wondering what will happen when he's evicted. (and if he goes to the Jury House this week... I'd bet a Golden Power of Veto that there will be NO Hanky-Panky with Christine)
  14. Omaha... with the way it's been going... that just might happen
  15. I thought she was trying very hard to give answers that Jeff wanted to hear... and also be very 'in the middle of the road' with her opinions. I thought she looked pretty uptight myself. ( but, was hoping to show she was unruffled by the audience's reaction when she walked out of the BB House )
  16. straycat : " I think he looks a lot like a puppet. " Oh... you mean like Pinocchio ... who's nose grew every time he lied ? fits perfectly !
  17. They both should have known better. The constant touchy / feely between the 2 of them was nauseating. They'll both have to face some unpleasant 'backlash' when the game is over. ___ and especially Christine's excuse that it was part of her 'game' won't fly ...
  18. It's a crying shame that part of the TWIST isn't that whoever had been HOH wouldn't be able to play in the NEW HOH comp. I'll have a barf bag next to my chair that night just in-case Wankie wins again. And if someone else wins.... I guess I'll keep it there until POV comp is over in-case he ends up winning that. (guess you can tell I want him OUT )
  19. I was innocently flipping thru the channels a little after 8 to see what was on. Stand Up For Cancer is on a LOT of channels. (I imagine it's in place of the old Jerry Lewis Telethon) And who should happen to come onto the stage to sing .... ARIANA Oh goody. I wasn't familiar with the song... but it seemed like she kept singing the same sentence over and over throughout the whole song. (but, seems like a lot of songs are like that now)
  20. Watching Christine's behavior on TV and Live Feeds was perfect fodder for The Jerry Springer Show. Just sayin'
  21. I was reading a post in Christine's topic about her being booed... a Julie C. quote from Entertainment... I continued to read the next question which was.... " Frankie seems to have a personal comment to make to you every time he casts his vote in the diary room. What’s your view on that: harmless fun that you enjoy? Unnecessary grandstanding that you tolerate? Or perhaps a bit of both? Frankie’s comments feel real and genuine. Or maybe that’s just my ego talking. I have to admit I get a kick out of it because he does it in such an adorable way. He acts like he’s meeting a big star and it’s flattering. What can I tell you? Chenbot is a sucker for a nice compliment. I am human after all….???? " hmmm ? Me thinks Chenbot has been hosting BB toooo long ! ! !
  22. Cody going to be sweating bullets wondering if he'll get the same reception that Christine did from the audience. They were almost joined at the hip. Possibly wondering if his rep has been tarnished because of his weird association with her. (if you're gonna 'play' ... you're gonna 'pay')
  23. Lamasquerade :" Right now, Frankie doesn't want any one to touch the gold button. So, next week when he is on the block with no chance of safety he will think why not touch the button and it will reset and he will be saved. Grodner has it all figured out. " Oh crap



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