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Everything posted by Slowpoke

  1. I seem to recall Dr. Will really pushed it with the singing.... til he was gone.
  2. Curious... why Zach ? I'm actually at a loss as to who I would vote for (if I voted).
  3. Pity ? Did anyone say they pitied him? Maybe empathize because he was out of his element... but pity ? He chose to be on BB ... and he spent a lot of 'alone time' because of his personality. (plus he didn't have anything in common with the majority of them) I heard him mention a few times that he didn't have anyone to form an alliance with, but, 1/2 the HGs never found an alliance either. I think he pissed and moaned the least out of any of them that had been put on the block. Even tho he was a poor choice to be a HG... at least he hung in there and did pretty damn good. The last word I would think of when I think of Donny would be ... pity.
  4. Is there some reason I missed why there are 3 of Ariana's nudy pics in Cody's thread ? I know Stevea wouldn't care who's thread they show up in ... but, I'm just curious
  5. Whatever his winnings end up being... she should at least get 1/2. His arse would have been gone weeks ago if he hadn't pulled his STARTLING news that she was his sister. So by all rights ... at least from that point on ... any additional $$s he'll make should go to her (and then SHE can donate it to all those charities).
  6. I guess something that doesn't show blood stains too much....
  7. Seems like Ariana should have her own Topic. Seems like she's mentioned as much as any of the HGs anyway.
  8. Has anyone heard her say or express an original thought ? Seems like she just repeats what others have said. Whatever she's doing or saying... she's wormed her way FAR into the game.
  9. OK... It seems like Donny is just a 'down-home' nice guy who happened to be a BIG fan of BB. He gets picked to play the game by TPTB and finds he doesn't really fit in with a younger crowd and plods thru day after day of the BB experience. He wins his share of Comps and avoids being evicted time after time. Then the chosen 'IN' crowd finally gets him out. After living thru 70 some days of 'less than Ideal' BB life.... he might go home to some bull-crap that 'so-called-fans have stirred up. I'm betting that Donny is actually expecting there will be some negative 'stuff' to deal with when he gets home and he'll deal with it. AND if part of it is that $$'s were collected ... I'm sure he'll probably donate them to some local cause (or - maybe not). He'll walk away from this experience with having lived his dream of being in the BB House - and - possibly even more added perks. His experiences when returning to the OUTSIDE world will be a lot more positive than most of the other HGs this season. (and SO WHAT if the guy shed a tear or two when he got evicted ? They were probably 50% tears of relief)
  10. 9:55 am BBT Victoria, Derrick and Caleb awake. All walking like zombies... Derrick grunts Caleb peels and eats a banana and walks in back yard (his knuckles aren't scraping the ground) BB asks Derrick to change batteries Caleb and Derrick head for LR. Caleb sits... Derrick stretches out on couch. ohh looks like Cody is stirring. FOTH for some reason.
  11. 8:50 a.m. BBT No one stirring All bedrooms dark Lumps of covers showing on all 4 cams
  12. On second thought... leave Frankie in the House for awhile. Why put him in the Jury House to torture those ousted HGs for the remaining time. Let the dummmies that are too scared to vote him out suffer his antics. (and... how come Caleb is his friend now ? Didn't he THROW a comp because he wanted him out so bad a couple weeks ago ?)
  13. I think Frankie felt like something was brewing yesterday. I watched the Feeds for awhile and he wasn't 'acting' his usual self. His actions seemed even more scripted and phony than usual. But... he knew enough to get Caleb alone and fill his head with 'Frankie falsehoods' to get Caleb back in his camp. Poor Caleb's brain must be fried from all the activity
  14. MKZ512 : "if Frankie is nominated/evicted and booed while Ariana is in the audience with the booing crowd" I don't think I've ever heard the audience BOOO at any HG as they exit the House. They're probably prompted to show their disapproval (if need be) by just not clapping as much.
  15. psst... Jersey721... 9:00 pm BBT... Caleb, Cody and Derrick talking seriously about putting up Frankie. Talking about all possibilities for the next few evictions.... We might just HAVE to eat your house (of course it's only Sunday .... and we'll have to wait and see if Caleb puts him on the block)
  16. Jersey721 : " I will eat my own house if this actually happens. " Jersey... IF this happens, I hope you don't have a big house.... but, IF it does, I'll pitch in and eat the living room for you. Shows just how much I want his 'pinkness' out of the running
  17. ... " I don't know, but how do we take the words serious of a man who tongues kisses his son? " .... Did we ever figure out if this actually happened ? Or did they just kiss on the mouth ? ( I had an Italian uncle who used to pinch both your / our cheecks... and then give you a big smooch on the mouth... male or female) lol... NO tongue tho
  18. xonoration : "(feel bad for the milk toast husband... if my wife G/F acted like that... i would bring a date to the last show.)"Looove this idea ! Is there anyway we could all pitch in and hire a Victoria's Secret model to be his date ?? This gal is going to end up losing the guy she's already got... and ruin her chances of finding anyone else IF they do split.
  19. lol... it's either a sideways heart... or a double dip ice cream cone has fallen over
  20. KissesinVA : " And then said that if Nicole comes crying to him that he would "punch her in the face". " WOW... saying stuff like that is a SURE FIRE way to get votes for America's Fav. what an arse
  21. 6Borders : " (but he did come in with pre-existing conditions and it was his choice to "beastmode" it)! " Pre-existing condition ? Does he actually have one ? Or is this another one of his delusions ?
  22. Franky and Christine ? .... double shudder



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