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Everything posted by Slowpoke

  1. I don't know about his buddies being cruel... but... they'll 'rag' on him for years and years to come about things he said and did on BB. They've got plenty of ammunition. But, Caleb, being Caleb will sift through what they say and turn it around to his advantage. He'll be in the limelight and that's all he cares about.
  2. It really feels weird after a long (very) Predictable season... that all of a sudden... it's VERY UN-PREDICTABLE :excl:
  3. gishy333tx... dang.. I love the way your husband thinks ! If Julie doesn't mention America's Favorite voting the next live show... I wonder if they'll have it this season ? (I'd actually like to vote this time.. )
  4. I'm thinking she is going to be MORE than satisfied that she was the last female in the house. (let's hope that she has enough sense to realize there's no way she could have won this game) Plus it sounds like she'll be getting an extra $5,000 so she can by a couple of new lenses for her cameras... and Lord knows HOW many extra hair extensions ! ! !
  5. If Frankie stays on the block and Cody and Derrick vote to Evict him... Caleb can say "dag nabbit' he had NO IDEA they would do that ... and still try to milk Frankie for any perks he might get in show biz.
  6. If that actually happens... and Caleb and Derrick are the last 2 standing... the Jury HGs will have a tough decision... that's for sure.
  7. During the Nomination Ceremony.... Caleb should have said It was such a hard decision and the only way he could choose was to draw Skittles out of a bag. AND... Frankie ... your Skittle got dittled.
  8. Little Spanky just might win the Comps he'll need to stay 'til the bitter end. Should be interesting to see how the next few days unfold.... (I'll be sending UN-POSITIVE VIBES his way)
  9. I wonder how this would be received if Cody were the married man touching and cuddling constantly with an unmarried female HG ? I wonder how his wife would feel ? Would she be as tolerant as Tim ?
  10. Stevea... should we use the term 'Trap Door' ? Is that any better ?
  11. umm... how she was acting with Cody was NOT game strategy. How could petting and pawing all over (and with) the guy gain her any leverage? As far as I could see her only strategy was agreeing and voting with her alliance. She HAD to know they would vote her out when the numbers dwindled down to the core guys. Her main strategy was keeping track of where Cody was and trying to be within touching distance of him. She was infatuated with the guy and let playing Big Brother (a dream she'd hoped and dreamed of) be flushed right down the toilet.
  12. Victoria would have gone home or to Jury House looong ago without Derrick. She should thank him for all her time in the house... and being the last girl standing.
  13. He's already agonizing over his (probable) involvement with Christine's boooing incident. Probably making him sweat a weee bit - wondering how he'll be greeted going out the door.
  14. AND... his Survivor tryout video smacked of having it done professionally. Not to say there's anything wrong with that ... but, I bet he pulled in some help from sis.
  15. uh oh ... guess the Honeymoon is over ..... Watch out Frankie
  16. Slimcruz : " <-------------------bEAST mODE coWGIRL. Is that taken? " You having strange hankerings lately Slimcruz ????
  17. GreatSaltLuke... have to agree. Like a harmless baboon. (whatever type he's trying to portray... he's really working hard at it)
  18. Marty: " People are just to afraid if they say anything they will be called homophobic and Frankie knows that. " Agree, agree. And it seems like he's very well practiced at using it to his advantage. Kinda sad... because the guy is very smart, talented and charismatic without overstepping personal space constantly.
  19. The - Beast Mode Cowboy - definition was entered into the Urban Dictionary by DrWizard July 28, 2014. I think the season started June 25th. Caleb had been driving us all up the wall with his self proclaimed nick-name... and this Dr Wizard retaliated with a poke aimed at Caleb.
  20. 1. Predict: If they have time to show Christine entering the Jury House... I don't think she'll tell them about the audience booing.
  21. Cody just loves cuddling and petting bitches....
  22. Frankie = Arrogant, egotistical, self-serving, pompous, self-righteous, braggart and just plain annoying. Thought I'd get off my chest one more time what I think of this guy... just in-case he's evicted this week. (and, I actually thought he'd be one of my favs this season)



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