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Everything posted by Janis

  1. Don't like him and really don't want him to win. Is he playing a good game yes for this season, that may all come tumbling down if Hayden gets back into the game and blows his game up but you know these people probably wouldn't listen.
  2. I am not trying to argue so please do not take this question as that. We all have a different view and we see things differently. Who do you think he should have approached more than once? This year an 8 person alliance was formed on day 2 and anytime anyone opened their mouth they were targeted. Donny was not liked alot by anyone so I am not sure who would have truly wanted an alliance with him. That is just my observation.
  3. I think we can agree to disagree where Donny is concerned because we all look at the game differently and we all like different game play. I personally think Donny has played the game. It's all in the perspective that you look at it from. Donny has won 4 vetos and an HOH so I do not know how that equates to not playing the game. For Christine to tell Nicole that her and Cody hate his guts is a little strong I am not quite sure what he possibly could have done for that to come out of her mouth. The reason that some may not like him is the reason I do. I hope he wins HOH tonight simply because I don't like anyone left in this house and they said that they were not going to wake him up because maybe he didn't hear all of the sayings and because Frankie and Caleb think there is no way that he or Victoria could win.
  4. My husband said if I acted like that in there I would be divorced coming out granted I am too old now for that but really who does that as a married woman???? I remember when she walked in the door and said can I share a bed with a female I am married. I guess she got amnesia after being in the house for so long. OMG I AM LAUGHING SO HARD THAT IS SO FUNNY
  5. You should probably wait until you see what the comp is before declaring that you are the winner. I would love for him to be the first one to fall if it is an endurance comp that would make my week.
  6. spoken in true Donny form LOL. I do like him and I do hope he wins HOH if for nothing else to make the rest of them panic he is after all the biggest schemer of them all. I should really learn how to spelll I don't think that is correct oh well
  7. Frankie has been waiting for the right moment to reveal who he is unfortunately for him I don't think it went as planned especially when the only person in the house that knew who his sister is was Victoria. I think he knew once he was in trouble he could throw the famous sister out there and all would be forgiven. Caleb is an idiot of all the people he would want to meet Justin Beeber really????? I think this was his biggest mistake in the game because even if he says he's doing it for charity no one will give him the money in the end. Someone commented that this not Celebrity Big Brother if he wanted to donate winnings to charity he should have gone on Celebrity Apprentice. Maybe that will be his next show since technically he could claim he was a reality star. I really hate saying bad things about these people. Who am I kidding???? I really dislike him alot. Its all a big production for him he has probably planned for everything.
  8. Well she is a competitor you know after all she won the easiest Veto to win LOL. I think her trust in Derrick is gone and she is afraid he is going to replace her. Other than that I have no idea what she thinks she is missing.
  9. LOL now that is funny but it might match one that big brother took LOL. I am glad she is trying what I really don't like is that they are letting her talk becase they think Donny has some deep dark plans that they need to know about. It is amazing to me that grown men think that a 42 year old man that has not had one true alliance in that house has a plan to get all 6 of them out of the house. I have decided that that house must eat all your brain cells or the boredom is kinda like a mirage in the desert. Donny's game is up untless they bring back 2 players and those 2 players are Hayden and Nicole and that I would like to see because then they may have something to worry about.
  10. I don't know if you watch the live feeds or not but I think you and I are in the minority of people that realize that Donny has played the game LOL. He was sitting with Derrick at the pool and Derrick was feeding Donny the same crap he always feeds Donny. Then Donny says to him did Helen ever tell everyone what her real job was last year??? Derrick was like oh well I think the only person here that was not telling the truth about who they are was Frankie and now that is out and if it were anyone else they probably have already been voted out. I think Donny knows he's full of crap he may not know he is a cop but I think he knows he isn't a park and rec guy either. Then yesterday Nicole told him that Christine thinks he is a professor or something so they were playing Jenga and Christine was in the kitchen and someone made a comment about the move Donny made and he said well after all I am an architect. Hayden said it correctly Donny always has been an outsider and never could work his way into the group. Hayden said I always tried to defend him because I trust Donny. He is a veto beast. Donny knows who is running the house and he knows what Derricks game is. I also laughed at Cody saying that Donny is a schemer. Yes Cody Donny is a normal person who happens to be 42 and he likes to sleep at night and he gets up everyday and spends the whole day in the backyard scheming with his alliance which consists of him. He would be a very dangerous person you would be making the biggest move of the year when you get him out maybe you should win something so you can be the person who makes the biggest move of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I have always enjoyed your opinons of Allison LOL. I tried and tried to honestly believe that production is not responsible for alot of the stuff that goes on but after the Frankie winning by himself and then finding out that something was wrong with Zach and Donny's board that they had to stop and fix it I really can't think that anymore. I realize some people may think that Frankie is good TV but I am not one of those people. I have not liked Frankie from about day 3. I do not think they should have an America's favorite this year simply because most houseguests do not have followers coming into the game he would win even before voting started. I am with you I do not know how in the heck Frank would have won fan favorite I am still shaking my head over that one.
  12. My husband is from Long Island and he has tried to talk with out the New York accent but there are words that he cannot prononce like water and quarter.
  13. I think that there may be 2 people coming back into the house and I would love to see Cody and Derrick's face if those 2 were Hayden and Nicole. Donny has told Hayden Jacosta and Nicole that the puppet master is Derrick and its like they don't listen. So where are those people right now yes exactly out of the house. I hope Nicole gets it before she leaves so if she does come back she will not trust him or if Hayden comes back she will hopefully convince him not to trust him either. She cannot help her voice she is from a part of the country where thats the way they talk I like it she does not bother me.
  14. I am just checking if anyone is watching the same stupid show that I am this year????? Donny is Donny and I don't think he will change for this game or for anyone else. He is a likeable guy and if you listen to him he knows what is going on. While some of you may think that Donny should be out there trying to get an alliance there are no alliances to get into. With all the lies this year even if he tried the whole house would know about in about 1 second. You can try all you want to make deals that these people will not keep and alliances that do not exist and at this point it's done. He will leave next week or the week after and someone will come back and they will leave again and Derrick will win and be able to feed his daughter. Season is done.
  15. Congradulations Christine you are Derrick's B number 2 LOL it will come back to bite you and soon I hope. Someone is coming back and it won't be Jacosta I hope they have immunity for a week and then its bye bye to one of these people I cannot stand which at this point is everyone but Donny.
  16. I loved Marcellas and I was yelling at my TV don't do it LOL. I guess this makes sense so given that information shouldn't Hayden and Nicole know that the house flipped or at least suspect????
  17. I think it going to be the before or after comp because it doesn't take long so I think Hayden and Donny will do well they have days down pretty good. Derrick and Cody and Franky and Zack may do well do who knows all I know is that I would love for Hayden or Donny to win HOH and evict one from the other side and Nicole win the second HOH and those idiots will have accomplished nothing but to draw the line. Derrick thinks he is so smart he probably doesn't think that anyone will put him up but I think Hayden will be mad enough to do it. I think he puts up Derrick and Cody if he wins the first HOH.
  18. Does Julie announce right away that its a double eviction??? I can't remember but if she does old Cody might just change his mind Lol. I am holding out hope and believe me its a long shot that Victoria will actually think for herself and vote out Zach anyway which would make it a tie as long as Christine votes him out too which she may do because she really wants him out.
  19. LOL we can only hope I think what really ticks me off is that Derrick and Cody went to Hayden and Nicole not the other way around. They make it sound like it was all Hayden and Nicole and I had to laugh when Cody said that Hayden was stupid so it must be Donny and Nicole. I hope you all will keep me posted tonight so that I know whats going on we get football I am on face book LOL.
  20. I know Marty but I really don't like these people I remember the brigade I stuck it out and it was like watching paint dry. LOL. I hate that this alliance is going to win the one shot that it had is gone because of Cody and Derrick. I like when things even out. Now if Hayden or Donny happen to win the HOH for the double eviction I may be tempted to watch because after the vote they will definately be putting up someone I want out, LOL
  21. Well thank you Cody you have just made this season predictable so thank you all its been fun but I am done for this year. I hate the house vote I dislike very much the only people that will be left in the house. I am not going to waste the rest of my summer watching these losers LOL. Christines plan just blew up in her face and the sad thing is she will come out of it just fine. Hope you all have a great rest of the summer.
  22. I don't think its cheating and I do agree its creepy. I personally would not want to see that with my spouse on a national tv show for the simple reason I don't think this is normal behavior. We have seen plenty of past house guests that were married and I don't believe that any of them were as touchy feely as these people are.
  23. i do agree to a point here. I am not the jealous type and even though it may be just putting his head in your lap I would not want to watch this from my home especially when this girl knows that he is married. I think this is the first year where married people have actually been this way. I am sure my husband who is not the jealous type either would not like it either. I just don't think you should be rubbing someone's husbands head or in Christine's case someones wifes arm or hair it seems weird but thats just my opinion.
  24. I read on the updates that Victoria wanted an Ariana Grande song did anyone hear this??? Because Derrick asked Frankie later how he pronounced his last name. Interesting do you think the clueless Victoria is on to Frankie?



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