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Everything posted by Janis

  1. I actually enjoyed that blog lol. Of course I do not like anyone in the house so that is probably why I liked it so much.
  2. I agree with you I also would like to throw out there that I do watch the live feeds and I am not saying he didn't throw out the Americas Favorite player but I have never heard him say it except for yesterday when he was talking to Frankie. I think he keeps saying he is alone because he is and has been basically since the begining, but I also think he thinks if he says it enough that maybe it will sink in to one of these people that he is alone and they could use him to get some players out that they may not want to directly send home. This is just my opinion. I do not think he is trying for sympathy because quite frankly this group could care less if he is by himself they don't like him for whatever reason and to them he is just someone they have to put up with for another week at least. I do hope Cody does confront him tonight like he says he is going to I would love to hear their reasoning on why he should not be talking to people and is scheming since that's all they do.
  3. LOL hilarious my husband says the game is rigged for him to win. I have to say I agree LOL
  4. Oh well Derrick is looking like a stand up guy now folks lets see he is there for his daughter and how dare Donny come between his daughter and the money. Its perfectly ok for the Idiot squad to pick nominees from a candy bag ( yes that is their genius showing) but when Donny finds out they lied to him about picking the nominees and he says he is going to use M&M's to pick his nominees if he wins, Mr. Head Idiot says I will knock that bag (alot of expletives goes with this) right out of his hands and tell him to pick them up. Oh you are so tough Derrick Mr Cop please do this so I can watch you head out the door. Make sure when you knock that bag out of his hand that you hit the hand too. That would make my season to see you leave for just that. I really don't care to argue whether or not Donny has played the game because we will never agree. I have already made my points on why I like Donny and why I think he is playing a game. What I do not like and I don't like it ever is when the whole house wants to berate someone for doing the same exact thing they are doing as a group. I get so tired of them running what they are going to do when one of them wins the HOH. Who they are going to put up and who they want to backdoor. They scheme night and day and poor clueless Cody cannot stand Donny because he is a schemer. Did this idiot ever watch big brother before? I truly hope that the competion tonight will not be for the present house guests but they will watch someone compete to get back in the house and the winner is the new and only HOH. That would be a good twist and it would make for good tv. I can only hope the returning House guest grew a brain while in jury and will not believe anything the idiot squad says.
  5. well I see Christine wasted no time in running to Cody and now Donny is a Fing ahole and he has no clue what is going on. Really she missed his whole point in the conversation. What a piece of work she is.
  6. i wonder how long it will take her to go running to Derrick and Cody????? Cody didn't waste anytime at all.
  7. I would like to know if that really happened because this is a man who won't even say the F word I cannot see him doing that. I am not saying he didn't but I would like to know when that happened. Frankie has said more disgusting things related to body parts than anyone else. So she is only offended when Donny suppossedly did it???????
  8. I agree with you I think that because of Frankie they should not have a favorite house guest. It sucks but at least he would not be getting a check for 25,000 dollars. What really iritates me is that he is already spending that money.
  9. Do you think this will become a pattern now on Big Brother???? Do you think that they should be honest and just recruit people instead of pretending to cast people?? These are burning questions LOL. I just think that more and more are recruited and less and less are picked from applying. Does anyone think that Frankie actually applied? I thought so at first now I am not so sure.
  10. I don't think Christine is an ugly person but her personality is what makes her ugly. She has said she hates everyone but she told Victoria that she has never hated anyone in her life until now and she hates Donny's guts and I was like really???? I get that Donny is considered the old guy in the house but the only people that I have actually seen that would talk to him were Hayden and now Zach. Cody at one time I think talked to him and actually liked him but Frankie took care of that. What I find is funny is that Cody says he is a schemer...... Ok so who would he be scheming with??? I guess an alliance of one can really scheme.
  11. Zach told Derrick last night he should try and work with Donny. LOL yeah right Derrick knows Donny is on to him. I really wanted Hayden to come back but now I am pulling for Zach. I think he would be gunning for beast mode idiot and Frankie but he really should be going after Derrick. I hope if he gets back in that he will finally figure it out. Donny is trying you have to give him credit unfortunately he is trying with the wrong person. He did tell Frankie he wanted to talk to him today that could be an interesting conversation.
  12. I say he is planning on taking Victoria for a sure thing. If he takes Cody and people find out how much he has played them they may be bitter and Cody has been loyal to him.So Cody could potentially beat him and I don't think he will take that chance especially when he could have the biggest floater to have ever played the game. Maybe she is not even considered a floater that would be giving her some credit for a having played a game. I think she doesn't even know she is playing a game. For her its a 3 month vacation from her life.
  13. i was reading that my first thought is Donny don't talk to Cody of all people he hates you according to Christine. At this point he has nothing ot lose he is trying but as soon as Boss man Derrick is up Cody will be telling Derrick everything that Donny said. I wish these people would wake up I think Derrick doesn't care who goes when as long as Victoria is sitting next to him at the end.
  14. Whatever you believe your going to believe but they only show a small part of the comp on TV. Christine did try to throw it and did get called out by production. They of course did not show it on TV. Maybe its a simple case of Karma. I do not know but I for one was glad that Donny won just so Derrick could feel a little nervous for once. Plus just the fact that every week I have to listen to them plan for weeks ahead and this put a little kink in their planning.
  15. At this point I hope Donny gets it but when he gets out he will see most people like him and I think he will be really surprised. I would love to see him sitting at the end what really rubs me wrong is that Victoria will get 50,000 dollars for taking up space.
  16. No you must be mistaken no one lies to Donny come on he is part of Team America they have his back.
  17. And this is exactly what is wrong with this game. He should have done what was best for his game. What was best for his game would have been to put Derrick up and he would have had the votes to vote him out. Christine unless she is really stupid would have voted him out Donny would have and Zach would have. It would have been a tie and Frankie could have sent him home and he would have won the game if he made it to the final 2. Now he looks just like the rest of them Derrick's little puppet.
  18. Derrick right now would win if he were sitting next to alot of people. I think he should take someone other than Victoria to the end because she has not had one original thought since she entered the house. She has been told what to do who to vote for and when Zach actually told her about Derricks lies she defends him. Not the brightess person. I hope that big brother casting realize this is what you get when you recruit more than half the house. If any of these idiots in this house would actually talk to one another they would realize what he is doing. Donny has told alot of people they are all evicted and I still don't think they get it.
  19. I heard that they called her out on it when the competition was going on and I found it interesting they didn't show that on the show. What are they trying to make her look like she was actually throwing it???? Also they have never really showed her hanging on Cody on the shows so I suppose the attempt last night was so they could air her Zing on Wednesday.
  20. Everyone that dislikes Donny like to say he crys and whines blah blah blah whatever. I will take a Donny over a Derrick any day. These people have no reason to HATE him and I am quoting Christine miss I hope my pastor does'nt think bad about me about Cody?????????? Really I don't think you are supposed to HATE someone's guts for no reason and even if you have a reason I think that is not in your Bible either. So I guess it ok to HATE someones guts and hang onto a guy while you are in the big brother house and all is forgiven???? What a piece of work she is. Cody is as bad as Victoria and Derrick is on my last nerve. Frankie is an idiot that thinks his sisters success will rub off on him I hope it does not. I actually like Zach and I never thought that would come out of my mouth. Once he gets voted out and has a chance to return I think his eyes will be wide open. I do hope Nicole or Hayden get back in though.
  21. When Mr. Delusional gets out of the house someone needs to tell hm to look up the defination for Beast Mode Cowboy!!!! It will be shocking to him I am sure. I laughed so hard when I read it and now everytime he says it I get a smile on my face. Stupid is as stupid does and this fits Caleb to a tee.
  22. i agree, Victoria after Zingbot says that she hopes that her recruiters would not be disappointed in how she played. The disturbing thing is that Frankie claims he applied but I think most of this house this year was recruited with the exception of Nicole and Christine and Donnie and probably Derrick. I knew there was no way the Victoria submited a Video and they thought she would be good for the show. Frankie's fatal mistake in this game will be getting Zach out this week. He should be smart and get Derrick out. He will blow his only chance of winning in my opinion. I cannot believe he is not smart enough to figure that out. I am going to love the look in his face when someone comes back that will make my week. He can't play in the HOH comp LOL.
  23. I was watching Julie say last night how will the new HOH stir up the house. Well Julie it will be the same as last week just a different person going home. At the start of the season I thought wow 2 HOH's that might be interesting I should have know they would find a way to mess it up. The stupid Bomb Squad which was half the house was ridiculous. It just went downhill from there. LOL
  24. i don't think she will I don't think Donny is a Frankie to her. I don't think she cares who likes him if he goes he goes of course that is just my thoughts
  25. That's what makes this place fun you get to see the game from different peoples perspectives. It would be boring if we all thought the same. I think Donny is in trouble this week especially since he will be with Chrisine since she hates him so bad she will probably take great pleasure in throwing the BOB LOL. So I have to hope he can win the POV from what I gather its the Zingbot POV so that may be hard for him who knows. I just wish something would happen so he could stay so that when the juror comes back they have at least one person on their side. We need something to shake up the house or we will have a month of watching Derrick on his way to 500,000 dollars.



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