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Everything posted by Janis

  1. I am not sure if she heard it from someone or not. I read where some of the guys and Frankie were talking about how Hayden is having sex everyday with Victoria in the shower. Which was not true so maybe she heard it or she has just decided to try and come in between Nicole and Hayden. I personally think she has a big time crush on Cody and is jealous that Nicole is free to have a showmance with someone and she is not. I have been reading where her husband is not happy about her touchy feeley relationship with Cody but that may not be true either. I had to laugh at Hayden last night he made the comment that when she touches Cody it grosses him out because she is married. He said she shouldn't be touching him like that. I don't think she is any different than Derrick and Victoria. Personally if my husband were in that house and Victoria climbed into the bed with him and he didn't get up I would not be happy. Victoria adores Derrick you can tell by the way she looks at him when he talks to her. He may not return her adoration but he doesn't tell her to stop either.
  2. I stand by my prediction that she will win LOL ok its a long shot but its what I am hoping for because that would be one scared house there. She would have so many people to choose from to put up since she has been on the block most of the game. Someone needs to let me know because we have football on tomorrow night damn it. I love football and the Denver Broncos but I love them in September and on Sundays LOL. I hope I don't have to wait until 1:00am to see it.
  3. Derrick is playing a great game because everyone for whatever reason trusts him. The problem with this is sooner or later that line has to be drawn and I think you will see it after this weeks double eviction. Once that line is drawn he is going to have a hard time with people trusting him. I personally am tired of listening to them talk because its always on the assumption that one of their people wins. This is big brother and even if the odds are probably very unlikely Jacosta could pull off a win when they least expect it. I would go crazy in that house I think he and Frankie both overthink things way too much way too early. Its way too early to be making final 2 deals with this mahy people in it and I am sure that there will be a twist of some sort to mess up something. This season to me has been very predictable. I am shocked that they are willing to let Zack go since he has been with them from the begining.
  4. Actually he won't put up Frankie because of Team America. That is the only reason. if he gets backdoored he won't be surprised.
  5. Could you just see everyone's face LOL I can see Frankie now oh Jacasta my friend blah blah blah. It would the highlight of the season for me.
  6. you heard it here first I think she will pull out an HOH win on Thursday. First part after Zak goes bye bye. LOL ok I was just checking to see if you all were awake LOL.
  7. Hi, I take it you kinda know him personally? I feel bad for him because I think he is a nice looking guy but he is a legend in his own mind. I hope and I truly mean this that when he watches this he realizes how he came across to America and I hope that he sees it for what it was. I hope he leaves Amber alone. Its funny because my brother was in the Air Force for over 26 years. When he got stationed back in Colorado he had a guy that was new so he brought him around my family. The guy was a shorter and not as nice looking version of Caleb or who Caleb is coming off to be. It is almost scarey watching him talk and how he acted around Amber. I won't mention his name but his guy and Caleb are probably related. I hope he learns from his time on big brother.
  8. Exactly so agree. You cannot make people be in an alliance with you. These people do not want to be in an alliance with him. They all still think he is a genius because he used a big word osmosis really????
  9. I do like to see the game talk but this year I am tired of the same old people its getting interesting that they are willing to let Zak go I am quite shocked to be honest. I would like to comment on the Donny fan comment. We all have different ideas on how the game should be played and we all like certain stragey's that are used. But being a Donny fan does not have anything to do with game play based on who talks about putting him on the block. My whole point was I don't think in big brother you should assume that you or your group will win a HOH (except maybe this year since most of the house thinks they are in an alliance) because that's when a Jocasta will pull off a win. Its just the way they are talking like Oh America won't care if we vote Donny off. They seem to be ok with keeping Victoria and Jacosta but they don't want to keep Donny because they know he is on to them. I think if he could get Hayden and Nicole to actually have a true alliance with him they could do some damage. I do not think Donny is playing a game that most people will like, but I do think he is playing the game. Victoria will be there in second place because Derrick will take her. Jocasta will go in the next couple of weeks IMO.
  10. Donny is my favorite player not because I think he is a nice guy but I immediatey liked him when I watched the interview with Jeff before the show. He talked game one time and was put on the block. I think that is why he doesn't say anything to anyone. He seems to think Nicole and Hayden are working with him but I doubt they are. I think Hayden truly does like Donny and I think he is trying to help him but I don't think he has a true alliance with him. Donny is not stupid and he can see through Derrick and Frankie. I hope he survives the double eviction and is there next week. I of course live in Colorado so I will not be able to see the show until 1:00am because of football. I think the people that he played the game with will be surprised at Donny when they watch the show.
  11. I am so done with this guy. The only enjoyment I get is when he tries to turn someone and figures out he can't. I would love nothing better than to watch him walk out the door right after Zak. I love how they assume that they are going to win the HOH and get out Donny. Keep assuming maybe they will win who knows but I hear from Derrick the diary room is work overtime to get them to keep Zak. So tired of this every year.
  12. Well maybe this is the show's way of telling Frankie and Derrick they suck................. Nice does not win Big Brother well maybe not but it is not a rule that you must lie and make up crap to spread around the house either. You can love Donny or hate him but he is not stupid. I agree Saucey1 about they do not even consult him they tell him. For example they decided to backdoor Amber so they set up the Zach fight and then they thought oh I guess maybe we should incude Donny. I would bet you any amount of money if you asked Donny who the Physical threat was in the house it would have been a male not Amber. He knows the guys are all working together and he doesn't buy the Frankie bs about Team America being first.or Derrick's claims either. He is smart for refusing to do this because he knows he would get blamed in the end and it would screw up his game. Every move they have made has benefited Derrick's and Frankie's game and not Donny's and that is the truth. He was being mentioned last night just as much as the rest of them as people to send home. Derrick and Frankie would send him home the first chance they got. I hope Donny can pull off a miracle and win HOH with Jocasta because then the Idiot squad can stay downstairs and sweat it out. I am tired of the same old people in the HOH.
  13. She has me wondering if she really is a super fan. My opinion is that she will sell out Nicole the first chance she gets and send her packing because she somehow believes she will be the last girl standing oh Christine give me a break you are closer to being out the door than you realize. She needs to play her game now and I do not think she is smart enough to figure that out, Nicole and her will not win the HOH because they would not want to put someone on the block. Jocasta and Victoria are givens but the second person to nominate would have to nominate an alliance member which should not be too hard for them Zack hello!!!!! Two of the guys will win yet again and we get a repeat of this week without the Caleb drama.
  14. I too would love for them to cast a season not recruit but actually cast from the numerous applicates they get each and every year. I have come to the conclusion that they do not want to cast everyday normal people. My nephew applied this year and we were there when he taped his video because he taped it at my house. I am biased and I know that but the instructions that we watched from Robyn Kass was to be yourself. He talked a little too fast sometimes and my neice would tell him to slow down it took a while but at the end of the day he had a good video obviously it was not good enough for the producers of big brother. He is gay by the way so after seeing the cast I told him well here you go you need some pink hair and a famous sister. So next year I have decided maybe we need to tattoo him up give him some piercings and maybe purple hair with some extremely dark make up LOL. Just kidding. I truly do not know how we got Victoria she had to have been recruited. I cannot see her submitting a video that would have gotten her chosen. When the 2 HOH's were announced I thought I would love it not so much since this year the whole house decided to become an alliance with the exception of 5 people. I have no more hope for this season. It will be a continual eviction of all the women and then who knows and who really cares I don't. I am pretty much done watching.for the year this is about the time of year where I check the update board and give up LOL. Oh well I do hope Donny wins America's favorite but I have a feeling that Frankie will courtesy of his sister. For the record I think a Geriatric BB would be more entertaining LOL.
  15. Okay here is my 2 cents. Amber should have told him she NO from the begining but she didn't because she was using him to further her game. Now she keeps giving him false hope because she comes up with a bs story yesterday of past relationships because she is trying to save herself. If she truly felt threatened I am sure she would have mentioned it to the producers. He is living in a fantasy world and I am sure he will get a reality check when he leaves the house.
  16. Still do not like him. I am sure he will win and make it to the end. No one I ever like wins this game LOL.
  17. I think she is smart in that she has Derrick on her side. I do not think he will vote her out because I think he plans on taking her to the end. He would be guaranteed a win and he knows it. She is a waste of space and I cannot stand her voice or her stupid stories. She will be there and probably be the last girl standing.
  18. Donny has tried to form many alliances his problem is that everyone but 5 people were in the stupid Bomb Squad. Christine and Nicole are really stupid if they think they will not get picked off they would be smart to form an alliance with Donny and Hayden but I am afraid that Christine is way too comfortable in the alliance she thinks she is in to do anything against them. Yesterday something was brought up and suppossedly they all agreeded that they would work together but she will I am sure tell Derrick and Cody and that will be that. I think he is playing the game by himself unfortunately but I can hope that maybe those people can form some kind of alliance in order to get a few of these guys out of the house.
  19. What I would love to see happen is for Julie to come on and say expect the unexpected and tell them that the winner of the most steps is inmmune which I think would be Brittany and make Cody put up someone at the bottom I am not sure who is at the bottom but it would be worth it just to see their faces when they realize that she would be staying and hopefully one of theres would be going up. But they would probably vote out Donny so that would suck. Something needs to shake up this predictable house and soon. that punishment was brutal especially since it was only for one pov. They made it sound like it was for BotB also. I would think something else would come of it oh well I can dream
  20. it's kinda disturbing the way Victoria has to have him sit next to her so she can tell him things. I think she has a crush on him I think its weird I would not be doing some of the things she is he's a married man.
  21. I agree that her kids will be happy victoria and zach and most of the alliance have all said they hated her. As far as her ex taking the kids I doubt that this is true I cannot see her going into the house if she really thought that would happen. I could be wrong but I think she uses that to try and help her in the game its not working.
  22. I feel kinda bad for her. I don't like that she says she deserves to be there. I don't like it when anyone says it. I am trying to give her a break here but she is a mom and I know that she is trying to give her kids a better life but she obviously has not watched alot of big brother. I give her props for not laying down and just accepting her fate she is trying to stay. I know that they cannot tell her if they are voting for her to stay but I wish they would not give her false hope. She really thinks Cody wants her to stay I wish and she really trusts Derrick that is too bad. I watched her all day Sunday kick that stupid ball and the whole time I knew she was doing it for nothing but she didn't quit. Thanks to Donny who sat with her all day. I don't like how the rest of the house who claim to hate her were making fun of her the whole time and talk crap about her. It serves no purpose. Frankie is always telling people that she is mad even when she is not. I think Jacosta should tell her that it does not look good and that Cody does not want her to stay. I know that she can't but it is kinda painful watching her think she has a legitimate shot at staying when she has not a chance in the world.
  23. I agree I hope he wins HOH this week really hoping. If not it will be the same people on the block except this time they swear they are going to backdoor Caleb we will see.
  24. Nobody is arguing you are entitled to what you like and so am I. I do not like to watch one group which happens in this case to be most of the house keep winning I would rather see it even out which rarely happens on big brother. I think most of these people on this cast on clueless but I do not believe Donny is one of those people. When he went into the house they all said the first group in the house were going to stick together and then Devin wanted a side alliance and approached Donny. Well we all saw how that played out. I personally don't feel he is playing a bad game but that is just me. I am not sure that he could have put an alliance together because the house alliance seems to want to stick it out together no matter where they fall in that alliance. Right now none of them are going to be on the block or going home so they have about 4 weeks to not have to worry.



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