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Everything posted by Janis

  1. Most annoying person oh I take that back she is tied with Frankie.
  2. I would agree that Derrick is sitting very pretty because all of these idiots trust him. So kudos to him. I am not going to get down and kiss the ground Donny walks on but he is my favorite player. Derrick does not like Donny because he cannot control him and he knows it. I can hope that Donny wins the HOH just to see Derrick on the block because that is the only way he will ever get there.
  3. I would rather watch a season of Donny's then what I have been given to watch the last 2 years. The women this year are the worst. Nicole and Christine are afraid that Brittany will win HOH and put them up really????????? That would require her to win a competition which she has not done nor do I think she would have won anything. The guys this season must have lost a few brain cells when they entered the big brother house. They formed an all house alliance and are now trying to hide it from the 4 people that have been left out of the alliance. Gee lets see the same people have been on the block there is not much to figure out here. Even Victoria has it figured out. I love Donny is he going to win Big Brother probably not but I would rather listen to him making annoying noises with his mouth than Frankie who is dancing around the yard and singing like he is a broadway star and trash talking everyone because that worked for Andy last year or to Caleb talk about a date that will never happen. I will say the guys entered with more brain cells than the women since they have no problem watching one get evicted each week. I bet I could quit watching after this eviction and tune in on next Friday and to no surprise Jocasta will probably have been eliminated. It has become predictable and boring.
  4. This is exactly like every other season of big brother. I am about done with this season. I do not want to watch Frankie hugging all the guys left in the house because these girls are too stupid to do anything. Just a quick question don't you have to win things for people to actually be afraid of you putting them on the block????? Brittany has won nothing. Chritine and Nicole don't like her thats why they want her out. My only hope is Donny winning HOH on Thursday and putting up Frankie and Derrick because I believe he will. Maybe it will be Cody he did afterall lie right to his face.
  5. Cannot stand this guy good game or not I think if he were actually in a game with people that had a brain he would not be so comfortable. Irritates me to no end that he will not have to experiance the block or be in any danger of going home unless Donny wins HOH. Thats a long shot.
  6. You are correct on that one. Same crap next week too.
  7. Cannot stand watching him or listening to him. I will throw a party the day he is evicted which I hope is soon.
  8. I think she is a 29 year old mother who was recruited to play big brother. Her mindset is way different than Nicole or Christine's or that stupid big baby Victoria. She comes off as bitchy and I would be bitchy too if I was in that house with these stupid people. I like her but she is not going to win the game even if she were to stay this week. I hate the fact that they were making fun of her for completing the punishment yesterday if she had quit they would be saying she doesn't want to be there. I really hate the fact that Derrick will get his way yet again because Cody needs to grow a set. Its a sad day when Zack is making sense.
  9. If they put up Amber as the physical threat I think they should be told they failed. I am begining to dislike Derrick more and more he is so sweet to Brittany's face then pushes for her to go home this week he is a douche. Cody is an idiot if he doesn't at least try to get Caleb out this week because Caleb will be gunning for him first chance he gets.
  10. I like Hayden I think he is just waiting for the others to implode then I think you will see him playing the game. I think he's playing now but it's not obvious to many but his diary rooms are good. I think he needs to dump Christine as an alliance member and pick up Donny.
  11. I love Donny he is a genuine person and the kind of person I would love to see more of on big brother. He has no aspirations to become famous after he leaves the house. He makes the show fun to watch for me. I loved how he asked Nicole if she told him not to say anything and the look on her face was priceless, I hope he wins HOH and does what he wants and not what Derrick or Caleb or Frankie want. He knows what is going on in the house but the problem is that no one has offered him an alliance and anytime he suggests one no one gets it. Unless of course I have missed something. I do think he will get the vote for favorite house guest.
  12. I think Devin was recruited to play this game. I think he was clueless coming into the game. I do not like how he acted but with this group of people he probably thought he could run this house. I think if I were playing I would keep him in the game and get out the weird stalker guy LOL. Just kidding I think this group of people all have some issues. Who knows maybe they will start casting and not recruiting.
  13. Yesterday she was curling Hayden's hair and was talking about the crow thing, which is so totally ridiculous, I can't believe that she really believes it happened. She told Hayden she talks with her eyes and the example she gave was so stupid. She says on her way to California she was at the airport and it was so busy so she gave the TSA agent the look and she didn't have to go through Security. That is how powerful her eyes are evidently. Hayden tried to burst her bubble and tell her that happens all the time and she didn't skip Security she was pre-scanned. So she proceded to argue with him I think he fianlly gave up and said ok Victoria your right. Love it lol I am still laughing because I would love for that to happen. I know I am a bad person. This is too funny too. It makes you wonder if she even thinks before she speaks??????? but I think it will make for good jokes all season.
  14. thank you I have said the same thing didn't like Andy playing his game dislike Andy's game even more with Frankie playing it. I do think he thought he would be a fan favorite but he is not. He should have never told Devin last week that Zack was staying ever. It did nothing to promote his game and he looked bad when he did it. Plus I do not think he thought Devin would be done with the alliance either. I think he thought it would put him in Calebs place with Devin. Of course this is just my opinion.
  15. I think he forgave Devin but he is not going to save the person that everyone wants out of the house. If he did that he would for sure be on the block and gone next week. The only way he could have saved Devin is to not use the POV. I personally think they should get rid of Caleb this week because Devin will always be a target in the house should he stay. Plus I think if some of these people were smart they would keep him and work with him but he has proved himself not trustworthy because of what he did by exposing the bomb squad. He is an emotional player and those kind of people do not usually make it far in big brother. He is not the only player like that in the house. Frankie and Derrick are just saying that to Zack because of the team america allaince they will keep him safe until their tasks are done. 5,000 dollars is alot of money so I don't think they will want to lose the money they could make. If he had not used the POV I think the rest of the house would have made sure he was up and out and I don't think they could have saved him. Unless I am wrong which I could be I don't think we are going to replace a team member once one is gone at this point in the game so they would lose the potential to make alot of money.
  16. I think that Donny did what Donny wanted he was playing for Jocasta. It would only make sense for him to use it on her. No one has offered Donny an alliance. The only thing he has going for him is that Frankie and Derrick are on his team america alliance formed by the fans. If they want to keep making money off the tasks the other 2 will need to keep him. He is fully aware of what is going on in that house but the others are either stupid or totally cllueless. He basically told Jocasta and Brittany yesterday that they will be on the block next week and the 8 will still be in place which is true. They may no longer be the bomb squad but those guys are still in an alliance. He has told the others they will be picked off one by one and that is the truth. Jocasta's only alliance is God and that will not get her far in big brother. Victoria is just taking up space and the rest are just walking on egg shells not wanting to get blood on their hands. Nicole's orginal target was Caleb but she caved to Derrick. As far as I am concerned all of the guys are telling the girls what to do and they are doing it. Devin just does not socially know how to play the game. He is no worse than Derrick or Caleb. It's the manner in which he talks to people. I wish for once they would get women that really want to play the game and not hit on guys or be afraid to actually do something when they have the power. So in my opinion we will get to watch the guys pick off the girls and Donny will eventually go when Derrick and Frankie no longer need him.
  17. Well whatever you want to call her it appears to be working for her. Either she should have never been picked for Big Brother due to her excuse that she is glueten (however you spell it) intolerant or she is a big fat liar. She should not be immune from being on slop or being a have not. Same with the idiot Frankie a circulation problem really???? I would put them both on slop so fast. If she is a super fan she should know that she needs to start playing the game instead of hanging out gossiping with the resident idiot Frankie.
  18. Donny is awesome and I know that no one will want to take him to the final 2 but he is one smart guy. He told Brittany that unless one of them win HOH they will be on the block him, Jocasta Victoria and Brittany and the 8 will still be together. He is right about that. I hope he wins HOH. The macho guys in this house are already counting their money.
  19. For me he is like Jesse part 2. I do think he is a nicer version of Jesse but he loves himself an awful lot. I just hope we see 2 HOH's that are not in his stupid alliance. It would be interesting to see how he reacts to that one.
  20. I agree with you it seems to me that she was trying too hard to be liked or something. Whatever it was she was dead in the water once Amber told Calab because ecen if she denied it he would believe anything Amber tells him. I just hate that they use she tried to form an alliance bs as a reason for evicting her. I think alot of the people really do like her but are afraid to vote against Caleb and usually when that starts we will see a whole season of the house vote. I don't think there is a chance that she stays. I was hoping she could get the votes just to see the look on Caleb's face when he realized he didn't have as much control as he thought. Unfortunately he is going to keep on thinking he is in charge and going to win everything.
  21. I don't get why everyone is so annoyed by her. OMG I get it she tried to form an alliance that didn't include Calab really???? Your right she should have kept her mouth shut and denied it but little miss perfect Amber had already ratted her out to the great powerful Caleb. I absolutely hate when the house guests follow the leader and dare not to use their own brains and vote someone out for stupid reasons. I know it is week 1 but I would not give Caleb anymore of an ego than he already has. I thought the all girl alliance was started by her on the block partner I can't spell her name didn't she want an all girl alliance called El Quatro or something like that????? I would rather watch a Joey in the house than most of the other people. Just my opinion.
  22. I am trying to like him but its not working for me. He in my opinion is playing like Andy and I never could stand him either.
  23. I hope he sticks around for a long time I would love to see him win.
  24. He is going to blow up his game soon. He is trying to play like Andy nice to everyone's face and tells them how much he loves them blah blah blah. I don't dislike him but he is not a favorie of mine his game has been played many times before.



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