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Everything posted by nebartist

  1. she never said they had to make it to the end without being discovered. Just that it would make it easier to get to the end if they were not found out
  2. Kaysar told Eric he is putting him up
  3. Well i don't think it much matters cause if they are smart they will get rid of James
  4. Once the prize money is revealed do you think James/Sarah and Rachel/Howie will band together to make final 4? Dropping Kaysar and Janelle like a sack of potatoes?
  5. :roll: YAY FOR CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And how hypocritical for Gretchen to say afterwards "well that is what theis show is all about for people to have their own opinions" Yeah right they just can't express them. At least Marcellas apologized and realized what a baby he was
  6. it is real the smoking gun ussually doesn't lie
  7. do you remember what it was? They just showed Ivette keeping her lesbianism secret
  8. Depeche that is wrong Julie said tonight that next week she will announce the secret of the pairs and the winning prizes if they get to the end. So that wont matter. Id say Mike comes back because he = drama, romance, and good ratings. that is what he said
  9. maybe nothing because the blog could be fake??
  10. they did not have family or friends meet the evicted last season either :wink: so that doesn't mean anything jeansmx last season the evictees who were not part of the Jury did take calls directly. That is what makes me think they might have a chance to come back And I like the idea of their partner playing to get them back in
  11. they didn't have people greet them last year either Julie did say something like "will Janelle be safe, Will Kaysar and Micheal still have a chance to win the big prize" Maybe Julie is trying to throw the audience off :wink:
  12. Could it be more obvious that Beau threw the comp? Howie send flowers? If he didn't throw the comp he is the stupidest house guest hmmmm Maybe he is waiting for some flowers when he gets out of the house :?:
  13. i never read u say watch out for Janelle's smoking gun :wink:
  14. well the viewers know he is thinking of going out with a bang
  15. here is the link to smoking gun and her arrest story http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/07210...052bigbro1.html
  16. he's not it is fake...(at least i think so)
  17. these people are disgraceful and I am loving it though I don't have feeds so I am not getting over saturated (sp) with these people.
  18. why can't a man enjoy another man's erection? I know this one can
  19. yeah she could put him up but do u think his sheep would vote him out? I hope they would :?
  20. I think when they want the HG to open the safes they will make it easy. just like the golden room and the gym...they let the clues be pretty known
  21. I want to see Janelle get it There are only 10 spots so I left Ivette out feel free to write her in :wink:
  22. i heard it was long distance...it is not a 800 or 866 #



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