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Everything posted by nebartist

  1. Okay i read the feed updates but am a little confused what are the early Alliances that are popping up? I know Eric and Ivette have something.. What about Kaysar is he in with anyone (besides michael of course)
  2. she seems like a control freak. I don't like how she yelled at Mike and Ivette to sit back down. She has got to remember she is not HOH for the whole season
  3. well only ones an actor, but not BB attractive the other is a Costume Designer, but she is gorgeous... back on topic thanks for the links
  4. I have two old friends who are on IMBD they would be great on BB :wink:
  5. same here..don't know them that well yet...I think (or hope) it will getmore exciting
  6. Wow Jlie got it right for once :clap for Julie
  7. wasn't james concerned with Jennifer rubbing up against him? looks like there are a lot of harrassers :shock:
  8. :roll: :wink: I just think it is funny that people are concerned that children might see a breast, but don't care if they watch a game that encourages people to lie cheat backstab ect...
  9. no one annoys me don't have the feeds...give me time after 2 weeks of shows I will learn to hate a few
  10. No HOH is always live on thursdays, right after eviction
  11. well as a gay man i sure the hell can tell when a woman is sexy or not. Just because you don't want to jump into bed with someone doesn't mean you can't appreciate their beauty
  12. :clap YAY let's not let the children see nudity but Let's let them watch people LIE, SCHEME, BETRAY, BACKSTAB. Let them watch people do anything they can to get the almighty dollar! But hey isn't that what the U.S. is all about? :roll: I say bring on the boobies and wee wees!!!
  13. it all depends if more 2 or more pairs ban together to get to final four/six and fight it out from there. It all changes week to week depending on HOH And Julie did not say she was going to reveal that there are pairs to the HG
  14. Are beau and Howie making out again?
  15. Marcellas thries to manopolize the conversations too much. Greatchen can hardly get a word in. The dude was right Marcellas does not listen
  16. it would be easy if janelle wasn't so vain and went in "knowing" the "ugly girls" would be jealous of her
  17. hhhmmmm so is james playing eric? Is he trying to get out Kaysar, and then he can play dumb to eric?
  18. :rofl that guy was great!!! he said Marcellas never listens!!! and I agree they need a better BB alum to host the show. Danielle said she would love to do it. *sigh* maybe if they have an allstars MArcy will go on then Danielle can take his spot on HC
  19. Okay who voted in the poll MArcellas was talking about?? MArcellas the #2 greatest player? He was entertaining on the show I will give him that but the 2nd best player? Anyone who does not save themselves with the golden pov does not deserve to be on that list
  20. so no switch in the voting? Ashlea still the talk of the house?
  21. call me a lazy b@st@rd but did anything exciting happen today worth reading?



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