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Everything posted by joystiick

  1. It's going to be tough for Janelle. But I am still hopeful. Frankly I believe that these folks are so wishy washy, that all she needs is a small crack and she will have a chance to turn the train around. The house has four decision makers (Janelle, Boogie, Dan, Frank) the rest are followers. Her biggest problem is the decision makers are all on the same team at the moment. Since Boogie and Frank cannot change their minds, her only chance is to turn Dan and then have him direct the others on what to do. Dan has to tell Danielle, Danielle tells Shane, Shane tells Britney. Once those four change, Janelle would be able to get Joe and Ashley. She will need something to happen that causes people to not trust B/F. It's a slim chance, but a chance no less. This is BB, so until she's gone...
  2. I'm sorry but I just cannot see why Ian came on the show. The only way I can see him getting to the end is by being dragged there. He's the odd ball kid that everybody picks on. So he does anything he can to make everybody happy, so that they don't pick on him. He don't/won't care what they do to him as long as they will let him sit near them and be part of the group.
  3. I didn't want the coaches in the game,but since they had to play, I hope Janelle stays in the game. If she goes, I hope every coach is voted out one right behind the other.
  4. The plan to backdoor Janelle was put in place to soon. Backdoor plans have to be done late so that people will not have time to charge their mind. Janelle wants to play and I still believe that she has the biggest fan base for the season. BB cannot afford to let her get evicted this early.
  5. There will be no coach/vet out before JH. These people are being paid and BB has to get their money's worth. I believe the original plan was to have coaches coach until JH and then they would enter the game. But everything got screwed up with Willie being expelled and Frank was about to get voted out. The reset was the best way to save everybody. Now they are facing the same situation. I think BB would be really happy if Jenn ended up on the block. She has no entertainment value and is expendable.
  6. I agree. If I remember correctly, Janelle was the one who sent Dr Will home in Allstars. She just blew it on the questions in the HOH comp. Boogie knew he couldn't take Janelle to the final 2 because her resume would have been 2 good. She would have gotten every vote, including Will's. She definitely was not carried to number 3 in her seasons. As opposed to Brit who was just completely used. I don't think she ever had a single suspicious thought that she was being used.
  7. I whole-heartily agree. You can't make new fan favorites when you keep overshadowing them with old ones. The newbies can't really learn how to play the game because the vets are always there to tell them what their best move is. Of coarse, that's the best move for the vet and not the newbie.
  8. Fav = Janelle, because she plays hard all the time. Keeps her emotions in check. Least = Boogie, because he has over inflated ego. Newbie Fav = Shane, he does know a little about playing the game and he's trying to play for what's best for him. Newbie Least = Frank, Wil, Joe Is Jenn still in the house? I don't think she been spotted since BB posted the bio's on the web page.
  9. Newbies always take things to personal to realize that you must reset and re-evaluate things every week, if not everyday. In the BB house, on most days, it's in your best interest to work with your enemy until you get the upperhand. If you can't learn to forget and suck-up when necessary, you will be headed out the door sooner than you want. I originally thought that Frank and Shane were the only two newbies that had any idea of how to play the game, but I am doubting that Frank really understands how to make it to the end. I believe Frank is one of those folks who can really play the game when they are on top, but are totally lost when they are on the bottom.
  10. The other day, I picked all these people to work together after the coaches entered the game, with the exception of Ian. I thought Janelle would be the fifth and that still may happen. Either way, Ian really needs to be with whatever group that Dan is with. I believe Dan is the only vet or strong player that has the patience to work with Ian and not completely use him as just another pawn and vote. Frankly, thus far, Ian hasn't showed me anything that would indicate that he knows how to play this game. He did do the right thing by dropping in the HOH comp after making the deal with Dani. I didn't see any upside to him being HOH. In fact, as it stand right now, I don't see any reason Ian should want to be HOH for at least three weeks. Unless he's the last one standing for his alliance in a comp, he should keep his head down.
  11. Yes I am disappointed. This really screws Shane, if you ask me. The new dynamics of the game may change things but I think it is totally unfair to allow an HOH to go through a full week and nominate people, strategize on who to evict and then not have an eviction. Especially since Grodner and everyone else knew the coaches would enter the game. I bet if Shane would have left the noms the same, Joe or Ashley would have gotten evicted before the coaches twist was revealed.
  12. All I am saying is that was the biggest load BS I ever seen. There was no way to keep the coaches out of the game. And, she found a way to keep Frank in the game too. Total BS.
  13. That is it Sparklet, she's a competitor. She's not going to quit fighting until she's out the door. Whether you like her or not, you have to admit that she has done everything she needed to do to turn the game to her favor. When Shane put Joe and Ashley up, I really didn't think she would be able to turn things around. One of her players would be walking out the door. She turned it around. When the coaches come into the game, I am seeing a primary alliance between, Janelle, Dan, Shane and Danelle, with Brit being a secondary member. Janelle's current players will gravitate to Boogie, but they will be easy pickings.
  14. She did a very good job of convincing Shane. She also did a very good job of keeping her players together and getting them to do what they had to do. I can't believe you have people come on BB who think you can get through the game without kissing ass and sucking up to other players. Brit needs to watch some film clips of Janelle to learn a little something about coaching. But, I do not want any of her players to win.
  15. I believe you have these players because of what happened last year. Grodner was able to take one of the most hated players in BB history and turned her into a fan favorite by making her the "knight in shining armor" for a weak player that was a fan favorite. After given Rachel a complete makeover per se, Grodner probably feels like she can make a star out of anyone and get the ratings.
  16. It always amazing me when they find people that have been watching a show for years, and then when they enter the game to play for themselves...you find out, that they do not know how to play at all. I am not sure Ian learned anything from watching the show every year. Not only does he appear socially awkward, he seems to be totally lost and completely in over his head.
  17. As the coach, your team doesn't have to like you, they just have to do what you tell them and gain the advantage. Right now, the coaches have to coach under the impression that they will be coaches til the end. To that end, the coach primary concern has to be getting the advantage in numbers. When Brit's team started coming apart in week one, Janelle quickly pivoted away from Brit, swallowed her pride and joined up with booger. This week, with two teams with 1 player and two with 3 players, the team that comes out of the week with their 3 players still in the game would be in a commanding position. Janelle worked on Brit and Shane to get Frank on the block. If she is able to get Frank out the house and her team wins HOH, it would practically be game over. Even after dumping Brit in week 1, Janelle knew everything to say to get Brit back on her side. I don't know why Brit would trust her, but I often believe that our (fans) memories are a lot longer than the players. Even if you are pretty sure all the coaches are coming into the game, you still stand a better chance of winning if you keep all your players. Wil may be thinking of going against his team, but history shows that players who abandon their alliance hardly ever make it to the end. I believe that is true in BB and Survivor. When it is all said and done, Wil may be mad, but if he's smart he will stick with his team.
  18. Janelle is still playing the best game in the house. Although I despise Joe, I hope Janelle is successful in getting Frank out this week. It will be a huge move if she is able to pull it off.
  19. Shane should go make a deal with Janelle's team that he will take out one Boogies players, if he is guaranteed safety next week. Make the same deal with Danielle. Go after Frank. I think the earlier he makes the move against Frank, the better it is for him.
  20. I agree with you. The only difference will be the coaches will be in the game and allowed to be voted out. The newbies will still do whatever their coach tells them. I doubt any player will go against their "previous" coach.
  21. Brandon is Willie's nephew and the classic example of the guy who has gone off the deep-end, but his team did everything they could to keep him. Willie was just a hot-head. Brandon was a nut case. Bipolar in my opinion. He was unpredictable and probably should have never been allowed on Survivor. The pressure was to much for him. He broke down and cried at almost every tribal council. Ironically, Coach (the Samurai Warrior or something) spent a lot of time talking and working with him to make sure he didn't blow the whole game for his team. Eventually Coach was the deciding vote to evict him. But until that time, Coach put in a lot of effort to keep him there. If Britney would have put forth one tenth the effort, although small, she may have been able to change the team odds.
  22. Boogie is on the opposing team, he is supposed to call Willie out and get under his skin. Britney was his coach, rather than ostracizing him, she was supposed to find away to calm Willie down and find away to get him to understand that his actions were hurting the team. Instead, she told his teammates to stay away from him. Do not talk to him. She even made the comment that he was dead to them. I don't know what she was thinking, but ostracizing Willie was not going to save the rest of her team. They weren't going to get any advantage by avoiding Willie. When Willie would try to talk to Brit, she treated him like crap. In the end, Willie still may have done the same things, but I didn't see one thing that she did to try to diffuse the situation. To me she, appeared to continue throwing gas on the flames. I didn't see anything that she did to help protect her players or deflect blame from them. From the time Willie was accused of being a homophobe until the time he went out the door, I didn't see her do anything to try and change the situation. In Survivor, you almost always see teams with players they would like to get rid of, but they stick with those players until they have the numbers or until the merge. The point being...you may be a sorry MoFo, but you are my sorry MoFo until I am in a position to win. She should have realized that if Willie went home, the rest of her team was going home also. Based on the way she played the game, shouldn't JoJo still be there?
  23. Yes Brit figured it out and told Willie. She told Willie not to say anything. But Willie called the house meeting and told the newbies and tried to get them to play the game for themselves. Of coarse, they all went back and told their coaches and trashed Willie at the same time. The newbies have simply been pawns every since the coaches entered the house. I can almost guarantee that a coach will end up winning the game.
  24. We were thinking the same thing at the same time Slim...lol
  25. There should be a third option. Text "3" if you would like to see the coaches removed from the house and sent home. That would definitely be my choice.



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