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Everything posted by joystiick

  1. ITA. This season was pretty boring in my opinion until Dan went on his mind bending rampage. He made the season. In my opinion, if they would have continued on with the coaches thing, this may have been the last season of BB.
  2. Normally I would agree with you, because we know the DR gets involved in a lot of game play. The difference this year is...on most of Dan's moves, you could sit and watch him change these people mind. Dan changed Franks mind in one sitting that was less than an hour. Frank did not get up and go to the diary room. It didn't take 2 or 3 days for the plan to come together. It took him less than 4 hours to go from a dead man walking, to a woman who volunteered to be on slop for the rest of the season, agreeing to use the veto to take him off the block. It was like that the whole season. I think Dan knew the other players better than they knew themselves. He knew what buttons to push and when to push them.
  3. He does not deserve any money. They should take away his stipend. If you are not on the block and someone ask you to go up so that someone else will be safe...and you do not vigorously object and throw a hissy fit...you do not deserve a dime. He got the only thing he deserves. Dumbass!! Ahhh, yes Danielle, you do what ever you need to do. I trust you. I mean, everyone else may be playing for half million dollars, but not me. Go ahead and let the other guy cut my throat. I mean, he's only been cutting peoples throat the whole game, he's covered in blood...but he wouldn't do that to me...lol.
  4. When it comes to the jury, I don't think anyone will care about Dani's lies unless it led to their eviction or had an impact on some other game move. Frankly, I think people worry to much about her lies and doesn't give her enough credit for how well she plays the game. She has a f2 deal with 2 out of the other 3 people left in the house. Same as Dan. I would not be surprised if she is now counting votes in the JH. Evicting Shane actually puts another vote in the JH for her. At the same time, it puts someone in the JH that will campaign for her and the blood will be on Dan's hand for backstabbing Shane. Not saying that she has thought it out this way, but it would be a sweet move on her part. She probably assumes that Ian will definitely vote for Dan if he is evicted. If both Dan and Shane is in the JH, she has two votes, plus Jenn. She would only need 1 more.
  5. I agree that she is being confused. But, i believe he is leading her own so that she will take him to the F2. My gaydar says he's gay.
  6. I believe 2 of the final 3 is set. Dani because she won HOH. And, Dan because he made a deal with everybody. I believe all his bases are covered. I have been watching Dan misting folks the whole game and I don't know how he gets away with it. Before Ian won the POV, he was a dead man walking. Dan decided he wanted to send Shane home and Dani blocked the deal and he was unable to get the deal done. But, he misted Shane and Ian and convinced them both to keep the ideal of of him backstabbing each of them, secret. As it stands right now, I think if anyone wins the veto other than Ian, Ian is gone. If Ian wins the POV, Shane is gone.
  7. If Ian sits down and thinks about it, he has no choice but to get rid of Dani or Shane, if he doesn't use the veto. If he evicts Jenn, he will be going into the final four with a huge target on his back and he can not play for HOH. He also has to face the fact that two out of the three people has been a team for pretty much the whole game. You should never let a team go past the final 6. If he go and solidify a deal with Jenn, he could have Dan and Jenn playing in the HOH against Shane with Shane being the primary target. Or, he could have Dani and Shane against Dan in the HOH. If, Dani or Shane wins HOH, he will probably get evicted.
  8. Dan, Danielle, Jenn I believe Dan is a lock for the final 3 because everyone believes that their final 2 deal with him is good, because he was loyal to Memphis in his 1st season. They haven't realized that Dan is out for blood this time. I am starting to believe that Dan will take Jenn and go for the easiest win. I think he does worry about holding his previous win against him. If the other hg keep Dan until the final, they deserve to lose. I wonder if any of them realize they are playing for a half-million dollars.
  9. Yes, Shane has been using Danielle this whole season to get further in the game. He does just enough to keep her hopeful that something will eventually happen and then uses the excuse that he doesn't want a showmance. I am 95% sure that Shane is gay. I don't know if he will come clean at the end of the show, but eventually, he will come out of the closet.
  10. Frank will be alright. I am sure that Ashley put a smile on his face last night.
  11. ITA. I believe if Dan makes it to the end, even Frank will set aside his anger and disappointment and vote for Dan. Right now, I believe Dan could get the vote of everyone in the JH except for Joe.
  12. Look how far Dan has taken Dani. Think what could have been, if Dan had chosen Frank for his team instead of Boogie getting him. I think Dan could have focused him on winning the whole game rather than each single competition. I think the two of them would have been completely unstoppable.
  13. I have to disagree with you on this. I think he was always genuine. That was his problem. He played with his heart and not his brain. The people that Frank took out as HOH was not key players. Everybody the QP took out was a key player from the other side. He is just young and full of you know what. He just went full speed, all out, all the time. While Dan takes his time and plans his every move.
  14. Fav = Dan. I have gotten over the coaches thing and truly believe Dan deserves the win. Sometime, I wonder if Dan is that good or are the rest that gullible. Least = Ian. Just don't like him.
  15. I just cannot see any upside to keeping Frank at this point. If he was on the block against Dan, I could see an argument. But, it's time to get rid of as much serious competition as you can now.
  16. I think Dani will stick with Shane because she knows she can beat Shane in the end. She cannot beat Dan. It's nice to have a guy that is loyal to you, that you can beat in the end.
  17. I think Dan does care about the personal stories and personal lives of the other players. However, Dan understands how to compartmentalize. He knows how to separate the personal from the business. His moves in the game is business. It's a trait that you learn in sports and coaching. It's the same trait that allows the coach to care about a kids sprained ankle, but demand that he sucks it up and complete his blocking assignment. When it comes to the game or sports, winning is first and everything else is second. When you get down to the nitty-gritty, Dan understands that he is playing for half-million dollars. He has no problem stabbing anybody in the back, if they are standing in the way. He is clearly the best player in the game and the people who let him slip away last week, do not deserve to win the game.
  18. Look at this way...the girls that was passed over at 9pm looks awful good at 2am. They have been in the house for 2 months. Frank is under 30. Of coarse he is looking at Dani differently and she knows it. I bet if you pay attention, Joe is looking at her differently too. Dani is not bad looking at all. Ninety percent of men would hit that in a minute. They may not want to spend time snuggling and talking afterwards, but they wouldn't pass up the chance for a one night stand. She is a needy girl that will probably run a man crazy. She is probably the type that wants her man to be with her 24/7 and when he's not, she has to know exactly where he's at and if he misses her. But when it comes to looks, she has a lot of desirable qualities.
  19. I did not like the coaches twist because of the way it was done. The coaches were actually players that could not be evicted. I think it would have been much better if the coaches would have been restricted to a limited amount of time with their players each day and banned or restricted from having any interaction with the other team players. The coaches were actually the ones that were making the deals for players and calling all the shots. That's not coaching, that's being a mob boss. Personally, I like all fresh players. I like to watch the different players learn how to play the game and use their own talents to advance in the game. Watch the natural alliances develop. The game is much purer with all new people, even though most of them come in with a planned strategy to win the game. BB brings back players because of their star power, but by bringing back stars, they limit the ability of other players to become BB stars. To me the season was boring until the QP and Silent 6 formed and the scheming began. Just waiting for the inevitable blow up to happen is when the season really began for me. It didn't hurt that Boogie was the first one to get the knife slipped into his back...lol.
  20. The problem for Frank is, he has nothing to offer. He will not play in the HOH, so he can't offer anyone safety. And, he doesn't improve any other players chances of winning by keeping him, other than, maybe Jenn. And, that's only if she is able to get him out later. Until someone's out the door, everyone has a chance. Frank was out the door practically, but they did the reset and save him. However, I would only give him about a 1 in 10,0000 chance of staying this time.
  21. He may have a chance if he knows a good (and I mean good) funeral story...otherwise, its "get to stepping".



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