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Monday, May 11 2015 BBCAN3 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you!

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12am BBT  Zach, Ashleigh and Pili are talking In the HOH.  They feel Brittnee is  more of a threat than Godfrey is.  He’s been throwing comps. 

12:08am BBT  Pili heads to bed.  Godfrey comes in and grabs his stuff and heads to bed.  Zach and Ash are talking about what could happen next week.  Zach isn’t entirely sure what his noms would be.  Sarah would have to go first. 

12:22am BBT  Zach goes to make quesadillas. Ash is resting on the bed.  

12:29am BBT  Zach and Ash are talking about their moms. 

12:40am BBT  Brittnee and Sarah are in the HN room.  Brittnee is recounting her conversation with Zach.  Zach didn’t think he was guaranteed to go to final two with either Ash or Pili. Brittnee says don’t insult my intelligence. 

1:01am BBT  The girls are now talking about what Sarah would do next week if she won HOH.  They go through all the scenarios.  Now they are trying to figure out who would vote for who in the end.  

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1:37am BBT  Feeds are Foth

2:02am BBT  Feeds are back and lights are off in the HN and BR. 

2:16am BBT  This is why we don’t get much sleep.  Always thinking about things says Sarah.  Brittnee is getting better at turning it off.  Britt says don’t worry I’ve got your back.  They both say their lucky to have each other. 

2:23am BBT  Ash and Zach are awake but  it’s hard to hear them. 

2:28am BBT  They are playing with Ash’s stuffed elephant. 

2:30am BBT  Most of the HGs are asleep so we’re signing off for the night.

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11:00AM BBT It's been a quiet morning in the house, the HG doing their ADLs with no excitement.  Bruno, Zach and Godfrey are sitting in the LR having small talk, Sarah and Brittnee out by the HT discussing the game but not saying anything new.  FanCam has switched to HoH today but no activity.

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11:00am BBT: Sarah says she has to go to the bathroom so her and Brittnee head to the BY and Sarah says i think my laundry is done.

11:05am BBT: Ashleigh is in the KT  making food. The guys are in the LVR just talking general talk.

11:12am BBT: bruno and brittnee talking in the LVR about getting dizzy on spinning things. BB calls Godfrey to the DR.

 11:21am BBT: Brittnee and Bruno just talking about VHS and Records as Ashleigh is eating and Pilar is laying on the couch.

11:23am BBT: Sarah is laying in the hoh rm on the couch alone.

11:30am BBT: Most Hg in the LVR just general talk going on as everyone talks at one time.

11:42am BBT: Godfrey telling how a lady was a Dan super fan and was so annoying as she kept saying that Dan should have won and not Ian.

11:51am BBT: Sarah and Pilar laying on a couch together talking about  how close they are to being out of the house.

11:54am BBT: Pilar and Sarah talking about Kevin and Pilar tells how she likes being in this house but is ready to go out to see Kevin.

11:55am BBT: Bruno and Godfery are in  the BY throwing a ball at the baskets.

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12:12pm BBT: Bruno is sweeping the KT as zach is eating and ashleigh standing in the KT. No talk is going on except Bruno saying this is so nasty.12:20pm BBT: HG just sitting around as Bruno is sweeping then Godfrey says i need to learn how to cross my legs and tuck them in when you sit.

12:26pm BBT: Bruno telling the other Hg about  a new dog he got and it did not like the other dogs.

12:29pm BBT: Sarah and brittnee are in the By  switching laundry and just general talk.

12:45pm BBT: Bruno and Godfrey in the KT as Bruno gets cereal to eat. Zach , Brittnee, Ashleigh  and Pilar in the LVR just general talk and laughing going on.

12:49pm BBT: Bruno says there is only 2 more HOH's left then the last one will be a two parter and Pilar says  that is crazy we are almost to the end.

 12:55pm BBT: All HG are sitting around in the LVR talking about movies and laughing.

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 12:00-12:30 pm BBT Houseguests have just been sitting in the LR with just general conversation going on.

 1:00-1:30 pm BBT Correction, last post was meant for 1:00-1:30 pm BBT

 1:35 pm BBT Zach and Bruno decide to go out to the HT while other houseguests are still in the LR with general conversation going on.

 1:44 pm BBT All of the feeds are still showing the LR group. Pilar is going to try and braid Godfrey’s hair.

 1:46 pm BBT Pilar has decided that she can’t braid Godfrey’s hair so now she is going to put Sarah’s hair in a bun.

 1:48 pm BBT Bruno and Zach are out by the HT now. Bruno told Zach that he finally talked to Sarah and said that she is done campaigning and either she has gotten through to Ashleigh and Pilar or she has given up. Zach said that he doesn’t think that she got through to the two girls. Zach is rehashing his conversation with Brittnee last night to Bruno. He told Brittnee that he is on the fence right now. Zach said that they have decided to tell Brittnee Wednesday morning that she is going to jury.  

 1:54 pm BBT Zach and Bruno are laughing because they are going to pull it off to be the last two in the house and they will get first and second place when everyone kept trying to get them out of the house. Zach is telling Bruno more stuff that Brittnee said last night about Godfrey being with Bruno since the beginning of the game.  

 1:56 pm BBT Zach said that the way he is working Ashleigh is that everyone else is going before Bruno. Bruno said the whole game their heads were on the chopping block.

 1:59 pm BBT Zach and Bruno agree that they are both getting anxious for the end of the game and as long as Sarah doesn’t win the next HOH their doing good. Zach said that it is time for the others to see how it is to try and survive because it has been them for so long trying to survive.

 2:02 pm BBT Zach is again rehashing his conversation with Brittnee last night and how Brittnee was trying to up-play Godfrey like he is a threat. Zach said that he thinks Godfrey feels safe and that Godfrey told Zach that if he wins HOH he was putting up Zach and that is fine with Zach.

 2:04 pm BBT Zach told Bruno that him and Ashleigh are not as close as Kevin and Pilar were. Zach is trying to show Bruno every week as much as he can that Bruno can trust him. Zach thinks it is funny that the jury is praying every week that Bruno or Zach will be walking through that door. Pilar walked out by the HT and Zach told her they are talking about how the jury will go nuts when Brittnee walks through the door this week.

 2:06 pm BBT Zach said that he is going to tell Brittnee tomorrow night that she is not getting his vote and then Pilar will tell her after that she is not getting her vote.

 2:07 pm BBT Bruno said that he is going to tell Brittnee that she is not getting his vote, but Brittnee has not even talked to him yet. The three of them keep laughing about how the jury is going to feel seeing Brittnee walking through the door and they hope that the campaigning is done.

 2:10 pm BBT Pilar said yesterday she was not sure and it is hard for her because she believes everything she hears. Pilar said that when Sarah came to talk to her she told Sarah to go and talk to Ashleigh because she is the HOH. Zach said that they take the heat for couples and bros but they don’t have to take heat for them (Sarah and Brittnee) playing together.

 2:12 pm BBT Pilar feels like every move Brittnee has made is because of what Sarah has told her to do so that is the reason she is going home. Godfrey came out by the HT to change batteries for everyone and Pilar went into the house to get a snack.

 2:14 pm BBT Zach, Bruno and Godfrey are all laughing about how shocked Sarah and Brittnee will be that Zach is voting to keep Godfrey. Bruno said that Brittnee has not even talked to him and Godfrey said that is because they are talking to the girls. Bruno said the triple eviction was the best thing that happened for their game.

 2:16 pm BBT Bruno is now telling Zach about a pitch that Brittnee was trying to give to him (he just said not too long ago that she has not even tried to talk to him yet). Zach said once they start switching up their stories then you know they are lying.

 2:19 pm BBT Zach said that he is always with the boys and if he is invested in someone in the house it is with a bro. Bruno feels good right now, but you can’t be too comfortable.  Zach and Bruno are now the Generals alliance.

 2:21 pm BBT They are both laughing again about what the jury is going to think to see Brittnee walking in this week. Zach said all it is now is three HOH’s and the comps are going to be building stuff. Bruno thinks there will be a puzzle soon.

 2:23 pm BBT Sarah walked out by the HT and the boys just keep talking about what they speculate the next comp will be.

 2:24 pm BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are in the WA and Sarah said the boys will have to understand they have to do what is best for their game. Pilar said the guy’s best interest is to keep Godfrey because they know Sarah is going after them. Pilar wonders how pissed Sarah will be once they send Brittnee home. Pilar told Ashleigh that her and Zach are going to tell Brittnee tomorrow night that she is going. Ashleigh doesn’t want Godfrey to win the next HOH and they have to try and keep Sarah. Pilar would love to get rid of Bruno next week. Ashleigh said that if Bruno and Godfrey are on the block then Godfrey will go home.

 2:28 pm BBT Pilar said that if she wins a guy will go home and if Sarah wins then a guy will go home. They both do not want Sarah to go. Ashleigh said that Zach will do whatever they want because he is not committed to Bruno.

 2:30 pm BBT Pilar is going to talk to Sarah and say that they are voting Brittnee out and they want to work with her then she said we will have to wait and see who wins HOH. Ashleigh said that there is no way Godfrey will win HOH and then she said we will see what happens and they both leave the room.

 2:32 pm BBT Godfrey is just sitting in the LR by himself. Pilar walked through asked him what he is doing and then she walked out to the HT.

 2:33 pm BBT The HT group is Bruno, Zach, Sarah, Brittnee and now Pilar. They are talking about past comps and houseguests.

 2:34 pm BBT Now the HT group is talking about dreams that they had.

 2:35 pm BBT Godfrey is now in the BY playing Godball with Ashleigh and Pilar is just sitting on the hammock watching.

 2:39 pm BBT Now the HT group (Brittnee, Sarah, Bruno and Zach) are speculating what the outside world is calling them.

 2:41 pm BBT Zach wants to do something fun in this house today. Zach hopes that Wednesday they get something from the outside world.  

 2:42 pm BBT Zach told the HT group that there is a sideshow every week talking about the BB show. Bruno said that there will be people that like you and people who don’t and you can’t beat yourself up over that stuff. Zach said it is day 54 today.

 2:44 pm BBT Bruno asked when the US all star was and said that this would have to be his one and only time. He could not play this game twice and leave his family at home is the hardest part.

 2:45 pm BBT Bruno said that JP is convinced that the US BB is going to be all stars this year.

 2:48 pm BBT Sarah is now sitting by Pilar in the hammock and they are talking about how they need each other next week. Sarah said that she felt safe at first and then she felt that she would have been going home if she did not win PoV. Sarah asked Pilar who she would put up if she won HOH next week. Pilar just said she would put up the same. Sarah said that Ashleigh and Zach and Bruno are really close and they are a tight three.

 2:55 pm BBT Sarah went in to get something to eat. Ashleigh sat down by Pilar and asked what time it is. Godfrey is also sitting in the BY by them. Pilar is thinking Ashleigh should get the camera today.

 2:57 pm BBT Brittnee is still out by the HT with Zach and Bruno. They are talking about the day that they seen Emmett. 

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3:04PM BBT:  Britt doing laundry, Pilar on the Hammock, Godfrey chilling on the couch. Ash, Sarah, and Bruno in the kitchen.

3:08PM BBT:  Godfrey, Britt, and Sarah in BY.  Godfrey to Britt: "I just can't believe that no one's told you anything at all...It's hard to believe they are all undecided."  

3:16PM BBT:  Sarah to Britt and Godfrey:  If we don't win HOH this week, you can bet that Zach is going to win this game.

3:19PM BBT:  Britt to Sarah: "I am now the target, and that's why they're not saying it."

3:25PM BBT:  Britt: "It's so sad that these girls [Ash/Pili] can't think for themselves."  Sarah: "They're thinking for themselves, but they're not playing their individual game.  They're thinking that it's safer to keep Zach safe because Zach will keep them safe"

3:27PM BBT:  Britt and Sarah discussing Bruno's game.  Positives: Never on the block/never even thought about. Good social game.

3:39PM BBT:  Britt: "If I stay, there's gonna be a big target on me."  Sarah:  "Yes and it's just gonna get bigger"

3:49PM BBT:  Zach/Ash/Pili/Bruno/Godfrey talking about how old you have to be to get a learner's permit to drive.

3:51PM BBT:  Godfrey joins Sarah and Britt in the BY.  Britt asks Godfrey who he is putting up if he wins HOH.  He says Zach for sure.  Not sure about his second nominee.  Godfrey says the only fear he has that if he puts up Zach and someone else, then someone [Ash?] might win the veto and use it on Zach. He could deter Ash from using the veto on Zach by threatening to put up Pili.

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4:01PM BBT:  Sarah and Pili sitting by the HT.  Pili telling Sarah that Sarah is not a target for Ash and Pili.  Pili saying that just because Ash and Zach together, that doesn't mean they are playing the same game.  Pili assuring Sarah that Pili doesn't want Sarah out next week.  Pili knows she can't beat the guys and thinks Godfrey has been throwing comps so when he picks it up he is also a threat.  Pili tells Sarah she is not sure how she is voting.

4:03PM BBT:  Sarah and Pili discussing scenarios for final and who can beat who.

4:10PM BBT:  Ash and Zach in HOH room.  All the boys in Ash's family go by their middle name.  Their dad's first name becomes their middle name.  

4:14PM BBT:  Sarah trying to convince Pili that Brittney didn't want Pili out at the Triple Eviction.  Pili points out that Brittney told Willow she was staying.  Sarah trying to say that Britt was just trying to comfort Willow.  Pili doesn't seem to be buying it.

4:17PM BBT:  Sarah telling Pili that not only does Sarah not want Pili gone, she wants to work with Pili.  

4:24PM BBT:  Pili reporting to Zach and Ash about her convo with Sarah...very frustrated by Sarah's campaigning.  

4:32PM BBT:  Bruno and Godfrey in BY talking about movies.   Britt and Sarah lounging in BY but not taking part in convo.

4:35PM BBT:  Ash and Zach getting cuddly in HOH while Pili puts on nail polish.  Pili finishes and leaves the HOH.

4:37PM BBT:  Pili joins the BY group and Bruno goes in.  Sarah asks Britt if she fell asleep.  Britt says no, but she was tossing and turning all night.

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4:43PM BBT:  Bruno and Britt in KT.  Britt asks Bruno who is more beneficial for his game, Britt or Godfrey. Bruno says it's out of his hands.  He thinks it comes down to Zach and Pili and how they vote.

4:47PM BBT:  Bruno talking about how close Britt and Sarah are.  Britt telling Bruno that she and Sarah have played the same game except that Britt has more blood on her hands. Britt loves Sarah but now that Britt is on the block she has to think of herself.

4:49PM BBT:  Britt ask Bruno to list pros and cons of keeping Britt.  Bruno says he can trust Britt 100% and that she is not coming for him.  

4:50PM BBT:  Bruno says that thing is that Sarah is not taking him to F2 and that she will turn on him the second Zach leaves. [or sooner?]

4:53PM BBT:  Bruno keeps complaining to Britt about Sarah's game.  Britt spending more time defending Sarah in her effort to get Bruno's vote. She tries to get him to focus on whether Godfrey helps his game and he keeps going back to Sarah.

5:05PM BBT:  Bruno's objection to Sarah is that Sarah has "thrown [him] under the bus" and he says he has never done that [Gee...I wonder who has been calling Sarah poison then?]

5:12PM BBT:  Sarah thinks that it's still Chop Shop to the end.  Godfrey thinks maybe that's why the guys were so ready to keep Willow at the Triple Eviction.

5:19PM BBT:  Sarah: It's quite clear that I have zero sway over [Ash and Pili].  Godfrey thinks that Zach and Bruno still fear that Sarah can persuade the girls.

5:21PM BBT:  Sarah telling Godfrey that Zach told Britt that he respects Britt's game and doesn't want to sit next to her in the final two.  Godfrey hasn't had that kind of conversation with Godfrey.

5:27PM BBT:  Bruno and Britt join Sarah and Godfrey in the BY and start talking about pros and cons for both nominees.

5:33PM BBT:  BY group talking about past competitions they came close to winning, and how things might have been different.

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5:40PM BBT:  BY group still talking about past competitions and who did well and who may or may not have thrown a comp.

5:44PM BBT:  Godfrey saying there was not much chance to do anything because of how people have won.  Zach, Pili, and Kevin had back to back HOHs.

5:45PM BBT:  Bruno leaves to get water and Sarah says "I don't get why he lies when he doesn't have to"

5:50PM BBT:  Bruno and Zach in WA.  Bruno telling Zach about his convo with Britt. Telling Zach that Britt was underplaying her accomplishments.  Zach telling Bruno how frustrated Pili was with Sarah's campaigning.  

5:52PM BBT:  Godfrey joins Bruno and Zach in WA.  Bruno tells Godfrey he's good and tells Zach they really need Godfrey now especially.

5:54PM BBT:  Zach and Bruno can't wait til Wednesday so they don't have to keep listening to any pleas.  Godfrey joins in complaining about Sarah while Bruno keeps saying how Sarah threw him under the bus.


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6:51PM BBT:  HGs have been playing a ball toss game in the BY for the better part of the last hour.

6:52PM BBT:  Zach commenting on how all the HG names are either very unusual names or popular names with unusual spellings.

7:02PM BBT:  HGs discussing "Babe" as an endearment.  For some it is significant, and others call everyone "Babe"

7:10PM BBT:  Britt:  "We're so boring. We're all, like, just over it."

7:16PM BBT:  HGs in BY discussing different pronunciations of words like "aluminum/aluminium" [britt wasn't kidding]

7:30PM BBT:  General chitchat and laughter in the BY.  Pili called to the DR.

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7:31PM BBT:  Ash tells Sarah that if Sarah can pull out an HOH next week she will vote [how Sarah wants].  Ash doesn't want Sarah out because she knows she can't beat the guys in the end.

7:40PM BBT:  Britt, Godfrey, Sarah and Bruno in the BY talking about places to eat in Calgary and comparing Calgary and Edmonton.

7:50PM BBT:  HGs talking about other places in Canada they would like to live in or visit.

7:51PM BBT:  Bruno and Godfrey talking in BR.  Bruno telling Godfrey how he set things up with Zach so that Zach would keep Godfrey.  

7:58PM BBT:  Guys heading to the HT.  Ash and Pili in HOH room. Ash telling Pili that Sarah can't go next week.  They see her as the one to take out Bruno and Zach for them.

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9:06PM BBT All HGs in the BY Godfrey and Pili are working out, Bruno on the hammock Ash Zach Sarah and Britt on the couches talking about Rob Cesterone (of Rob Has a Web Site fame) Then they start reminiscing about past weeks and how busy they were that they welcomed a day off, not like lately.  Godfrey and Pili still lifting away doing squats with the bar and weights balanced on their shoulders. Zach amazed that BB built the whole simulator with the car and all the backdrop for the Family Camping Task. Godfrey telling Pili she looks smaller than her picture and her face is more chiseled and jokes that it is because she can't find the hazelnut spread lately.


Talk turns to clubs again on the couches. Ash runs up to the HOH to retrieve a picture to show the others. Britt and Zach talking about the Camping task again and the scenery they "drove" past during it. Bruno thinks this week was the weirdest week of all (wait til tomorrow dude. DRG) with the triple and everything. Ash returns empty handed. 


Pili and Godfrey just completed another set and he tells her they just have to do some dead lifts and then they are done.  Just five sets and he says they will be easy. Zach has dropped down to the ground and started doing push ups in front of the couches.  Bruno remarks that he does them weird and not with his arms shoulder width apart.


Godfrey advises Pili to go a little heavier for the dead lifts and they agree they will do five sets of ten reps. (audio really screwy tonight with commercials starting and then stopping after 5 seconds or faint background of BB telling the HGs to stop talking about production that is not going out to the house. Maybe it is Intern Monday at the BBCA house? - DRG)


Britt Bruno Zach have gone inside and the guys volunteer to make the slop cookies right for Britt as she does not seem to be able to do it for herself.  They guys decide to hit the hot tub and head out with Zach going to the HOH to change.  


Pili and Godfrey still lifting their butts off. The last set is now going to be twenty straight. Pili is stretching in between sets (which looks a little like a cat presenting herself. DRG) Now she tries some handstands and advises Godfrey about how to stretch.


The guys hit the outside but say that it is pouring out there and say they can't go now because their mics would get messed up so they start a game of ball instead.  


Godfrey announces that he has to fart before starting the set which sets Pili off on a discussion of someone that did that before. They start the last set going nice and slow/


The ball game progresses Ash and Britt have the couches nailed down.  Britt working on getting down her slop cookie with a knife and fork


The workout has ended and Pili limps her way over to the couches and stretches again before drinking water. She goes down on all fours to stretch her legs and back. 

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9:26PM BBT Pili heads over to the hammock and starts giggling and tells Godfrey she is laughing at him and that he looks like a pretty ballerina.  She remarks that it was a good workout.  Godfrey has his leg up on one of the workout benches stretching it out. 


Godball ongoing. Everyone else quiet with Britt still eating away. 


Bruno has lost and heads to the couches being replaced in the game by Godfrey. He teases Pili with dumping her out of the hammock but does not do it. Game over and they guys hit the couches too. Ashleigh runs inside for something. Zach laments that it is raining and they can't hit the tub right now. Godfrey goes to check and reports back that it is raining hard. 


Pili and others start calling out Godfrey's name in their poor English accents.  Talk turns to stretching and Bruno says he is not flexible at all. He compliments Britt's hair and then her sweater. Ash joins Pili on the hammock (Sarah has not been on camera in a while now.) They are debating exactly when it will be two months that they have been gone from home and how long they have been in the house.  Zach comments that it is two months from contact today and their phones were ripped away 2 months ago.  Sarah has just reappeared outside. Britt gets up to take her plate in and tells Sarah there is a slop cake there but it is not that good. Bruno asks if they have fresh slop and offers to make Sarah some cinnaslops. She is told it is pouring outside but she wants to go try to have a smoke anyway. Ash and Pili go peek out and confirm she won't be able to smoke in that. Sarah looks and decides to try it under the overhang. She gets a Stop That from BB and heads back to rejoin the others. Zach says I told you so and Sarah quips that she thinks he really does not hate to say that.


Godfrey asks if the iPod is back yet and is told everyone is asking and that no it has not been returned yet.  Feeds flicker in and out of FOTH seemingly randomly. Now they are arguing about how many people have left or are left in the house. Godfrey trying to convince them that one word that can mean two different things in a sentence are a double conjure.  Ash says that is not a term. She is called to the DR and Godfrey wants her to ask them in there if he is correct.


Godfrey talks about guys who used to chew the end of their pens at school and he is told that he chews his water bottle. Pili asks if he is packed and he says he is always packed.


Inside Bruno and working on the slop concoction with Sarah helping.


Ash comes back and says the word is double entendre.


Talk turns to what they will wear tomorrow. Then they start talking about wanting some booze and why BB is not giving them any. Godfrey promises he will not vomit. They talk about the night Godfrey got so sick and Ash tells them that she was asked to take care of him so BB tells them to stop talking about production.


Sarah has come out and the latest report is that it is not pouring any longer.  Sarah asks if they could do this all over as in could they do another 75 days starting today. Pili wonders who would do someting different if the game started all over. Zach says he would need twice the prize money to do it again. Feeds go to FOTH briefly. Sarah heads out to light up and the guys grab towels to take to the hot tub. Camara lenses in hot tub covered with rain drops.  Sarah says it is spitting a little harder now and she stays to smoke but the boys head in as it is too wet for the mic packs. 


Ash has gotten the Showmi and headphones and is settling in to the HOH bed by herself.  


The guys decide to hit the pool instead of the tub. Zach and Godfrey start another game of ball as Bruno starts into the pool then decides not to go in. Now he is sitting on the top step watching the ball game. 

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10:00PM BBT They guys head over to join Godfrey and they complain about how cold the pool is while Godfrey says it is a heated pool but not a hot tub.  Pili in her bikini now sits on the chairs next to the pool and says the water is cold.  Bruno has moved down one step. Sarah comes back in and reports that it is still raining too hard outside. Bruno comments that tomorrow is camera day and Pili can't believe they did not get a task. Godfrey thinks the tasks are done now. Zach says he can't believe next week is week nine out of a ten week journey.  Bruno asks who the person was they thought was the best player when they first walked in to the house. Godfrey says JP and Johnny and Naeha.  Pili says she though Naeha was like Neda. Bruno says it was JP and Naeha for him.  Pili says she was next to Sindy and she was not impressed.  They all seem to have gotten a weird read off of Bobby that first night.  They also all seem to agree that Kevin was hard to read in the beginning. 

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 9:11 pm BBT Pilar and Godfrey are in the BY lifting weights while the other houseguests are sitting on the couch and hammock with just general chatting going on about other houseguests.

 9:12 pm BBT Sarah was just talking about how the other houseguests felt while they were locked in the HN room and then she was called to the DR.

 9:14 pm BBT Zach asked Bruno if he wants to get some fresh air soon after he does 20 pushups and then he got on the ground to do them

 9:16 pm BBT Zach and Bruno head into the house leaving Ashleigh and Brittnee sitting on the couch. Brittnee just remembered her slop in the oven and gave Ashleigh her water bottle and then went into the KT. Pilar and Godfrey are still lifting weights.

 9:20 pm BBT Ashleigh is going to watch her Shome tonight. Bruno and Zach head out to the HT but it is poring rain so they went back in the BY.

 9:22 pm BBT Bruno and Zach now are playing ball while Godfrey and Pilar are still lifting weights.

 9:25 pm BBT Pilar quit lifting weights and is now doing stretches while Britt sits on the couch eating her slop. They are laughing at the face that Godfrey is making while he is stretching out. Pilar got on the hammock and Ashleigh is still sitting on the couch in the BY. The three girls are watching Zach and Bruno play ball. Sarah must still be in the DR.

 9:31 pm BBT Bruno sat down on the couch by Brittnee and told her to just think of something else and that she is doing great. Zach and Godfrey just finished up a game of ball and Godfrey lost. Pilar is still on the hammock. Ashleigh went inside to use the restroom.

 9:32 pm BBT Godfrey just went to check by the HT to see if it is still raining and he came back and said it is raining hard.

 9:35 pm BBT Bruno complimented Brittnee and said that he likes her hair the way that it is fixed and then he said he likes her sweater. The BY group is everyone but Sarah and they are talking about the dates they left home and that they are in the house.

 9:37 pm BBT Sarah has now joined the BY group as they are talking about missing their phone and wonder who has called and texted. Brittnee is called into the DR and Bruno offered to Sarah that he would make a fresh batch of slop for them.

 9:39 pm BBT Sarah went to go and have a smoke by the HT and then she turned around to go back into the BY and said that she is not allowed to go outside.

 9:43 pm BBT Godfrey, Pilar and Zach are in the BY talking about chewing on stuff. Pilar asked Godfrey if he is packed up and he responded that he always has his stuff packed because he is too lazy to unpack.

 9:47 pm BBT Lets go in the KT with Bruno and Sarah. Bruno is making fresh slop while Sarah cleans up a little bit. Sarah told Bruno earlier with the Chop Shop questions she was just being stupid and Bruno told her don’t worry about it one bit. Bruno said they just have to get through next week and Sarah said I hope that you can trust me. Sarah said a bunch of names came out and Bruno told her it’s all good. Sarah said it is a blessing that they know now where the loyalty lies. Bruno and Sarah agree that they can’t miss because it is their last shot and it all comes down to the veto. Bruno told Sarah that everyone’s minds are set and no one is going to change so there is no need for anymore (think he is trying to tell Sarah that Britt is being voted out)

 9:52 pm BBT Sarah left the KT and Bruno is still working on making the slop for them then we get FotH.

 9:53 pm BBT Feeds come back as Ashleigh passes Bruno in the KT and said that she is going and see him in about an hour and a half (she must be going to watch her Shomi)

 9:59 pm BBT Bruno and Zach now have their feet in the pool as Godfrey and Pilar sit in the chairs along the wall. They are talking about how they never hang out by the pool and how cold the water is. Bruno said that it is a heated pool.

 10:04 pm BBT The pool group is talking about the first day in the BB house and their first impressions on other houseguests.

 10:09 pm BBT Sarah joined the houseguests by the pool and they are still talking about the first day and who they were sketched out by.

 10:10 pm BBT They all agree that Bobby was really acting weird and he told Bruno before he went to leave that they are going to play a video of him and then the next day they played a clip for the veto Bruno thought it was the video that Bobby was talking about. Now they are sure that Bobby is someone famous.

 10:10 pm BBT They all agree that Bobby was really acting weird and he told Bruno before he went to leave that they are going to play a video of him and then the next day they played a clip for the veto Bruno thought it was the video that Bobby was talking about. Now they are sure that Bobby is someone famous.

 10:21 pm BBT The pool group is reminiscing about past days in the house.

 10:26 pm BBT Godfrey said that he was expecting a triple eviction this season.

 10:28 pm BBT The pool group is speculating what they are going to be doing for their remaining days in the house and how many days they have left. 

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Zach counting down the remaining days and how things could unfold. Now he says with the US version the order of the comps are the same and they have ones that they do every season. Zach states that he called the AB comp they had but otherwise they have been off each week.. Pili saying she can't walk due to the earlier work out. Godfrey checks outside again and reports back that the rain has subsided so the guys head out only for Pili to find the door to be locked. She then says she is going to go shower and Sarah comments that even if it was drizzling their mics would get wet. 

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10:33PM BBT Zach now telling Bruno and Sarah that it was so weird leaving home to come to the house not knowing if you would be right back in a week or not. Godfrey says he heard the hot tub was locked as he comes to sit by the pool. Bruno wants to see how the Pick Your Poison comp looked on TV. He is now saying how weird it is there are only six left and he never could have picked this group at the beginning.  BB announces that the hot tub is now open and they guys jump up to head out. They call out to Pili that the tub is open and she heads outside too.  Cover off and Bruno Zach Pili and Godfrey climb in. They talk about monkeys now and the difference between monkeys and apes.  They all think the tub is nice and especially Bruno says this is what he was waiting for.  All feeds are on this group of four as Ash in in the HOH with the Shomi. Sarah now joins them and sits on the deck beside the tub. Now she asks about the cinnaslops and Bruno says he was preheating the oven and never put them in. She heads back inside as Bruno says this is better than if they had been in the oven and were burned now.  Britt with Sarah heading across the BY back to the kitchen. They are talking about their current situation and how none of the campaigning worked and Sarah adds that they are also not talking. She says they told her it was too soon to get out Bruno. Britt thinks that someone planted the seed that she was after Ash. She goes on to say the goal is to break up this duo as they are just as much of a showmance as the couples.  


Outside they are talking about John and Neda and the games they played.


Britt wonders who Ash is closer to and speculates it is Pili moreso than Zach. Sarah putting to slop concoction into a pan to put in the oven. Britt wonders if it is Bruno running the show or Zach?


Hot tub crew still talking about last season of BBCA. Then Zach mentions that Cody took Derick and Derick and Derick ended up winning. 


In the kitchen the gals are talking about who has friends on the jury and who does or does not trust Bruno. Pili does not but Godfrey does in Sarah's opinion. Sarah and Britt dissing the others as being illogical and not liking people that think. Britt cannot figure why they want her out so much and Sarah says it is because they hate her and the way she has played the game. 


Outside now talking about Dan's first season on BB US. 


Sarah saying it really is that the guys are less scared of them than of each other so that is why they are trying to get them out. 


Outside talking about just wanting to keep Britt calm for her last time in the house.  They liken it to Bobby who knew he was going and decided to just enjoy his last days in the house instead of campaigning to stay. 


Sarah now talking about if Zach and Bruno were up there how would the votes go. They wonder why Bruno is not on the block now. Sarah says they have themselves convinced there is a guys thing. Britt thinks that Bruno is what connects Godfrey to Zach and at some point they will have to turn. Sarah comments that Bruno used all the house sugar to make the slop cake.

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10:35PM BBT: The hgs want to go outside while its not raining. Sarah says go out now while its not raining, it will start back up again it looks like its a night for rain.


10:40PM BBT: Godfrey walks over by the pool and says the hot tub is locked. Ash is still in the hoh by herself. BB comes on HGs the hot tub is now open they walk to the hot tub. Its not raining.


10:45PM BBT: Zach, Bruno, Godfrey and Pili are now in the hot tub they are talking about pet monkey's. Sarah comes out of the DR and joins them by the hot tub.


10:50PM BBT: The HGs are in the ht talking about BBCAN1 who won what. And who would have take who to the finals. Brit and Sarah are in the KT talking about whose running the show Bruno or Zach. (Gee I thought, it was Big Brother running the show)


Then Sarah tells Brit that Godfrey said that They were with Graig. Now they are saying that Zach as more power. Brit walks over and closes the door. Now talk turns to jury.


10:55PM BBT: Sarah says we got work to do, we have to keep your name out of their #ucken mouths. Brit why do they want me out so bad. Sarah because they hate me. I feel like this is my fault. For thinking. They hate people who think says Brit. Yeah right. We need to think about this. now back to whose running the show. They are all coming after us. But Pili and Ash if she has a brain on her head its a guy thing.


11:00PM BBT: Now Brit and Sarah are talking about what Godfrey wants. We have to think, either way they are coming after us. But why he doesnt see Godfrey as a threat. Zach is covering his back. people turn tho. Bruno is what contects them and back and forth with this.


11:05PM BBT: Sarah and Brit are talking about how she can make Zach see that Brit is worth keeping in the house over Godfrey. Sarah is going to tell Zach to stop playing an emotional game. She is going to tell Zach that Godfrey will come after them next week.


11:10PM BBT: so the plan with Sarah and Brit is to win hoh next week and put Zach up. now they are talking about if Zach will bring Ash to the final two?? Brit thinks that Zach and Bruno maybe related in someway? Brit they are not related they cant be. can they??(can they be related CA?) Pili and the rest of the HGs walk in talk stops.


11:15PM BBT: Shower time, Bruno and Godfrey are now in the blue room Zach is in the shower. Actually Zach is now out of the shower and Godfrey is in the shower. And Sarah and Brit are still going back and forth.


11:20PM BBT: the Brit and Sarah show has now stopped (Finally) Looks like everyone is doing nightly bedtime stuff. Showering brushing teeth you get the picture.


11:25PM BBT: Godfrey tells Bruno who is in the shower, that it all comes down to the Pilis. It works out the same. Yeah, he walks off Pili comes into the wr has Godfrey walks out. Sarah is in the Kitchen, she blurs really loud (Gross). Zach and Pili walks in. 


11:30PM BBT: Nothing has changed, Brit is sitting at the KT counter with Pili looking like she is just pissed off. Zach is talking about how well he sleeps.


11:35PM BBT: something fell over the railing Godfrey and Bruno used a coathanger and a fork to get it. Now they are having their midnite snacks. 


11:40PM BBT: Sarah is off to bed, Zach Godfrey, Bruno are finishing up their snacks in the KT and Ash is still having some alone time in the HOH. Brit says her good nites.


11:45PM BBT: and talk continues in the have not room with Brit and Sarah talking about how they are going to get out Zach or Bruno.


11:50PM BBT: Sarah and Brit keep going round and round with the same old stuff. The rest of the gang is still in the KT.
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