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September 3rd thru September 8th - Live Feed & BBAD


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Best season of BB ever, imo and I'm loving this F7... I wish every BB season was like this one.

Yes, there is lying and backstabbing and strategizing behind each other's backs, etc. But, they all really do like each other and even though someone has to be evicted and someone is going to break their word... at least they have the decency to do it properly... you know, on the sly and behind each others back! ;)

Enjoy the experience together when you're face to face. No need for dividing the house and not being able to talk to so-and-so, have some fun, laugh and do the dirty work behind closed doors where only us fendish feeders are listening in!!! :D

Oh and... PoV ceremony today.

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Yes, this Thurs. is DE, not FF.

-I'm an amateur poker player and I love me some Tom Dwan for couple years now... not so much since Black Friday/FT bulls$%t! (He's not been playing so much.) And, I've been meaning to change it for the last 2 months and keep forgetting... thanks for the reminder, hopefully I'll get to it today. :) )

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Feeds back... Frank and Shane talking... Frank working on votes... lol

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Frank working on Ian now. It is going to be a long week until Thursday. He just might do it. You never know. :wacko:

Let him work on Ian.....Ian doesn't get a vote unless its a tie, and with this crew someone will blab if Frank actually turns Ian (horrors) so they will not vote a tie.

What concerns me however that if it is a DD this week they should have a plan and they aren't talking about it. I have not seen anything saying it is going to be a dd, did I miss something? It makes sense because there are too many people in the house, and they should be getting a plan together.

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If the HG's haven't been told it's a DD...

it's been discussed that it could be.... and I'm sure they all have some type of plan

ready just in case it's this week.

(and we have NO idea what Grodner has in mind to save hers FAVS)

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Frank working on Ian now. It is going to be a long week until Thursday. He just might do it. You never know. :wacko:

I have no doubt, despite the way things appear, that Joe could be out. Dan convinces Shane and Danielle to split their vote so that "the blood will be on Ian's hands". Dan, Jenn vote Joe out and he's gone. I'm convinced that Dan wants to take Frank to final two and beat him based on his game play.
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I have no doubt, despite the way things appear, that Joe could be out. Dan convinces Shane and Danielle to split their vote so that "the blood will be on Ian's hands". Dan, Jenn vote Joe out and he's gone. I'm convinced that Dan wants to take Frank to final two and beat him based on his game play.

I don't know who is with who anymore this season. They have flipped so often and made deals with everyone that frankly at this point anything can happen. Shane and Danielle seem set on voting Frank out of this this, Ian also seems set on doing it and I think it is the smart thing to do at this point. If Ian fails to get Frank out this week he might not get another chance. If Jenn wins HOH she puts Ian and Dan on the block, Ian could be going home right after Joe if they fail to get Frank out, then Frank will once again be allowed to play for HOH and if he wins he will most likely put Shane and Danielle up maybe Dan. I really think if Frank stays this week then they should just hand him the $500,000 check right here and now becase he will have won this game.

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I don't know who is with who anymore this season. They have flipped so often and made deals with everyone that frankly at this point anything can happen.

I totally agree with you there. Some things have just not made any sense at all ( I could go on about that but the message would be too long.) Anyone who neglects to get Frank out this week or put Dan up next week (if he doesn't win HOH) is certainly handing over the cheque!

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Jenn was called to the DR about 10 minutes ago. The QP were talking about how PISSED off she was... Dan is worried.

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