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House Calls / Town Hall / Marcellas and Gretchen


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i dont know why everyone hates james. you dont even know the guy and would you like ppl commenting on your relationship so shut up abou. i dont think you want america to talk about your relationship with your partner. And i dont think sarah will listen to her mom or dad because she feels she really in love with james and i think james is too but doesnt want to show it on camera.

If you take your relationship on national television then you should not expect any privacy about it. I don't hate James...I think he is a sad little man that has to make himself feel better by demeaning and controlling Sara. James loves James and that is about it.

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No military?? :roll: That makes no difference whatsoever.

Hmm, well, I'd take a chance on, say, a Lieutenant being more ultimately successful than an unemployed loss prevention specialist, simply because of his training within a large and recognized institution. I would say the same thing about a graduate student, as well. And if James hopes to be in politics someday, military training is typically considered a bonus there.

I'm aware this is coming off as snobby, and I don't really care. My point is that Sarah could do much better, both emotionally and pragmatically. I think James has her convinced that he's the high end of what she could get, and he's just not.

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Guest ilovebb6

Hi Marcellas!!!

I ABSOLUTLEY LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE YOU! You and Gretchen are soooo great on Housecalls! None of my friends watch BB even though I tell them its the best show ever and they'll love it, so I have no one to talk to it about and its driving me crazy!! I was just wondering if you realllly think that Jen and "The Friendship (EWWW)" will keep their word and vote out James. She broke her word to Kaysar (YUMM) during the pressure cooker and totallly turned it around when she was telling Maggie. I distincly remember Kaysar saying that HE WOULD NOT NOMINATE Maggie because he had made a deal w. her to leave the pressure coooker. That little girl is causing so much drama and then on top of that Ivette is practically pleading for James to stay. He is playing her so bad and then last night he was making me gag when he was talking to Jen. Do you think that James will be gone this week because its starting to look that if he keeps up the campaigning till Wednesday the foolish five will vote to keep him. K this is so long so i'll stop! Bye! Love you again!!1

PS. I do not think you are stupid for not using the Veto.

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I'm curious to know how Marcellas is feeling now about Jenn contemplating backdooring Kaysar. I think it'd be the just, ugh, worse move ever. That's where she'd lose the game. Her ass would be out that door next week if that happend. I think she knows that.

So I think Kaysar is still safe. But I'm worried for him. He's so yummy. I need to see him on the tele. I really do. I'm addicted. To him. That's really stalkerish and I don't care. He's so amazing.

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Guest sunflower0501

i watch the show, and i have never called in, due to it being a long distance call, and from watching the show the lines are probably always busy, and it is hard to get through.

i am curious if, anyone plans to call on monday, or at anytime this week, and complain about kaysar being voted out, since it seems to be one of the few ways to let cbs know how the fans feel.

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i watch the show, and i have never called in, due to it being a long distance call, and from watching the show the lines are probably always busy, and it is hard to get through.

i am curious if, anyone plans to call on monday, or at anytime this week, and complain about kaysar being voted out, since it seems to be one of the few ways to let cbs know how the fans feel.

If I'm home tomorrow when it airs, I'll try to call in.

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It will be a bummer that most likely the future HG appearances on HouseCalls won't be able to be drilled on their game play or racist type of comments, etc due to the sequester situation. I hope they will be able to, but doubt it. But maybe on the final wrap show they'll get drilled on alot of that. I would love for them to be put on the spot. Janelle has said bad things herself, but I don't think I've ever seen her or Howie say anything about race, religion.

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It will be a bummer that most likely the future HG appearances on HouseCalls won't be able to be drilled on their game play or racist type of comments, etc due to the sequester situation.  I hope they will be able to, but doubt it.  But maybe on the final wrap show they'll get drilled on alot of that.  I would love for them to be put on the spot.  Janelle has said bad things herself, but I don't think I've ever seen her or Howie say anything about race, religion.

I thought of that, but Marcellas drilled Eric - it was great!

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Yes, Marcellas did do a great job, but I wanted him to come right out and ask him why he told the house "lights out" and "ration the food".  I wanted Marcellas to ask him who he thinks he is?

they asked him about it on the tv guide channel but i wasn't paying too much attention

you can probably check their website they will probably re-air the show

can't remember the name but i think"reality" is in the title

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Marcellas - and Gretchen - your show is amazingly interesting -- I am a huge fan. Had CBS never had a Voter's Choice especially with this much interest - I am not certain there would be this much uproar - but there is now

Can Housecalls help.... (it is not just about Kaysar - but the longterm interest in the show's viability.) is there anything that Housecalls can do, i.e. there is a petition that has been signed regarding allowing Kaysar Immunity this week. Can you help bring it to CBS BB attention.

Further, There was some discussion that Jennifer actually touched the glass for longer than 3 seconds - which would have disqualified her per BB rules - regardless of any deals made.

I know that it is a game, and lies deception are part of the game, but if there is a deal made during an endurance HOH competition such as the one Jennifer made in the last hour to the remaining competition- - - there should be some way that BB - requires that deal at least an immunity to be enforced.

I know for a fact that several of my friends (Professional and hardcore BB and Survivor fans) lost interest until Kaysar emerged as a strong strategic player. -- I know that a number of us are offended by the contempt shown for the 5 million voters by April and Jennifer in the feed comments. - IMO - it is not the wisest CBS choice this week to allow Kaysar to go - it could spell ratings disaster.

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Guest somepeople
Arnold Shapiro on House Calls tomorrow.  I can't wait to ask him what the hell do they have to do to get a penalty nomination!  And how Beau and April made it past the pysch tests.

Today on the feeds the sheep were talking about Howie ..and Maggie said he is just like all the pysch patients that come into the ER, April said I wonder how he passed the 80? quetion test to get in here. This is the funny part.....Jennifer said you just lie like i did...then it cut to fish.

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Did anyone catch housecalls yesterday it was interesting.... When Marcellas said in the end it does not matter who played the game better but, it's all about a popularity contest so my question is if someone where to play stratigicly but you're not liked will they ever stand back and Think:

"Hey you played this game well and deserve to win"

But, say for instance a nice peson is at the end but, the voter(s) saw one or two diary room tapes they got offended by and that nice person lose a vote.

Do you think a nice person can still win in this game?

Like Lisa in BB3 (if you remember her)

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Guest sunflower0501

i have had the same problem, i wasn't home the last 2 days to watch house calls, and when i went to watch house calls, i kept getting a message that said it wasn't connecting to the server. does it still work, when it is being shown live?

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i have had the same problem, i wasn't home the last 2 days to watch house calls, and when i went to watch house calls, i kept getting a message that said it wasn't connecting to the server. does it still work, when it is being shown live?

Same thing happened to me.

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Guest Peaches

I haven't seen the show yet but if you're asking about this season, it doesn't matter at this point. The only nice, polite houseguest left is walking out the door on Thursday.

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Thank you, I am so glad its not just me!! I am too sick...I know Marcellas has been going crazy with all the happenings the past few days.

It is so strange, I can watch the ones from last week, but none of the ones from this week. Maybe its a bug that will work itself out. I hope so anyway.

Sunflower, I don't know if the problem exists during the live show, because I always wait to watch at night when the hamsters are sleep.

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Guest sunflower0501

well my work schedules vary, so sometimes i am home to watch house calls live, which i will be tomorrow, and that is one i really want to see, because one of the producers of bb will be on the show. i am curious as to his opinion to what has been happening. i agree, i really want to see tuesday's show.

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