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7/22 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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10:52am BBT Lawon in the hoh with B/R. He wants to work with them til the end. He's been loyal to them since the beginning. He doesn't want to put them up because they are always going to be the target, keeping the target off of him. (He's really blowing smoke up their butts, imo) He says he trusts B/R to have his back no matter what.

Brendon is telling him they feel comfortable with him. He says there's no duos anymore (except B/R, of course). Lawon swears he's loyal and he wants the vets to keep him as long as possible. Lawon's telling them he'll have their backs in the jury house too.

Lawon has been LOYAL and he's pretty much saying he's there just to help them (b/r) get to the top.

Voice came over the speaker telling them they were going to be locked out of the hoh. Meeting is breaking up.

B/R thinks BB just need to clean the fish tank. They're grabbing clothes for the upcoming comp.

They don't really believe a word Lawon says. They think Lawon is telling them whatever he thinks they want to hear.

11:05 -- B/R talking about Danielle in hoh. Saying that she whines about not being able to compete but it's good for her. Brendon says Dom is going to be loyal to Dani, not them. He thinks they'll team up with J/J and try to take them out. Rachel thinks Porsche should stay in the game because P doesn't trust J/J and she knows Dani doesn't like her. Brendon feels more comfortable leaving Adam in the game rather than Dom. They both think Dom will blindside them if they trust him. Brendon starts to talk about making a mistake by turning on J/J and we get FOTH.

11:14 -- B/R, Dom and Shelly in the kitchen, talk is about slop. All 4 feeds on them.

Dani comes in. Brendon rags on her a little and she says, "Leave me alone, Brendon, this is the first time I've ever been on my own...oh wait, that's PT (Dom)." (pretty funny)

Jeff comes in and laughs about catching people in the bathroom talking at 3am and how they changed the subject quickly when he walked in.

11:20 -- Rachel talking to Porsche in the storage room, telling her she needs to win hoh this week. Jeff walks in and catches them (lol, he didn't hear though I don't think). Rachel tells P that K/L don't care enough to want to win. Porsche wants Kalia gone because she'll be a pain in the a$$ in jury. Rachel is telling Porsche how she and Brendon are the biggest targets in the game. She wants to know if Porsche wants to stay in the game. Rachel is telling Porsche that they have to stick together. P wants to know if she needs to be loyal to B/R or to the whole vet group. Rachel tells her that's up to her. Rachel assures her that she and Brendon will look out for her.

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Porsche and Rachel are in the storage room chatting, Porsche asks if Rachel is in her 4 alliance or 5 alliance and Rachel says yes and the we need to bring you in to play, so maybe you need to win HOH this week maybe. Porsche says she wants to get Kalia out before jury as she will drive her crazy, Rachel says Lawon and Kalia don't want to win

11:20 BBT

Rachel says she is bad at questions and that they need to think about who has fans and who doesn't, then she says "Porsche we gotta stick together" She says she Rachel has a huge target on her back, and Porsche says they are slowly losing ppl who have any balls to like put someone important up, Rachel says that Brendon has her back for sure. leaving storage room

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On the kitchen Jeff is cooking and Rachel is talking about she can stare at his food, no big to her, as she will get to eat her HOH food later, Rachel says are you happy you get to eat Shelly? Shelly says oh yeah, she had a sandwich and is good for now and has not had her hot shower yet. Shelly says she has only had maybe 3 hot showers since she been there, and taking cold showers sucks and you don't feel like you get your hair clean in a cold water wash.

Rachel is talking about "wonder what the food comp will be?" and what will I get to wear, ( always thinking of herself) Rachel says the comps are fun and she is trying to be light hearted and maybe take the advice that Dani and Shelly gave her last night

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all the cams are on the same thing so it's kinda boring, general chit chat. In kitchen, talking about if Jelly beans melt, saying America was nice this last time (giving them jerky and jelly beans), now talking about eggplant and escargot, Dom says he would starve, Rachel says baby food and Bok Choy, Rachel is talking about Bok choy being a green leafy veg used in Asian cooking,(hello, it's cabbage,lol)

lots of laughing and talking at once something about Adam and Dom pouring sugar on Adam

Talking about some song having something to do with todays comp

music of course cause they are throwin names out there

turn off the faucet peeps, so I can hear, Everyone talking at once, Rachel's annoying laugh breaking in occasionally

How many hrs do Koala bears sleep ar day, they all guess, Rachel says 22 tey spend the other 2hrs eating or working out in the yard, everyone laughs at that one.

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Jeff is cooking up a storm in the skillet but I do not see what it is, everyone munching

switched over and Kalia laying in bed really looking off into space with a sad mean look on her face, the Lawaon says Jeff's so crazy cause they can hear them in the background, Kalia does not respond and closes her eyes, guess it is nap time

back to kitchen, same thing going on, eating , talking and cooking, but no game talk

Zing bot is being talked about and they are saying zing bot was a hit, water running makes it all sound jumble, now saying zinfbot versus Chen bot, now saying " who encouraged him?" talking about Dom, cause he is the one who is making all the silly talk, then they call Rachel to the DR, and Dom says "Hope that isn't the food comp" Shelly says "hurry up and eat ppl", Dom says "hurry up and eat, then vomit", now talking in that stupid accent stuff

music and all 4 feeds on WBRB but no trivia or anything

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Now there is trivia, so it must be the food comp, at 11:57 BBT

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2:35pm BBT

Brenchel and Dom discussing Jeff and Jordan (expert whispering, hard to hear)

Dom wants them to cut Jeff next week when they go to singles?

This week, he wants to get Lawon out (the only other couple available, besides Dom and Adam).

Rachel asks how do we know you won't tell Jeff about their conversation. Dom doesn't trust Jeff.

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2:41 pm BBT

Brenchel think that Jordan has Kalia and Shelley and Jeff is trying to pull Adam. They want Dani to find out what that side is thinking.

To throw people off, they will nominate Dom and Adam this week and Adam goes home.

Rachel still holding a grudge because Jeff wouldn't nominate Cassi last week as the first nomination, says they struck first (against their alliance).

Second strike is that Jeff and Jordan didn't come talk to Rachel after the competition (her ego knows no bounds!)

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2:48 BBT,

Dom, Brenchel in the lounge room just plotting against J/J, Rachel is sooo over the top with her power it seems, they just went over a whole scenerio about how they are going to get Jeff when they go to singles, because if Jeff goes, they know Jordan is worthless, that is what Brenchel says.

Now Dom is on the bed in one of the rooms whispering to Dani about the convo that was just had, hard to hear them

Basically Dom says they want Dom to get friendly with J/J and then (can't hear) Now Sani says don't snap at me I am 5 steps ahead of you all

Porsche walks into the room where Dom and Dani are, asking about nail polish, now Dom is making stupid convo to not let Porsche know what they were talking about, Porsche leaves,

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2:50 pm Dom leaves

Rachel tells Brendon he needs to apologize to production for saying "like 6 times" he doesn't want to be here

Cameras switch to Dom going to speak with Dani

He carries the Brenchel message to Dani, who says "Duh!, that's exactly what I told them"

The idea to get Jeff and Jordan was originally Dani's. Dom and Dani know they are wrong about Kalia, that Kalia is with Dom and Dani

Dani says she is 5 steps ahead of Dom.

Porsche enters, obviously the HoH is set up for video or movie. There was a luxury competition that Jordan won. She shared with Kalia and Shelley.

Porsche leaves, Dom and Dani play around, flirting.

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nothing being said just yet but Dani did make a sarcastic remark to Dom, saying "You're just a little boy", then Dom tells Dani her breath stinks, then she says stay away then, you are sooo annoying, silence

they are whispering mouthing without making a sound, soooooo annoying

cannot make out a word they are sayin, impossible

hope someone else can hear them and report,lol

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2:55 pm BBT

Dani wants Dom to tell Jeff and Jordan about the Brenchel conversation but to leave out Dani's part out of it.

Hard to hear, the covers rustling

Back... Dani would rather have Adam out. Conversation moves to Dom wanting Dani out since day one, he says no I wanted your Dad out.

They want to backdoor either Brenchel or J/J because the way people are playing those four will be the last ones in the house.

Sounds like Dani wants Dom to turn on Brenchel once they go to singles (not 100% sure which couple she was talking about).

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they left the room and a lot of commotion about something, I hear name dropping and we get music (thanks Mendes for hearing what you did, I could not)

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3: 10 pm Long WBRB

3:12 pm BBT

Kalia and Shelley in backyard, they got to watch a TV show. Feeling sorry for Rachel because she couldn't get to her food in the HoH.

Another round of palm trees (WBRB... hope someone else is around to report when they return)

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Brenchal and Dani are in HOH. They agree that Dom and Adam are best ones to put on block. Rachel is upset because she didn't get to eat sushi. Dani is heading down to have some alone time with Adam. Dani says J and J are not going to be helping Brenchel much longer. Dani thinks Jeff would give the HOH to Shelly. Talking about how J and J are so stupid. They are just playing for jury like summer camp. Dani says Jeffs got to go. Rachel thinks they don't have the votes to get J and J out now. But Dani and Brendon say they do.

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Jeff comes into HOH room and asks if Brenchel is mad about Jordan winning luxury and getting to watch a TV show. they say no, just Rachel upset about not getting sushi. They talk about they want to put Dom and Adam up. They don't think Kalia and Lawon will win POV,

Rachel says that people are trying to put up a rift between Brenchal and JeJo. she wants to make sure JeJo is not listening to them. Jeff says no we are not listening. Jeff says Jordan just wants to get to Jury. Jeff wants the vets to get to final 5. He says they are 100% not listening to people trying to put a split between them.

Brendon says the only way they can mess up is if they let the newbies mess up their game. Rachel is afraid JeJo and Brench will take each other out and then Adam or Kalia will win. Rachel says Lawon is a floater - not choosing sides. Keep him in the game until they need him to go.

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Jeff says Dom is more physical and logical and will do better than Adam. Talk about how they will put up Adam and Dom and then decide which one to vote out. Rach says Dom will throw POV but Adam doesn't know if he will or not. Rachel does not want Lawon in jury house. Brendon says this is a good week to get out someone strong.

Jeff thinks Adam is more sneaky than Dom. They say Dani thinks Adam is American player. The others don't

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Switched to have not room. Dani and dom whispering up a storm. Dom playing with Dani's hair. Dani says that what happened today (with Jordan winning luxury) was good. Because now Rachel is so mad with Jejo and it is easy to split them up.

Dani telling Dom that Adam had made a deal with Veterans first week and then went against them in the first vote. Lots of whispering and I cant hear.


Dom thinks it would be best if someone else put up JeJo instead of Dani/Dom.

Kalia walks into room. General chitchat.

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More whispering -D/D and Kalia.

Dom telling Kalia about Adam making deal with Dick on first week.

Dani telling Kalia if Kalia wins the veto to take Dom and Adam off so that JeJo will go up. The longer they let the foursome stay together the more people they will take out

Dom asking if he should throw veto if he is put up. Nobody knows.

Dani says if you could have anybody in jury who would it be. Kalia wants jeff out then they can control Jordan.

Daniele called to diary room

That's it for me now.

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Dani is so passive agressive, just asked Kalia if she wants to go home, sorta trying to act like she is kidding, bt i thnk she is serious, she uses her sarcasm to make jabs at everyone, Dom Kalia and Dani in the kitchen general yakking, or I see Brenson in there, MUSIC

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Dom and Poeschw in the have not room, but I ti=hink I have missed their convo cause they are leaving

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ok Brensdon and Kalia in the lounge room together, Kalia asking if they are their targets, Brendon says no, Kalia wondering if she is picked to play veto and win will they use it and then take themselves off and put up?? didn't catch it, she says Lawon is turning on her, she knows that he cant tell her but she is worried Brendon is basically saying not to worry

muaic, I get sooo sick of the BB theme

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