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POV - Week 9


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Yeah, feeds have been back for almost 10 minutes now. They're all telling Hayden how he did a great, fast job at POV.

Neither Britney nor Enzo seem sad. I wonder if they both think they're safe with Hayden winning.

Hayden won PoV, Jokers said ,Lane is only one safe :animated_rotfl:

Competiton was about evicted people in past challenges etc. NT

8:06 PM They agree it was a good/crazy challenge.. talk about stacking things and mention there being popcorn NT

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I hope Hayden doesn't change the nominations.

Go Home Britney - go hang with your other alliance, Matt and Ragan.

I would love to see that little "princess" leave and it just be the 3 fellas in the final 3, just like the planned on day 2.

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I hope Hayden doesn't change the nominations.

Go Home Britney - go hang with your other alliance, Matt and Ragan.

I would love to see that little "princess" leave and it just be the 3 fellas in the final 3, just like the planned on day 2.

If it were just 3 more deserving guys... blech

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If Hayden and Enzo were final two, Hayden would win 7 - 0.

Do you really think so? I am not so sure because I think Brendon and Rachel would not vote for Hayden because it was his nomination that took out Brendon.

Granted I think Brendon would vote for the better player (wins), but I think Rachel would hold a grudge, but I could be wrong.

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Do you really think so? I am not so sure because I think Brendon and Rachel would not vote for Hayden because it was his nomination that took out Brendon.

Granted I think Brendon would vote for the better player (wins), but I think Rachel would hold a grudge, but I could be wrong.

Enzo will never be in final two as Lane will crank it up now :animated_rotfl:

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the only thing that would be entertaining would be to backdoor Enzo. Have Hayden make his "power move" and put Enzo on the block and have Lane vote out Enzo. The look on Enzo's face would be amazing and be the moment of the season.

That would help Lane with Brit so I don't think Hayden will play it that way ;)

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Britney gone-too bad. Three dodos in the final HOH--I just hope that Enzo does not pull one out of his butt. Guess I will jump on the Hayden bandwagon as a prediction to win. Hard to really pick anyone this year. Very strange cast to say the least. Just a few days left, then out of our misery for this season. Until about 6 months from now and the anticipation will begin again.

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