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Britney - Week 9 - Winner of Americ's Choice


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Bye Bratney. Oops, I mean Britney.

Another person to fall victim to Hayden and his hair. Is there any doubt Hayden has this thing in the bag now? Honestly, seeing him win it is going to be worse than when Adam won. At least Adam's creepy eyes bulging when he was declared the winner was somewhat fun. You can't even see Hayden's eyes. Only teeth.

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After at least 30 minutes of straight nail biting, she cried. I was wondering why she didn't get up and leave earlier and instead of just sitting there. I think she's playing the little crying girl game to them, but she has no other options at this time.

She also said she gave up everything for 3 months and to know you have no shot at winning is what made her cry. That's part of the game and though I guess all hg expect to win to some point the reality is most of them are just wasting their time there and getting a paycheck for it.

Hayden disappeared (pussied out IMO) and left the others to tell her then when got back acted surprised that they told her while he wasn't there. They (Enzo and Lane) laughed a lot about the inside jokes then told Twitney. Her best friend (Lane) made the biggest fool of her, IMO.

Enzo talks way too much, Hayden asking out right who will take him to F2. It's not over until it's over, so I am not counting any of them out yet.

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If Enzo was smart he'd vote out Lane after reflecting back on how easy it was for the other guys to put him. But he's so obsessed with this "Brigade in final three" crap that he won't do the logical thing and try to go to finals with Britney (essentially what Lane had planned). If he saved Britney he might have a shot. No way he's going to beat Hayden in endurance and Lane in questions. In a way, Enzo is just like Britney. Britney could have turned the game around just by staying with B&R, the same way Enzo could if he wasn't so against Britney. Either of them could have won this game, now both will lose.

I hope Hayden wins. Lane already has wealth and a life on easy street, Enzo doesn't deserve $500K for letting everyone do the dirty work.

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If Enzo was smart he'd vote out Lane after reflecting back on how easy it was for the other guys to put him. But he's so obsessed with this "Brigade in final three" crap that he won't do the logical thing and try to go to finals with Britney (essentially what Lane had planned). If he saved Britney he might have a shot. No way he's going to beat Hayden in endurance and Lane in questions. In a way, Enzo is just like Britney. Britney could have turned the game around just by staying with B&R, the same way Enzo could if he wasn't so against Britney. Either of them could have won this game, now both will lose.

I hope Hayden wins. Lane already has wealth and a life on easy street, Enzo doesn't deserve $500K for letting everyone do the dirty work.

Really good argument, EXCEPT I'm afraid it all relies on "If Enzo was smart".

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Bye Bye Bitchney. Cant say I dont think you deserve the news you got tonight. It made for some great feeds - maybe the best of the season. Yep, the dumbos in the Bra-gade got you. No 500k for you. Not even 50k for you. The entire summer - all for nothing. Maybe had you been a bit nicer to Rachel and Brenden this season wouldnt have turned out this way. Something to think about.

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Had Britney and Ragan not been so hypocritical about Brenchel, they could have actually teamed with them and made a good alliance. But Britney thought she was smart going with the rest of the house. You know, much of which was actually a big alliance called The Brigade that was waiting to toss her at any time. Yep, so smart, Britney!

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Had Britney and Ragan not been so hypocritical about Brenchel, they could have actually teamed with them and made a good alliance. But Britney thought she was smart going with the rest of the house. You know, much of which was actually a big alliance called The Brigade that was waiting to toss her at any time. Yep, so smart, Britney!

In her defense nobody figured out The Brigade except Ragan. However he was too scared or something to use that to his advantage. The main reason The Brigade was able to hide so long was because they could never win anything other then Matt.

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Bye Bratney. Oops, I mean Britney.

Another person to fall victim to Hayden and his hair. Is there any doubt Hayden has this thing in the bag now? Honestly, seeing him win it is going to be worse than when Adam won. At least Adam's creepy eyes bulging when he was declared the winner was somewhat fun. You can't even see Hayden's eyes. Only teeth.

Adam is a piece of crap federal criminal facing 25 years in prison so I do not see any comparision between Hayden ,who will use the money to help pay for his sister's college education and that slime. :rolleyes:

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The fact that she keeps referring to this whole experience as a waste of time because she didn't win the 500K shows what a spoiled brat she is. So many people would give up so much to go into the BB house win or lose and they would probably take away all the positive and not consider it a gigantic waste of time. Plus it's her own fault for being so damn stupid trying to team up with those guys.

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The fact that she keeps referring to this whole experience as a waste of time because she didn't win the 500K shows what a spoiled brat she is. So many people would give up so much to go into the BB house win or lose and they would probably take away all the positive and not consider it a gigantic waste of time. Plus it's her own fault for being so damn stupid trying to team up with those guys.

She won 10 000. How much is her stipend ?

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First off I wanna say that Britney is possibly the most unlikeable BB contestant of all-time. I know that is a big statement but here me out.....(very long)

This season, as we all know, has been a huge disappointment and Brit is the face of that disappointment (her and matt but mostly her). In my opinion the reason why this season sucked so much was that people couldn't see or didn't care to see what was obviously going on right underneath their noses. Enzo is bragging about how this is the greatest alliance ever, no Enzo your "brigade" alliance would only worked in this season, you better get on your knees and thank god you played on this season due to the horrible play that went on throughout the house.


Brit was also obvious in how she was playing the game from week 1. She started sucking up to whomever was HOH, threw Annie under the bus right away, and of course started her mad trash talk with Monet. She lucks into winning her first POV, Rachel gets Monet out. (which is odd that is what Rachel wanted so badly at that moment which was another bad game play by another bad player this season)

Rachel and Brit become "buddies" as Brit starts to play all sides of the house. As Kristen/Hayden were on the block Kristen starts hinting that there is a "boys alliance" because Hayden feels no need to fight that week. Kristen tells this to whoever will listen.....no one does. Brit tells Rachel in the bathtub "that even if there is a boys alliance it is too early in the game for it to matter." WHAT!?!?! Stupid statement by a "diehard fan". She then kept on boosting Rachel's ego and telling her that Kristen is being the "cool girl" in the house and is just sucking up to all the boys. That Kristen wants to be the cool girl with the guys. Well it seems to me Britney was equally jealous of that and that is what bonded her and Rachel. Typical high school girl garbage gets in the way of good game play. Brit obviously wanted to be the "cool girl" with the guys and was dying to be their buddy every week, yet she accused Kristen of this when she was OBVIOUSLY doing the same thing yet Rachel's dumbass couldn't see it because she was too self absorbed. So Brit befriending Rachel during those early weeks really did nothing for her in terms of winning the game when she couldve made a power play.

As the season goes on we all know about her constant trash talking (she is an all-star in BB behind the back sh*t talking). She continued to suck up to whomever was the HOH for the week then when she finally wins her HOH she trusts Lane/Enzo and even Brenden (who she hated) and they played her like a fiddle to get Matt out. She even told Lane.."I am doing yall's dirty work for you." She also knew that Ragan thought greatly of her and Matt yet she was quick to say that Matty threw Ragan under the bus, and last week made up lies about what Matt said about Ragan for no reason since Matt was out of the house. When there was only five people left last week you would think she wouldve figured out that there was this "boys" alliance and the final five confirmed that, instead she continued to be oblivious to it. Ragan flat out told her, he figured it out the week before with seven people left, and she still didn't take it that seriously. I can't believe that she would have to be even told at that point, it was obvious.

Then tonight, the Brigade finally tells her and she tries to play it off early on in the conversation by continuously telling lies and looking stupid. She is SOOOOOO obvious when she is lying, I hope everyone can tell that watches. You can tell she tries to make up BS as she's talking mid-sentences. Enzo asks "who were the alliances this season". She says, Brenden and Rachel, Matt and Ragan. Enzo says, I had an alliance. She throws out Matt's name, hits it, then seriously still doesn't have a clue, you could definitely tell that. They tell her the entire story and then she says..."oh yeah Matt told me that he was with yall." Uh, no he didn't, and if he did and you still decided to vote Matt out makes you even more dumb, but Matt never told her that is why Matt was trying to get Ragan out of the house. I'll use her word...DUH! She then sits there analyzing how badly she was played, how badly she played, and how much she was used and played like a fiddle, especially from Lane.

You know what, GO BRIGADE! I haven't said that once this year, and they pulled me in tonight. Everyone tried to stay cool with those guys, not ruffle their feathers all season and they took complete advantage of that. Lane/Enzo have won two competitions between the two of them and yet are sitting pretty. They were very lucky they were cast this season because it was the only season they could get away with that. Brit couldve and shouldve figured it out earlier and made a power play as HOH, yet she did exactly what her boyfriend, who was playing her, told her to do. Matt played it horribly too, but not as bad as Britney. Both were embarrassing considering how cocky both of them were all season and how badly they were played by these jokers. For being such fans of the game that is ridiculous.

And last but not least....her spoiled ass ways pushes her over the edge as the least likable BB player ever. She was so self-absorbed. Says "she gave up all summer to be here, and wah wah wah." Who wouldn't love that opportunity? The POV that Brenden won when he shaved his head, she wasn't upset he won the Veto as much as she was upset that she didn't click in to win any of the prizes. She started crying about that. She said last night that she was upset that she shouldn't have played the game and went for the prizes instead because "she hasn't won anything yet" in terms of money/vacations.....wah wah wah. Good riddance to this girl, and I hope she does not win the 25,000 but I am afraid that she probably will as CBS made her much more likable in their editing then she really is.

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Didn't get past the first sentence of most unlikeable, cause for me that's Natalie from last season. Ugh. I'm usually able to totally forget most of the houseguests, but she was the worst.

I thought Britney to be very funny and defintely entertaining in a houseful of yawns. Without her and Enzo, just a bunch of bores.

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Didn't get past the first sentence of most unlikeable, cause for me that's Natalie from last season. Ugh. I'm usually able to totally forget most of the houseguests, but she was the worst.

I thought Britney to be very funny and defintely entertaining in a houseful of yawns. Without her and Enzo, just a bunch of bores.

I read it all since it was in paragraphs but if it had not been I would not even gave it a second glance :animated_rotfl: That moment where Hayden says no I am not using the veto was hilarious and Brit knew it was so over :animated_rotfl::food-smiley-005:

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Didn't get past the first sentence of most unlikeable, cause for me that's Natalie from last season. Ugh. I'm usually able to totally forget most of the houseguests, but she was the worst.

I thought Britney to be very funny and defintely entertaining in a houseful of yawns. Without her and Enzo, just a bunch of bores.

I also doubt anyone will ever approach Gnatalie for most unlikeable HG ever. Even after she found out she was mostly h8ted, she tried to argue about it. All that crap about CBS paying for her wedding and broadcasting it. Britney is annoying in her own special way, no way I could root for her or care if she is booted out but her mean girl social skills are far superior to the Gnat. Can't wait to see a bit of a showdown btw Britster and Retch-chel but I bet we'll get another backside kissing finale.

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I also doubt anyone will ever approach Gnatalie for most unlikeable HG ever. Even after she found out she was mostly h8ted, she tried to argue about it. All that crap about CBS paying for her wedding and broadcasting it. Britney is annoying in her own special way, no way I could root for her or care if she is booted out but her mean girl social skills are far superior to the Gnat. Can't wait to see a bit of a showdown btw Britster and Retch-chel but I bet we'll get another backside kissing finale.

Yep, they'll find a way to kiss and make up - for their sakes, I hope it's real, at least someday.

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Hands down Natalie was most unlikable and disgusting houseguest ever!

Karma is a bitch. Britney has been cruel with her mocking of other houseguests. Now she realizes her crush in the house was playing her from day 2. Played her BIG time!!! :hahohi:

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He didn't play her. All indication in his DRs (the only real truth in this game) was that he would take her to finals. He just got put in a position where he can't save her and avoid showing his cards to the rest of The Brigade (hence the posturing in the HOH, so the guys don't realize he had one foot out the door with them).

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He didn't fight in several comps including this past POV so he didn't have to make a decision between her and the Brigade. The one comp he won he didn't want to win because he didn't want to make decisions. He wasn't taking anyone anywhere, he was perfectly fine being taken.

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