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Former Houseguests Return Tommrow For Pov Comp Not Happenig

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Dep that's why I love you so much... You don't apologize for who you like, you like them and are going to like them no matter what... I didn't mind James at all... He's been nice to me, as has the rest of last season's cast...

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OK... I'll admit I watched the one video up to where he said he was helping someone paint a YARD SALE sign.

(I made it for about 35 seconds)

When I saw the black on his fingers... I thought maybe he had to have his fingerprints taken.

BUT ... now (after I heard he asked for money) ... maybe he was trying to print some of his own and it was the ink.

<--- uhh not a fan of James

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Matty went to an audition, nothing to do with BB... That's what he was talking about when he said something about getting ready to be back on TV... It is James not Matty or Ryan that is going to help out with the comp... :)

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