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Wednesday, July 30th


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Don't forget... there's not a show tonight. Eviction and new HoH has been moved to Thursday nights.

Cam 1 & 2 on Libra and Keesha in HoH talking about "other" girls trying to get up on their man.

Cam 3 & 4 Dan, Renny, Memphis and HOllie in the BY chatting on the couches.

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Don't you wish BB would force the HGs to hang out with each other. All week long Jess, Michelle, Meph, Angie hang and the rest hang...Why can't they make HGs to take Square Dance lessons...Imagine Jesse and Libra "dosy do-ing.." LOL!!!Then HG could say, "Stab your partner in the back..."

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I'm sorry I would not buy the HG stuff on Ebay, they are not big stars and by the time the next season starts I start to forget the previous seasons names.

Give me a break these people and their talk of being famous and stuff when they get out of the house I wouldn't look at them if we were walking down the same street.

Every person on a reality show thinks they are famous after being on these shows. If they would read what people thought of them online they would see how much we really like them.

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You better know they do read these boards after they get out of that house... I can tell you that one of them posted here for a very long time, and one of their mom's check's this board... That's why I am very careful about what I say... I have found once they are out of that house, they are just regular people that are pretty nice... People that if not for the show, you would most likely hang out with, if you knew them...

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I will try and keep my posts about their gameplay as much as possible because I don't know them outside the house so I can only go by what I see and hear on the show and feeds.

I do have a problem with Libra leaving her babies though.

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You better know they do read these boards after they get out of that house... I can tell you that one of them posted here for a very long time, and one of their mom's check's this board... That's why I am very careful about what I say... I have found once they are out of that house, they are just regular people that are pretty nice... People that if not for the show, you would most likely hang out with, if you knew them...

Reminds me of something...."If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen."

Sorry, but I could care less who posts/reads these boards. I've been posting the same way for five seasons and won't change it now.

Saying something I don't really mean, or saying something to impress others is just pretending.....I call it as I see it.

P.S. I only know about them from what I see on the show, but judging how most act on the show, I'd never hang out with any of them anyway.

Not sure, why these hgs or any other hgs should get special treatment. Go read the Brittney Spears thread...people have no problem calling her trash..and some of those people defend hgs. I don't see the difference---both are in the public eye. You go public, you open yourself to scrutiny.

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Sorry, but I could care less who posts/reads these boards. I've been posting the same way for five seasons and won't change it now.

Sure Ginger, and I understand what you are saying... I am just in a different situation... I have to keep my feelings about them and their game play to myself... I got lucky with season's 5 and 6 cause I did say some things about some of the people and yeah they read it, but thankfully didn't take it personally (love ya Scott, and James, and Howie!!!), then in season 8 some of them did take it personal...

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Wow, It's good they actually read what we think! I hope Grodner/BB listens and cares. I give everyone whose been on the show props! I couldn't put myself out there as much as they have! I still like getting things about the show/HGs off my chest though. I would not enjoy BB much without Morty's

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tomorrow seem like endurance

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11:45AM BBT: BB: "Dan, this is a reminder that sleeping in the living room is not permitted. He heads to the sauna room to nap."

Why is it ok in the sauna room, the back yard and other places & not in the living room?

No sleeping in the daytime - dance hamsters, dance!


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Libra is in bed....a dollar for every donut and I bet she gets her ass out of bed to eat the dinner Renny cooked.

Click your heels together 3 times and repeat your wish: 3 month vacation, 3 month vacation, 3 month vacation.

Skreesha is as controlling as Libra when it comes to the other hg.

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Skreesha is as controlling as Libra when it comes to the other hg.

She sure is with her - people will vote out who i want thing- I so wish they turn on her & vote jessie out without telling her - look on keesha's face priceless...


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