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Odds For A "BBB"...... Big Brother Baby In 9 Months

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I have a feeling they are going to be having lots more sex in the house until one of them is out the door.


Oh April is going to be one of those girls, when the stick turns blue.. says, well I don't know how it happened, I made him pull out everytime



I never saw this addressed anywhere. BB stocks condoms for them so why didn't they use one? Did they at least use one the second time?


Ollie doesn't have to worry about his biggest fear "that he would have kids out there somewhere, that he doesn't know about' :wacko: ...........once April gets her seed planted, she will never let him go.


I agree............most of the time, it's a big YAWN :sleep1:

part of the reason I don't care about Angie going is that I am so tired of watching her sit on the couch smoking, like it's too much energy to get involved in the game.


If anyone doubted that April was skanked up and on the show for anything BUT the sex, well, ummmm, didn't you see the first show - she let JERRY feel her up - what a sick, sick, twisted girl. NOT to mention that Jerry was IN the room during the latest booty call................ EWWWWWWWWWWWW VOMIT.gif

I mean how LOW class can you get???

For Ollies sake, he better get one of those sock puppet makers to sew one on him!!!!! baby-2.gif

They are both just NASTY


Has anyone considered that maybe Ollie may be too "BIG" for the condoms provided...?


If size was the issue, she would be making some sort of noise during it. As it stands, the dude lasts 5 minutes or so and thats it. Its pathetic.

If I were a single dude on the show, April would be #4 on the list for me.


I've had some personal stuff going on....so I've not been online very much and have not watched the feeds lately....so they've done "it" again and this time with Jerry in the room??? That is just too frickin NASTY! :(



Yes they sure have TCS and let's all hope there isn't a BB baby.gif, or else we all better smilierun.gif...


as for the size problem...... let's see who was the comedienne who put one over his head then blew them up? Ollie might have a big "head" but not that big.... though we might see before the series is done. :animated_shocking:


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