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Guest ranster627

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Maggie, Beau,and Eric are in the kitchen talking about having a good day working out. Rachel comes in.. mostly chit chat; nothing much. Eric is making some type of protein shake that looks nasty. Maggie asks if they taste good.. Eric responds "as far as shit goes". [gosh the guys cannot say anything without cussing].

James comes in and tells Beau he is his favorite day friend. He tells him that he reminds him of an old friend, very funny. Beau is being funny talking about the rats in the walls (camera crew).

Beau tries to bet Eric to do dips... Eric replies that he has already worked out twice today. They are all just acting goofy. Eric is trying to mix peanut butter in his shake to make it taste better.

Sarah just came in and said "holy crap where did all these dishes come from" .. eric replied "from the gold room".

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BB just gave them a variety pack of medications. Eric is coaching Jenn on how many benedryl allergy to take.

Beau is saying too many - she's going to be knocked out.

E: just TAKE them! You're not going to pass out. You might get a little drowsy.

I: Is she getting allergies? Hypochondriac!

B: Take ONE tablet every 4 to 6 hours

J: I'm allergic to Beau's lips!

I: Cappy, I think my shin hurts

Eric is doing dishes. In kitchen by himself now.

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Beau, Ivette and Sarah (I think) in the gym working out.

Talking about laundry. Beau is explaining "spot" treating and Ivette thinks he's saying "spock" treating.

I got off treadmill, asking Sarah if she wanted to use it. Ivette said she's not ready to do it yet.

Ivette seems to have left the gym.

Sarah is saying she hates the mirror in the gym ... "worst mirror ever! Makes my top look huge!"

B: it's supposed to be a skinny mirror

S: ok, i'm in trouble then!

Ivette (I think) is in the dining room lifting her legs.


Howie talking to Janelle saying she has great legs and when they start dating, she's not smoking anymore.

H: Mike I want to apologize b/c you weren't here to defend yourself, and I was hitting on your girl...trying to make her mine, intice her, "induce" her.

H: I'm tired of hitting on her (who?). She's old. She sleeps all day. Jenny is a walking mind case...doesn't know who she's dating, where she's living...moving to Las Vegas, California, Nevada...she doesn't know where she's going...how the hell can I figure her out?

Who else?

H: Sarah has the nicest real boobies of anyone I know. To get my hands on those would get me a round of applause from the boys back home. Anything else is gravy on top.

J: What about Rachel?

H: I've made some moves on her, and I will continue to make some moves on her. My sense of her is that the cobwebs have been there on her for a while, and I don't see them coming off any time soon. Cobwebs are one thing, boobies are something else though!

H: Blowing kisses to Janelle. Sometimes Mike is so dumb...here I am hitting on you and he acts like there's nothing going on. If you can smoke, I can tease! If you quit smoking, I quit teasing!

H: Mike, what do you think about me?

Mike and Eric were actually standing together folding clothes!

H: These religious guys ... they're here for a cause and they just confuse me! (To Janelle) - I'll tell you right now, the two days you've been exercising is paid off...your body is killer! Mike, I don't know if you noticed or not, but I was hitting on her again...sorry. No I'm not..I'm not sorry!

Janelle is laying on the grass tanning. Kaysar is on a chair in the shade. Howie appears to be starting to lift weights. Jenny just brought James out a protein shake.

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everyone keeps commenting... where is April at???? she seems to have mysteriously disappeared!

they have been asking where she is for the last 30 minutes...

camera 3 has been stationed on the living room....

for some reason I am getting a lot of on and off fish...

K, B, I and Jen in kitchen talking but I keep getting fish noises but no fish picture... very weird... I can see the pic clearly but I am getting the FISH noises.... and then they will say something and it automatically cuts to fish noise... is this happening to anyone else???

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eric n fmale talking in HOH room....

talking about rachel...

female is maggie

e - i kept playing it off saying that i will put you up but you know that we have bigger fish to fry

mag - you said that

e - yeah today

then they are talking about jen and april maiking it really obvious and that james wants april out cuz he thinks she is the leak

e- she is not a strong compet.

mag - but she is strong cuz she gets along w/ everyone

mag - j wants me out, he thinks i am evil

e- no he never said he wanted you out

e - if it weren't for mag n r somebody would have won that pov last week... talking about ivette i believe...

mag - buts she hasn't done any compitions

e- but what have you done (he said that he said this to I)

e- b4 you start naming names you better be damn sure u know who u r talking to...

e- said she brought your name to kick out...

mag- ppl are saying that

e- who said that, you can tell me

mag - she said three ppl have let their emotions get to them... you, mike and Ivetter

mag - beau is looking good right now

mag - I don't have an agreement w/ anyone

mag - I can't put jen up, i just can't, that probably scares you

e- i talked to rachel today and she said if it were us two i want you to win the million (true she did say this i heard her)

mag - is sooooo calculated, she figured out 3 things last night

e - the only one i offended was the one that is going, hey what about kay? he lost his emotions and threw his water!!!

mag - april knows that james said that she is insecure

e- you know what ivette doesn't know either... that james told us that she and beau were together

mag - james told me that rach and howie are together

mag - what u need to do to make me secure w/ ivette... you gotta say something like that"has she made a mistake or did she make you parinoid? if she made a mistake then we will get rid of her......"

e- i personally don't think anyone has a clue about us...

someone came to the door and e jumped up and maggie put the ear phones on...

james came in and said he has to go to the bathroom...

they play it off like there is nothing out of the ordinary...

mag - its 4:45

e- so

mag - i like this one (listening to james taylor)

mag - hey did you not have the volum on the 5

e- are u just figuring that out now???

mag - yeah!

e- ur f***** up

mag - i still have a record player

e- hey james she still has a record player!

james yells from bathroom HIPPIE!!!

mag - i'm not a hippie, i have am stereo

e & mag talking about what music they like... and laundry... and about james having a strip tease... e lets out a killer burp...

mag- how much of your basket do you have left?

e - not much

mag - what is that cream? can i put it on

e- yeah!!

mag is it avon???

e- no it is like that.....

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I keep getting fish noises as well which is making it hard to follow beaus story

Eric is teasing Maggie about still owning a record player. James shouts out "Hippie", eric jokes "but she's not a hippie though."

Maggie is listening to the song Mexico as she lays in the HOH bed listening to the cd player.

Maggie: how much of your basket is left?

Eric: Not much

M: whats that cream

M: can i put it on my hand

E: yeah

M: You're wife get you this?

E: yeah, its Alouet

M: I think I'm the only girl in the house that has arm hair now

E: didn't sarah shave her's last night

M: I'm the only one with blonde hair

M: Show the downstairs

BB: Ivette go to the diary room

M: Ivette has shin splintz

E: yeah i told her she shouldn't work out

M: me too, maybe she'll listen to me more

James has joined

E: Have you noticed how thin he's getting

J: hopefully when he gets out his friends will help him, and go look at yourself

M: Has anyone said they want HOH this week

E: James wants it.

J: I don't care who gets it, I just don't want janelle or kaysar to get it

E: Mike is the alpha fail

BB: Maggie please exchange your microphone for the one in the diary room

James: Thanks for ruining our conversation big brother

James: we can scare kaysar though if he gets HOH

Howie said I don't think I've ever abused a woman like i have janelle,

James: janelle will take anything from a man if she thinks it'll get her somewhere

Eric: I don't know how he can hang out with them

J: i can't respect kaysar after the ivette incident

E: howie is like someone you have to teach from square one

E: You are more of a leader than you think

J: if jennifer wants to fail then let her fail, but i want the to have a dependency on us so they run to us for advice

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j - mikes is starting to get annoying

e- already

j - yeahs hes only been out there 10 minutes

e- only 48 hours...

j- i f****** hung my ass out for that s**** he is saying stupid s*** making f**** stupid voices

e- he is still doing that???

j - he doesn't know he has been doing it

j - have you noticed how thin he has gotten in the last few days???

mag - i've noticed it

j - i hope his friends have him watch it and they say dud you are f**** sick... going out nibbling on ppl and such and

e- yeah he has violated everone

j yeah i saw it with my own f*****eyes

j if they put e up i will do a veto contest and i will get e off... one of us are leaving

mag - do u think he would really vote off the alpha males?

e - no thats mike the alpha FAIL

BB - maggie please go exchange your mic...

j - hey BB thanx for F***** up our conversations, hey that is kinda a complemet, maggie thinks i am an alpha male

ee - i think i will go up

e- we will tell kay "listen mF if you put us up...." he will go hide in the gold room

j - howie said i don't think i have ever abused a woman, but janelle takes it like a chanp

e- i just don;t understand why howie hangs out with them...

j - just like kay, i cannot respect him after the ivette incident

james after the next two week we have to work on the rach howie thing

e- ivette cannot keep her emotions

j - beau will perform well, when these ppl go up they cannot perform

e- haowie is one of those guys when they come into the acadamy i have to show hgim how to do things a couple of times

j - so funny i didn't picture myself as an alpha male...

e- we are giving ppl too good of advice

j - if jennifer wants to fail, then let her fai

e- exactally

j - she is too sacred to make a decision

they are plotting and planning on who they will be getting rid of and stating how they give too much information and are too helpful...

e- im gonna take a shower and then make dinner

j- you gonna make the chicken?

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Kaysar said they should get Ivette out next week then Sarah. He said Sarah is pissed at Ivette for doing a dance for James and flirting with him. Janette talks about how ugly Ivette is.. says no matter how hard she tries she is still ugly.

Janette said it pisses her of for these little people to try to work her for information. Kaysar tells her to just hang in there. Kaysar says that James let the Veto go to his head and can't be trusted now.

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jan & kay sitting outside trashing ivette

jan - she is getto

kay - stating something about I going topless

jan- what???

kay - yep

jan - i don't even go topless unless i am drunk in europe

jan - ia m getting sick of these little f****, if they try to come to me for info I am gonna tell them to go F*** themselves...

UUUGH! I timed out! rebooting!

jan - watch me u dumbass

too much background noise, airplanes and someone making funky noises for me to keep up with the convo... switching cams...

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Janelle: we need to get maggie and rachel

Kaysar: I can get maggie easy

Janelle: you think? But she is getting so close to Ivette

Kaysar: Ivette trying to be all sexy

Janelle: She is not sexy, she can try all she wants but she not

Kaysar: she told me she love's being topless at a beach

Jan: ugh, even i don't go topless unless i'm really drunk in europe on a beach

Kaysar: I trusted james, but i noticed after veto, he let it all get to his head

J: cappy saying he(james) is pulling his wait, james said 'thank you i did it for the team'

kaysar: you have to operate in the cult mentality, you do as the group says, there is no free thinking

Kaysar: after the veto I realized james won't switch sides, he wants to be a leader

Janelle: you think we should get out james first, what if we put up james and eric, one of them will have to go, just like me and michael

if they take one of them off we'll just take a put ivette over, without eric ivette is nothing

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Janelle and Kaysar outside.

K: I think we can totally get Maggie and Rachel

J: She's sick

K: Ivette out next week ... Sarah is insecure - they've been both fighting over James. Sarah is taking a backseat, doesn't say too much , she's shy. Ivete is aggressive.

J: She's disgusting...I'm sorry, she's just not sexy.

K: SHe's ghetto

J: She just can't be 'that' girl

K: She's like ... your religion is really cool, but I just love being topless

J: ewww even I don't go topless....except if I'm drunk and in Europe or in France and everyone else is topless. I'm just sick of these little shits trying to work people - I'm just going to start dealing straight out

K: just hang in there - I just think they think they have the advantage for the moment.

J's talking about a speech that Cappy made about pulling their weight.

K: you have to operate within the cult mentality...there's no free thinking.

J: you would think they'd want to pick up that gorup of girls. They'll have to if one us gets HOH

K: I think b/c of what happened after the veto, James won't switch sides.

J: you think we should take care of James before Eric?

K: not yet...i don't think. We need to get rid of the most significant person in their group (Eric)

K: Without Eric, Ivette is just a mess...she's got nothing.

K: If I get it, then I'll put up Ivette.

J: If I get it, then I'll just put up those two.

K: The beauty of HOH is this, everyone talks to you and you listen to what they have to say.

K: ... it's going to be you, me and Howie that's going to be the core. No information gets past.

J: What if Howie is playing with someone?

K: I mean, I don't know....you could be working with someone.

J: I'm not working with anyone! I'm working with you. What? You think I'm working with someone.

K: I can't be sure.

J: I can't believe that! I swear to God, I'm not working with anyone here. I don't know if Howie is...I don't think he is...well anyway...

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Kaysar: Be super nice to everybody

Janelle: I'm trying, and telling like cappy " oh thank you for cooking dinner"

Kayar: Here's what we are going to do, once the power swings, it'll be you me and howie, no information passed outside

Janelle: what if howie is working with anyone, i know you are not

Kaysar: you could be working with anyone

Janelle: I sware to you i'm not working with anyone that is here

Janelle: howie could be, but maybe not

Kayar: point is the 3 of us need to , then slowly bring people on, we'll protect you if you swing the vote

Kaysar: i sincerly believe rachel doesn't think like them

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April and Beau in hammock

B: I think if you were to be in the final seat with her, you'd do ok. All the guys like you except for Michael, and all the girls like you except for Janelle. People know you and they know about Matt

A: the fact of hte matter is, I am who I am. I forget about the competition. I'd be this way if there was no money at the end.

B: you don't want to let it go too far behind your head b/c you'll get put up.

A: Rachel has not played chess one single time. I know that J is not familiar with any of the girls. She asked me to play chess with her once and I left.

B: That could be a tactic for her to bond with you.

A: well, she's like who wants to play with me? Of course Kaysar walked down there and sat down where I was supposed to sit...that's rude. He didn't say anything about me playing. And so I don't want to sit there and watch two people play for two hours, so I just went down and actually went and listened to Cappy's cd but I'm not going to hold a grudge against J because that's part of her strategy

B: oh so now you're going to be best friends with her?

A: no...trust me, i've said some things about her. I was doing it for us.

B: well I guess we'll see Thursday.

A: Michael had it out for Cappy, and did something about it. I'm not going to do something about this just because she backstabbed me. Plus you asked me not to say anything. In order to go off, I'd have to explain things. I was upset for one two days, but I'm over it. You know what I'm saying. I would never keep her here, that's for sure. I definitely want her out.

B: Howie said the same thing today - about putting up people who are threats to him

A: I don't think you and I are threats to anyone, because of our lifestyle

B: I'm just the party and relaxed

A: And that would be our threat - we give off good energy. As much as M pissed me off to no end, he apologized after the fact. I accepted it. I'm not his friend but I'm not going to treat him like an a-hole for the rest of his stay because that's not who I am.

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B: Jennifer used her little giggles and things to get what she wants.

A: The more you talk to me about Maggie I started thinking about it. A handful of us are seeing it what she's doing - she's working it from every angle without working it. She says she just saw something that upset her but she can't say what it is - she says when the time is right. Well, when is the time right? When the time's right for her.

----plane overhead drowning them out----

B: Cappy asked her, why were you crying? She said I thought you were going to get your ass kicked. Ok, well that's not what you told him then.

A: Rachel has a full heads up that Janelle might...

B: I told Janelle that I didn't know Sarah that well....and now she's in the gym when I'm working out, in the bathroom when I'm in the bathroom. Janelle said she likes Sarah so much that she could totally see herself hanging out with her.

A: Sarah doesn't respect her. The othe rnight she came to the hot tub, and I asked her why do you hang around with him? He's not a good person in this house. Sarah jumped in and said Janelle can't you see what we're trying to tell you? I'm not trying to be rude but open your eyes. I don't think there's anyone in this house that respects Janelle. You can't. As I walked in, Maggie's like 'tell April, tell April'. The more I think about it, she said that so she could go around saying I told April. If you notice, Maggie never takes the blame...never.

A:To be honest, I think Jenn is worried b/c she hears us talking about the reason we're getting rid of people is b/c we don't know them. And she remembers the first week, when we didn't get to know her.

B: she's trying now...doing people's nails and stuff.

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Now Ivette has joined Beau and April on the hammock.

Talking about how Sarah asked Janelle to teach her play chess.

A: The thing is that I know Janelle has talked about me. Rachel is working what she can work now. The best thing to do is not open your mouth about anything.

I: Just make sure that one of us gets HOH, we

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Yvette just said Maggie is "butchy" and a "big butch"

She is annoying according to Yvette and Beau

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Beau is tellinh Yvette about the song Mike made up about her the night in the Gold Room.

Beau is reluctant to tell her because she will "go off"

Yvette is going to "laugh at them so hard" when they get kicked out of the house.

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Yvette started making fun of Mike's "man titties" and that "he walks like a duck" and Janelles "fake hair" and says at least my "tits are mine" and "my hair is mine"

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Howie clogged the toilet and is cleaning the plunger where everyone sits. (in the backyard)

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Janelles know that they are both from Texas and they are in the same sorority.....talking about April and Jenny.

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Outside lockdown "HG this is lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door"

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Guest BigBroAddict

HG...this is a lockdown, everyone outside!

Jame: You know we are waiting for Janelle, again...right? [[ to Ive and April}}

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