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About beckyphry

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  1. Janelle and Howie were up late last night. Around 4:30am BBT Janelle was in the HOH bed reading the Bible and Howie was listening to music flossing his teeth. A few minutes later it was lights out and everyone in the house was sleeping.
  2. 545am BBT and all the houseguests are still sleeping. There was some noises earlier, banging and such off camera, and then James came back to bed. But now it's all quiet.
  3. Looks like Janelle and Sarah both went back to bed. Rachel in the bathroom.
  4. Howie is up and pacing back and forth in the HOH room. He's basically telling James that he's pretty confident in his decision. Janelle says she just doesn't believe James anymore. Howie says to James that he may be the demise of their team. James still blamimng things on the other team, saying Howie took their word over his. Howie talking about how he got no sleep last night because he was worrying and stressing about this. Howie sits back down, asks if James and Sarah have lied to him since they walked in the door. James said since they formed the Sov. 6 they haven't lied at all. Sarah comes upstairs and asks James to come back down, says there's nothing else to talk about. James says he'll be down soon. Howie talking about Kaysar's plans and how James turned on the team. James keeps bringing up the veto competition and how Maggie turned off Sarah's TV, trying to prove that he wasn't playing both sides. James keeps saying that Howie will find out later (when he sees the tapes). Howie telling James that he's had people from the other team say things VERBATIM (he keeps saying that word) that he said earlier with his team, and he wants to know how that happened. James tries to blame it on Kaysar, says K told Maggie who the "weak" players are. Says that James and Sarah's behaviors and actions told him what was up. Howie says he feels confident in his decision but that he might be wrong. James says "let's get the Bible story straight", wants to know what they said. Janelle tells him that she was told that James swore on the Bible he'd up Howie and Rachel up, in front of the whole team (it was just in front of Ivette). Indoor LD James said that you guys really made a mistake. Howie said he made a mistake by trusting him the first time. James said they all had his loyalty. Howie acknowledges that when Cappy comes back in there next week he'll be the target, and he blames that on James.
  5. Howie in HOH with James, Sarah, and now Rachel and Janelle joined them. H, James, and S are doing all the talking. James and Sarah are pissed, talking about how they can't believe Howie believed "them", Sarah can't wait until they all leave here and see the tapes. Howie talking about how trust was broken. Janelle brings up the Bible issue, James denies ever swearing on the Bible. He said that the other team lied, they'd sell out anyone to keep themselves safe. Howie says "they" hold you and Kaysar responsible for Eric leaving. James -- we had an agreement Rachel --- as far as we know, you broke that agreement Sarah (sarcastically) -- well, good job guys Sarah gets up and leaves. James says he doesn't understand where this came from. Janelle brings up the Bible thing again and James denies it once more. Howie defending his nominations very well. Rachel just got up and left. Janelle talking to James about some of the things over the past week, Sarah coming up to the HOH to fold clothes all the time, etc. James: I'm in this mess because I kept my word to Ivette. Howie saying he's sorry if he's wrong about this, but that he doesn't like the way James is playing the game.
  6. Looks like James and Sarah are up. James said "you won, Maggie, you won". April called him out regarding him telling Ivette that he swore on the Bible he'd put up Howie & Rachel. He and Sarah go to HOH to talk to Howie. Ivette, Maggie, and Janelle out back talking at the smoking table.
  7. 5:30pm BBT, we've had fish for a few minutes.
  8. Still outdoor LD. Looks like Howie is inside. Everyone's sitting around the table talking about nothing important. Movies and stuff.
  9. I don't have audio right now, but cams 1 & 2 are on the bedroom, Maggie, Jenny, April talking. Cam 3 is on Howie in the shower, oops, now it's on James peeking into a door... Cam 4 is fish.
  10. Janelle is going to use her PB&J pass for herself. Ivette and Sarah asking if it's ok to puke now, and we have fish again.
  11. Whichever teams ate the most wins. They had buckets at the ends of their conveyor belts (I think), which caught all the extra uneaten food. Howie, Rachel, Jenny, Sarah, and James won --- red team.
  12. The food comp was some sort of conveyor belt with food items coming out on it. They were divided into two teams. Lots of FoTH in and out. Looks like they had to try to eat all the food as it came out, and some of it was huge (like a huge cake). Still not sure which team won (or who was on which team, sorry, hopefully someone else caught it).
  13. 2:51pm BBT April, Ivette, Jen, and Maggie in the HOH room talking about how they told Sarah that Maggie is a dolphin trainer. They're all laughing about it. Maggie told Kaysar about this, too. Jenny's making dolphin noises.
  14. Interesting convo between Kaysar and Maggie. Well, Kaysar did all the talking. I didn't get it all, but at the end, he said "Between you and I, I'm not a graphic designer. That's how I pulled off what I did last week." The gist of Kaysar's monologue was that Maggie has a bunch of followers who kiss her ass (he didn't say that outright) but who probably won't win HOH and that if she really wants to save herself, she'll go further by aligning herself with strong people. He wants her to put someone on the block from her group when the veto is used. He's recounting their conversation to James, Sarah and Janelle now.
  15. Kaysar's sitting alone with his eyes closed, James was sitting alone reading something (bible?).



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